R-W'ers on here are mistaken (projecting?).....again

Hey I am just writing it as I see it of course I am as blind as Mr. McGoo but even he would know that those that voted for Trump will be happy no matter what because Clinton lost...

Pyrrhic victories are what they are....

Maybe to you and I but maybe not to those that support and believe he was the better choice. I say let them enjoy him because in 2020 when the Democrats run someone that is not Clinton the question will be if the Democrats will garner the green vote and if so then those Swing States Trump won by a narrow margin will flip back to blue and Trump will be a one term wonder...
Hey I am just writing it as I see it of course I am as blind as Mr. McGoo but even he would know that those that voted for Trump will be happy no matter what because Clinton lost...

Pyrrhic victories are what they are....

Maybe to you and I but maybe not to those that support and believe he was the better choice. I say let them enjoy him because in 2020 when the Democrats run someone that is not Clinton the question will be if the Democrats will garner the green vote and if so then those Swing States Trump won by a narrow margin will flip back to blue and Trump will be a one term wonder...
but they're enjoying losing it right now. and they ain't getting no where near trump in 2020. you ain't got the numbers. just don't. and you're losing more everyday. you should tell Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi to shut the fk up.
You stopped him from seating Gorsuch? You stopped the cra bills?

You clearly have an odd definition of all

have a grown up explain to you what LEGISLATIVE issues are, as compared to EOs.....Then, by all means, get back to us.

You are hilarious.

CRA Bills are legislative. Which is precisely they need to be passed by congress. So is senate approval for judicial nominations. But if you don't want to count that, fine you still lied.

Btw how is the travel ban legislative? How has healthcare or tax reform been stopped when they are still working on it?
Btw how is the travel ban legislative? How has healthcare or tax reform been stopped when they are still working on it?

"Still working on it"......???? (try holding your breath....LOL)
Hey I am just writing it as I see it of course I am as blind as Mr. McGoo but even he would know that those that voted for Trump will be happy no matter what because Clinton lost...

Pyrrhic victories are what they are....

Maybe to you and I but maybe not to those that support and believe he was the better choice. I say let them enjoy him because in 2020 when the Democrats run someone that is not Clinton the question will be if the Democrats will garner the green vote and if so then those Swing States Trump won by a narrow margin will flip back to blue and Trump will be a one term wonder...
but they're enjoying losing it right now. and they ain't getting no where near trump in 2020. you ain't got the numbers. just don't. and you're losing more everyday. you should tell Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi to shut the fk up.

Well let be factual it is not me because I vote Libertarian most of the time and Republican on smaller level government positions or a blue dog democrat if they are running but not for Liberal scum like Pelosi.

Also you need to look at the numbers for Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and understand that had Sanders been the nominee in 2016 he would have carried the green vote like Obama did in 2008 and 2012 and most likely would have garner a better minority vote than Clinton.

So as you believe Trump will win in 2020 the reality is more people voted against Trump than for him and yes I know he won the Electoral College and with that if Democrats could add the green vote then you will lose Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because when you combine Stein and Clinton vote more people voted for them than Trump.

So yeah the Democrats can win and remember in 2004 the right thought no Democrat would win in 2008 and guess what?

They were wrong!
Hey I am just writing it as I see it of course I am as blind as Mr. McGoo but even he would know that those that voted for Trump will be happy no matter what because Clinton lost...

Pyrrhic victories are what they are....

Maybe to you and I but maybe not to those that support and believe he was the better choice. I say let them enjoy him because in 2020 when the Democrats run someone that is not Clinton the question will be if the Democrats will garner the green vote and if so then those Swing States Trump won by a narrow margin will flip back to blue and Trump will be a one term wonder...
but they're enjoying losing it right now. and they ain't getting no where near trump in 2020. you ain't got the numbers. just don't. and you're losing more everyday. you should tell Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi to shut the fk up.

Well let be factual it is not me because I vote Libertarian most of the time and Republican on smaller level government positions or a blue dog democrat if they are running but not for Liberal scum like Pelosi.

Also you need to look at the numbers for Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and understand that had Sanders been the nominee in 2016 he would have carried the green vote like Obama did in 2008 and 2012 and most likely would have garner a better minority vote than Clinton.

So as you believe Trump will win in 2020 the reality is more people voted against Trump than for him and yes I know he won the Electoral College and with that if Democrats could add the green vote then you will lose Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because when you combine Stein and Clinton vote more people voted for them than Trump.

So yeah the Democrats can win and remember in 2004 the right thought no Democrat would win in 2008 and guess what?

They were wrong!
yep, I don't disagree with any of that. but, the dems are killing any chance daily. sorry. I speak factually as well.
Hey I am just writing it as I see it of course I am as blind as Mr. McGoo but even he would know that those that voted for Trump will be happy no matter what because Clinton lost...

Pyrrhic victories are what they are....

Maybe to you and I but maybe not to those that support and believe he was the better choice. I say let them enjoy him because in 2020 when the Democrats run someone that is not Clinton the question will be if the Democrats will garner the green vote and if so then those Swing States Trump won by a narrow margin will flip back to blue and Trump will be a one term wonder...
but they're enjoying losing it right now. and they ain't getting no where near trump in 2020. you ain't got the numbers. just don't. and you're losing more everyday. you should tell Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi to shut the fk up.

Well let be factual it is not me because I vote Libertarian most of the time and Republican on smaller level government positions or a blue dog democrat if they are running but not for Liberal scum like Pelosi.

Also you need to look at the numbers for Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and understand that had Sanders been the nominee in 2016 he would have carried the green vote like Obama did in 2008 and 2012 and most likely would have garner a better minority vote than Clinton.

So as you believe Trump will win in 2020 the reality is more people voted against Trump than for him and yes I know he won the Electoral College and with that if Democrats could add the green vote then you will lose Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because when you combine Stein and Clinton vote more people voted for them than Trump.

So yeah the Democrats can win and remember in 2004 the right thought no Democrat would win in 2008 and guess what?

They were wrong!

Good post.....and I would just add that Trump (were he to survive one term...doubtful) would NEVER be the GOP nominee in 2020.
then you don't mind that he canceled all of obummers EOs because he couldn't get any legislation done right? That was quite a few BTW. you should go to google and search how many.

I know its a waste of time trying to educate imbeciles (like you) on this forum.....but try to remember that EOs (both Obama's and Trump's) are NOT legislation.....

And yet you think the travel ban is legislative but the CRA legislation isn't...
Btw how is the travel ban legislative? How has healthcare or tax reform been stopped when they are still working on it?

"Still working on it"......???? (try holding your breath....LOL)

They are literally going to be starting tax reform in the next few weeks. The senate is working on healthcare. If they fail on either it wont be anything you guys did. It would be Republicans stopping it.
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

Truthfully it is a success to them for one main reason:


Tell me I am wrong and I will tell you to ask them if I am wrong or correct!?!

The key to that is GORSUCH IS ON THE SCOTUS, and the Republic survives another decade.

The fascist left lost in a devastating way. The makeup of the court is the single most important issue in America. The fascists needed to turn the court hard left to finish the agenda of ending the Republic. That dream is dashed for at least a decade.

If/when Ginsburg keeps her appointment in the fiery pits of hell, then Trump will appoint another justice and the Constitution will be safe for a generation.

This is the biggest blow the democrats have suffered since the wall fell in '89.
Last edited:
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

Truthfully it is a success to them for one main reason:


Tell me I am wrong and I will tell you to ask them if I am wrong or correct!?!

The key to that is GORUSH IS ON THE SCOTUS, and the Republic survives another decade.

The fascist left lost in a devastating way. The makeup of the court is the single most important issue in America. The fascists needed to turn the court hard left to finish the agenda of ending the Republic. That dream is dashed for at least a decade.

If/when Ginsburg keeps her appointment in the fiery pits of hell, then Trump will appoint another justice and the Constitution will be safe for a generation.

This is the biggest blow the democrats have suffered since the wall fell in '89.

Bill Clinton may disagree
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

Truthfully it is a success to them for one main reason:


Tell me I am wrong and I will tell you to ask them if I am wrong or correct!?!

The key to that is GORUSH IS ON THE SCOTUS, and the Republic survives another decade.

The fascist left lost in a devastating way. The makeup of the court is the single most important issue in America. The fascists needed to turn the court hard left to finish the agenda of ending the Republic. That dream is dashed for at least a decade.

If/when Ginsburg keeps her appointment in the fiery pits of hell, then Trump will appoint another justice and the Constitution will be safe for a generation.

This is the biggest blow the democrats have suffered since the wall fell in '89.
So...what has Gorush (who I had no problem with) done for con-servatives since he's gotten on the Court?
Btw how is the travel ban legislative? How has healthcare or tax reform been stopped when they are still working on it?

"Still working on it"......???? (try holding your breath....LOL)

They are literally going to be starting tax reform in the next few weeks. The senate is working on healthcare. If they fail on either it wont be anything you guys did. It would be Republicans stopping it.
In just a few weeks....in just a few days....any day now...any minute now..................:lol:
What did Obummer do for black people in eight years? Or any people for that matter.
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

Truthfully it is a success to them for one main reason:


Tell me I am wrong and I will tell you to ask them if I am wrong or correct!?!

The key to that is GORUSH IS ON THE SCOTUS, and the Republic survives another decade.

The fascist left lost in a devastating way. The makeup of the court is the single most important issue in America. The fascists needed to turn the court hard left to finish the agenda of ending the Republic. That dream is dashed for at least a decade.

If/when Ginsburg keeps her appointment in the fiery pits of hell, then Trump will appoint another justice and the Constitution will be safe for a generation.

This is the biggest blow the democrats have suffered since the wall fell in '89.
So...what has Gorush (who I had no problem with) done for con-servatives since he's gotten on the Court?

Neil Gorsuch is going to be another Sandra Day O'Connor or Kennedy type and nothing like Scalia...
Actually, he's simply pointing out something we've noticed about you trumpettes the last few weeks......all about dancing for joy over trump's victory, but nothing about what your so-called president has or has not accomplished after his victory.

No follow thru, trumpettes.
So, how long has he been in office?
Oh, I see. That's going to be your excuse? Even tho trump said he would accomplish things in his very first day.....even tho trump said he would accomplish even other things within the first 100 days.

Ok....how much time does your so-called president need now?
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

Truthfully it is a success to them for one main reason:


Tell me I am wrong and I will tell you to ask them if I am wrong or correct!?!

The key to that is GORUSH IS ON THE SCOTUS, and the Republic survives another decade.

The fascist left lost in a devastating way. The makeup of the court is the single most important issue in America. The fascists needed to turn the court hard left to finish the agenda of ending the Republic. That dream is dashed for at least a decade.

If/when Ginsburg keeps her appointment in the fiery pits of hell, then Trump will appoint another justice and the Constitution will be safe for a generation.

This is the biggest blow the democrats have suffered since the wall fell in '89.
So...what has Gorush (who I had no problem with) done for con-servatives since he's gotten on the Court?

Neil Gorsuch is going to be another Sandra Day O'Connor or Kennedy type and nothing like Scalia...
Definitely NOT another Scalia.

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