R-W'ers on here and their Donnie "twinkie defense"....

A "Twinkie defense" is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense.....and I'm rather surprised that a defense of Donnie-baby has not yet been linked to poor eating habits.

We have heard that at best, Donnie blew it in inviting (what now seems to be 4 additional people) to the meeting with the Russian lawyer ) based on a "simple rookie mistake"....Never mind that Manafort, especially was heading the Trumpster campaign (was Manafort a rookie too?)

But what is rather interesting to observe is all of the ultra right wing, propaganda outlets (Breibart, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, Fox, etc.) trying to cast the blame for this royal screw up on democrats.....as usual and as expected.

Perhaps if all the above fails, right wingers on here can blame the mess on Donnie-baby having eaten some bad caviar.
I'm scratching my head why we didn't hear about these burning scandals involving Clinton, Lynch, Democratic ties to Russians UNTIL this Don Jr. revelation.
Why wasn't it investigated along with Benghazi? The email server?
Why the sudden interest?

You didn't hear about them because they aren't really scandals! Neither is Donald Trump Jr's talking to a Russian who said she had dirt on Hillary! The reason you ARE hearing about them now is to point out that the Clinton campaign was doing the same if not worse than the Trump campaign was!

Benghazi and the private email servers on the other hand ARE scandals! That was a government official hiding evidence from Congress and then destroying that evidence when it's whereabouts was discovered.
IMO they are worse than scandals. Bill Clinton having sex with an intern in the Oval Office was a scandal that really only affected him, Hillary and unfortunately Monica. Innocent brave Americans died during Benghazi and Hillary's private email server containing classified information is an unconscionable breach of National Security. She was the goddamn Secretary of State!
A "Twinkie defense" is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense.....and I'm rather surprised that a defense of Donnie-baby has not yet been linked to poor eating habits.

We have heard that at best, Donnie blew it in inviting (what now seems to be 4 additional people) to the meeting with the Russian lawyer ) based on a "simple rookie mistake"....Never mind that Manafort, especially was heading the Trumpster campaign (was Manafort a rookie too?)

But what is rather interesting to observe is all of the ultra right wing, propaganda outlets (Breibart, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, Fox, etc.) trying to cast the blame for this royal screw up on democrats.....as usual and as expected.

Perhaps if all the above fails, right wingers on here can blame the mess on Donnie-baby having eaten some bad caviar.

I'm scratching my head why we didn't hear about these burning scandals involving Clinton, Lynch, Democratic ties to Russians UNTIL this Don Jr. revelation.
Why wasn't it investigated along with Benghazi? The email server?
Why the sudden interest?

You didn't hear them throughout the campaign?
A "Twinkie defense" is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense.....and I'm rather surprised that a defense of Donnie-baby has not yet been linked to poor eating habits.

We have heard that at best, Donnie blew it in inviting (what now seems to be 4 additional people) to the meeting with the Russian lawyer ) based on a "simple rookie mistake"....Never mind that Manafort, especially, was heading the Trumpster campaign (was Manafort a rookie too?)

But what is rather interesting to observe is all of the ultra right wing, propaganda outlets (Breibart, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, Fox, etc.) trying to cast the blame for this royal screw up on democrats.....as usual and as expected.

Perhaps if all the above fails, right wingers on here can blame the mess on Donnie-baby having eaten some bad caviar.

Trumpets have the same ethical problem as the orange anus does. Absolutely no accountability. Absolutely no respect for the truth.

So you're lying about Russia being responsible for Hillary's loss, creating vast conspiracy theory to try make excuses for the loss and you don't see the irony of what you said?

You Liberals who pursue this ridiculous Russian Goose Chase on an hourly basis?

You should then have NO worries.....but,here you are spewing your stupidity in "defending" the orange clown.....
The reason you ARE hearing about them now is to point out that the Clinton campaign was doing the same if not worse than the Trump campaign was!

Benghazi and the private email servers on the other hand ARE scandals! That was a government official hiding evidence from Congress and then destroying that evidence when it's whereabouts was discovered.

We are hearing about the Trump scandals because of Clinton...can't your freaking 'defense" of the orange moron EVER be void of the Clinton name???
(that's a rhetorical question......LOL)
The reason you ARE hearing about them now is to point out that the Clinton campaign was doing the same if not worse than the Trump campaign was!

Benghazi and the private email servers on the other hand ARE scandals! That was a government official hiding evidence from Congress and then destroying that evidence when it's whereabouts was discovered.

We are hearing about the Trump scandals because of Clinton...can't your freaking 'defense" of the orange moron EVER be void of the Clinton name???
(that's a rhetorical question......LOL)

Here's a question for you, Nat! How can you accuse Trump of "collusion" when it's rather obvious that Hillary Clinton's campaign was also seeking dirt on Trump and doing so in places like the Ukraine?
Here's a question for you, Nat! How can you accuse Trump of "collusion" when it's rather obvious that Hillary Clinton's campaign was also seeking dirt on Trump and doing so in places like the Ukraine?

Well, that's actually a softball question (and thank you for asking it)....

The Ukraine is an ALLY,,,,while Russia is only one of 2 countries in the world to "approve"of the orange charlatan.......

BUT..........beside hearing the Ukraine allegations from Sean Hannity, can you IRREFUTABLY prove that Clinton was colluding with the Ukraine???...............LOL
A "Twinkie defense" is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense.....and I'm rather surprised that a defense of Donnie-baby has not yet been linked to poor eating habits.

We have heard that at best, Donnie blew it in inviting (what now seems to be 4 additional people) to the meeting with the Russian lawyer ) based on a "simple rookie mistake"....Never mind that Manafort, especially, was heading the Trumpster campaign (was Manafort a rookie too?)

But what is rather interesting to observe is all of the ultra right wing, propaganda outlets (Breibart, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, Fox, etc.) trying to cast the blame for this royal screw up on democrats.....as usual and as expected.

Perhaps if all the above fails, right wingers on here can blame the mess on Donnie-baby having eaten some bad caviar.
The Democrats forced the Russian government to reach out to Junior. Then the Democrats put a gun to Junior's head to accept the meeting. Then the Democrats forced Manafort and Kushner to go to the meeting.

Yeah, that's it!
And....wait for it.....instead of using that material in August 2016, they waited to leak it until after Trump had been President for six montths!
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Don't lefties understand that they are wasting what little credibility they have left chasing a freaking phantom? Nobody cares. A month after a Sanders fan tried to murder an entire republican baseball team lefties are trying to drum up interest in a cliche that isn't even against the law and every politician who has ever spoken to a foreigner is guilty of.

I'm reminded of Yogi Berra's famous quip with that "nobody cares" imbecility....Berra once stated, "...that restaurant is so damn crowded that nobody goes there anymore."......LOL

Just a reminder:

You lost.

Suck on it.
Looks to me as if you guys are the losers right now. What a dud you elected. Can't even find a problem with colluding with an enemy government.
A "Twinkie defense" is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense.....and I'm rather surprised that a defense of Donnie-baby has not yet been linked to poor eating habits.

We have heard that at best, Donnie blew it in inviting (what now seems to be 4 additional people) to the meeting with the Russian lawyer ) based on a "simple rookie mistake"....Never mind that Manafort, especially was heading the Trumpster campaign (was Manafort a rookie too?)

But what is rather interesting to observe is all of the ultra right wing, propaganda outlets (Breibart, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, Fox, etc.) trying to cast the blame for this royal screw up on democrats.....as usual and as expected.

Perhaps if all the above fails, right wingers on here can blame the mess on Donnie-baby having eaten some bad caviar.
I'm scratching my head why we didn't hear about these burning scandals involving Clinton, Lynch, Democratic ties to Russians UNTIL this Don Jr. revelation.
Why wasn't it investigated along with Benghazi? The email server?
Why the sudden interest?

You didn't hear about them because they aren't really scandals! Neither is Donald Trump Jr's talking to a Russian who said she had dirt on Hillary! The reason you ARE hearing about them now is to point out that the Clinton campaign was doing the same if not worse than the Trump campaign was!

Benghazi and the private email servers on the other hand ARE scandals! That was a government official hiding evidence from Congress and then destroying that evidence when it's whereabouts was discovered.
And those investigations? Did they prove what you claim?
We'll see if this Russia investigation turns out the same way. I'll accept it if it does.
The morals/ethics of this Don Jr. thing? Really, really bad.

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