R-W'ers on here are mistaken (projecting?).....again

Actually, he's simply pointing out something we've noticed about you trumpettes the last few weeks......all about dancing for joy over trump's victory, but nothing about what your so-called president has or has not accomplished after his victory.

No follow thru, trumpettes.
So, how long has he been in office?
Oh, I see. That's going to be your excuse? Even tho trump said he would accomplish things in his very first day.....even tho trump said he would accomplish even other things within the first 100 days.

Ok....how much time does your so-called president need now?
Is he a so called president?
Actually, he's simply pointing out something we've noticed about you trumpettes the last few weeks......all about dancing for joy over trump's victory, but nothing about what your so-called president has or has not accomplished after his victory.

No follow thru, trumpettes.
So, how long has he been in office?
Oh, I see. That's going to be your excuse? Even tho trump said he would accomplish things in his very first day.....even tho trump said he would accomplish even other things within the first 100 days.

Ok....how much time does your so-called president need now?
Is he a so called president?
Actually, he's simply pointing out something we've noticed about you trumpettes the last few weeks......all about dancing for joy over trump's victory, but nothing about what your so-called president has or has not accomplished after his victory.

No follow thru, trumpettes.
So, how long has he been in office?
Oh, I see. That's going to be your excuse? Even tho trump said he would accomplish things in his very first day.....even tho trump said he would accomplish even other things within the first 100 days.

Ok....how much time does your so-called president need now?
Is he a so called president?
I get where you are coming from. In eight years I never called Obummer President. Never will.
The 'right' kicked the shit out of the left, took the House, the Senate, and the White House and we are mistaken?? :laugh:
See, willowtree? Exactly what the OP and I were talking about. No trolling here. Just pointing out what many of you trumpettes are doing.

Shooting blanks.

Kicking the shit out of the left and winning is shooting blanks? OH GOD THE IRONY :laugh::laugh::laugh: Go try to win an election if you can, I doubt it the American people are wise to your shit.
The 'right' kicked the shit out of the left, took the House, the Senate, and the White House and we are mistaken?? :laugh:
See, willowtree? Exactly what the OP and I were talking about. No trolling here. Just pointing out what many of you trumpettes are doing.

Shooting blanks.
Really? So you hold the WH, the Senate, the House?

Apparently the left have embraced being a minority party with no power, this one in particular is bat shit crazy. :cuckoo:
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

This is a fine example of how you left wing nutters deceive yourselves in order to avoid the truth that so vehemently disagrees with you. You create a scenario, in fact an entire reality, that doesn't exist and you build castles of nothing from it. This is why reality kicks your dumb asses on a regular basis.
Another nat temper tantrum! LOL! it is so funny to watch them so upset everyday. Man, I didn't vote for Trump but watching these liberals crying and pouting everyday is pretty funny stuff. Thanks for the laughs nat.
Actually, he's simply pointing out something we've noticed about you trumpettes the last few weeks......all about dancing for joy over trump's victory, but nothing about what your so-called president has or has not accomplished after his victory.

No follow thru, trumpettes.

Gorsuch - you lose, end of story.
I don't believe Gorsuch to be a loss for us. Perhaps you can point out where his appointment has hurt Liberal causes.
Actually, he's simply pointing out something we've noticed about you trumpettes the last few weeks......all about dancing for joy over trump's victory, but nothing about what your so-called president has or has not accomplished after his victory.

No follow thru, trumpettes.

Gorsuch - you lose, end of story.
I don't believe Gorsuch to be a loss for us. Perhaps you can point out where his appointment has hurt Liberal causes.

Why didn't a lib vote for his nomination then?
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

Truthfully it is a success to them for one main reason:


Tell me I am wrong and I will tell you to ask them if I am wrong or correct!?!

The key to that is GORUSH IS ON THE SCOTUS, and the Republic survives another decade.

The fascist left lost in a devastating way. The makeup of the court is the single most important issue in America. The fascists needed to turn the court hard left to finish the agenda of ending the Republic. That dream is dashed for at least a decade.

If/when Ginsburg keeps her appointment in the fiery pits of hell, then Trump will appoint another justice and the Constitution will be safe for a generation.

This is the biggest blow the democrats have suffered since the wall fell in '89.
So...what has Gorush (who I had no problem with) done for con-servatives since he's gotten on the Court?

The only way you fascists were going to put an end to the Constitution was through a leftist court.

Obammy put Elena Kagan, the most radical left justice in history on the court, an open Bolshevik determined to eradicate the Constitution. In addition, he put Sonya Sotomayor, the absolute dumbest justice in history, who simply does as Kagan tells her. United with Ginsburg, they form a block dedicated to the destruction of the nation. Add in Breyer, and you have the left of the court. Breyer is more old school left than radical Marxist like the other three and is more likely to support the Constitution,

Gorsuch is a solid supporter of the Constitution, making for 4 on the court who are staunch supporters of the Constitution. Kennedy is generally tolerant of Constitutional law. This makes for a 5-4 balance in favor of the United States Constitution, putting you fascists our of the running to end the nation for at least a decade. Given that Ginsburg is overdue to join her mentors Stalin and Mao in the fiery pits of hell, the chance of a radical left court in our lifetime is virtually nil. Had you gotten the court, the bill of rights would be gone and the nation would slide into the authoritarian nightmare your filthy party seeks.

Trump stopped you from ending the nation, for that I will always be greatful.
It's only been four months and the DOW is in record territory, illegal entry into the U.S. is the lowest it's been in decades and Trump doesn't even have a full cabinet. (Oh yeah the conformation of Gorsuch) . Maybe liberals are "projecting" about their "victories" while they continue to lose election after election.
Its a sociological quirk.....Right wing posters on here are stating that they are very "happy" to be pissing off those of us who badger Trump and his Keystone Kops' entourage.

Its kind of interesting to see that although we've been able to stop ALL of Trump's moronic legislative agenda items (health care, Mexican wall, tax reform, Muslim immigration bans, etc.) Trump ass kissers still consider that Trump's tenure is a resounding "success."

There are various ways of coping with the onslaught of mistakes made by a disastrous and ineffective administration and, one would guess, denial may be one of these coping mechanism.

Truthfully it is a success to them for one main reason:


Tell me I am wrong and I will tell you to ask them if I am wrong or correct!?!

The key to that is GORUSH IS ON THE SCOTUS, and the Republic survives another decade.

The fascist left lost in a devastating way. The makeup of the court is the single most important issue in America. The fascists needed to turn the court hard left to finish the agenda of ending the Republic. That dream is dashed for at least a decade.

If/when Ginsburg keeps her appointment in the fiery pits of hell, then Trump will appoint another justice and the Constitution will be safe for a generation.

This is the biggest blow the democrats have suffered since the wall fell in '89.
So...what has Gorush (who I had no problem with) done for con-servatives since he's gotten on the Court?

Neil Gorsuch is going to be another Sandra Day O'Connor or Kennedy type and nothing like Scalia...
Definitely NOT another Scalia.

Probably more conservative.

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