R-Wers ask: "Why doesn't Sanders defend Venezuela"?

What do you imagine that would prove? The fact is that countries that give parents more control over how education money is spent have better outcomes that countries where bureaucrats make all the decisions.

Well, I think you got THAT data from the same place where most of your spewing comes from....
So, please DO wash your hands thoroughly after typing that crap.

(this nitwit actually thinks that there is NO involvement from parents, and that schools don't have school boards,PTA, a state chancellor for education, etc.....which, obviously confirms that biparts was home schooled.)
LOL typical liberal stupidity, do you really thing its free? Put a bag over your head in shame for being willing to let other people pay your bills lib.

Either you are trying to be "funny" or you are really a moron.......

By "free" one obviously means that collectively a society pays fo the education of its young people....We have a system, instead, where if you live even 20 miles from another state's border and want to attend a university there....you'll be charged OUT-OF-STATE tuition (which is usually double) and we have graduates that walk out of an university with $100-$200 K debt....Great way to start your career.

Besides dimwits, state already SUBSIDIZE education.

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