R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

Showboat Trump couldn't resist bragging. The fat fuck just put our country at a higher risk from terrorists, just to sate his astronomical ego.

And the usual retards defend his actions.
fakey akey news stories sure get in your crawl eh?
So....trump's tweet is "fake news"? Trump CONFIRMS he shared ISIS information with Russians | Daily Mail Online

The trump tweets in the article are fake?
trumps hand gestures in the video are fake? the videos faked? all the times he waves his hands around before y'all glommed on it - fake?
You are mixing up your RussianW mythos now.....I'm talking about the Russian meeting at the WH, you're still stuck on trump's making fun of handicapped reporters, pretending he didn't.
and you're still avoiding tell me what those self-same hand gestures he was doing meant a a year before he was told it was mocking.

you're pushing a bag of shit dude. don't look at me when you smell bad.
Of course you don't.....you've been bought, paid for, trained, and housebroken.
says the man sporting an obama avatar.
:lol: Yes, our Former President. Does it bother you?
not at all. but funny you tell others they're bought and paid for while you're a billboard for obama.

you must have one hell of a suit - all with patches and labels of your political heros.
If it doesn't bother you, why did it become the reason for one of your posts to me.....the only reason?
oh i dunno. why did you ask for a video showing trumps hand gestures pre-reporter and then shut up when i provided it?

we're people. we do strange things.
Maybe because I haven't looked at it yet? Not at your beck and call, am I?
Showboat Trump couldn't resist bragging. The fat fuck just put our country at a higher risk from terrorists, just to sate his astronomical ego.

And the usual retards defend his actions.
fakey akey news stories sure get in your crawl eh?
So....trump's tweet is "fake news"? Trump CONFIRMS he shared ISIS information with Russians | Daily Mail Online

The trump tweets in the article are fake?
trumps hand gestures in the video are fake? the videos faked? all the times he waves his hands around before y'all glommed on it - fake?
You are mixing up your RussianW mythos now.....I'm talking about the Russian meeting at the WH, you're still stuck on trump's making fun of handicapped reporters, pretending he didn't.
and you're still avoiding tell me what those self-same hand gestures he was doing meant a a year before he was told it was mocking.

you're pushing a bag of shit dude. don't look at me when you smell bad.
So...you DO think I should be at your beck and call on this.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
says the man sporting an obama avatar.
:lol: Yes, our Former President. Does it bother you?
not at all. but funny you tell others they're bought and paid for while you're a billboard for obama.

you must have one hell of a suit - all with patches and labels of your political heros.
If it doesn't bother you, why did it become the reason for one of your posts to me.....the only reason?
oh i dunno. why did you ask for a video showing trumps hand gestures pre-reporter and then shut up when i provided it?

we're people. we do strange things.
Maybe because I haven't looked at it yet? Not at your beck and call, am I?
not at all. you're free to be a demanding dick as your leisure i suppose.

you asked for proof, i gave it to you, you ignore it and keep on with your bullshit.

got it. that's just who you are.
Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
True.....FUCK checks and balances.....You morons want a fascist dictator to do whatever the fuck he wants and you idiots "cheer."....LOL
Snowflakes never seemed to have a problem with this when Obama was dragging us into wars without Congressional Authorization to do so, when Obama was making his own Treaty with Iran while by-passing Congress, when Obama was paying ransoms to Iran in the middle of the night, etc...

Funny how that works... :p
Look.....over there......Obama!!!!
fakey akey news stories sure get in your crawl eh?
So....trump's tweet is "fake news"? Trump CONFIRMS he shared ISIS information with Russians | Daily Mail Online

The trump tweets in the article are fake?
trumps hand gestures in the video are fake? the videos faked? all the times he waves his hands around before y'all glommed on it - fake?
You are mixing up your RussianW mythos now.....I'm talking about the Russian meeting at the WH, you're still stuck on trump's making fun of handicapped reporters, pretending he didn't.
and you're still avoiding tell me what those self-same hand gestures he was doing meant a a year before he was told it was mocking.

you're pushing a bag of shit dude. don't look at me when you smell bad.
So...you DO think I should be at your beck and call on this.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Oh ewe no if ewe had evidence ewe would be blaring it all over da place!
:lol: Yes, our Former President. Does it bother you?
not at all. but funny you tell others they're bought and paid for while you're a billboard for obama.

you must have one hell of a suit - all with patches and labels of your political heros.
If it doesn't bother you, why did it become the reason for one of your posts to me.....the only reason?
oh i dunno. why did you ask for a video showing trumps hand gestures pre-reporter and then shut up when i provided it?

we're people. we do strange things.
Maybe because I haven't looked at it yet? Not at your beck and call, am I?
not at all. you're free to be a demanding dick as your leisure i suppose.

you asked for proof, i gave it to you, you ignore it and keep on with your bullshit.

got it. that's just who you are.
Ah....so it's ignoring it to say I haven't watched the video yet. You think a lot of yourself and your importance in the scheme of things. Have you ever asked yourself that I might not be in a position to watch a video atm. No....you are too self-centered to consider that, eh?
If Hillary was President and had done this, do you think these tards would be defending her?


Do you think they would be pretending to be obtuse, and saying retarded shit like, "She can declassify anything she wants."?

they said the president can.

was she ever president?

shit comparison.
I said IF she was President, you uncomprehending retard!

You'd be looking to impeach Clinton for doing the same thing. It would be added the long list of reasons to impeach her you'd have by now.
you have zero idea what i'd do.

but what i won't do is resort to the personal shit you thrive on when you have no point.

ignore +1.
Awwwwwww....:itsok: (we need a 'special snowflake emojie)
yep. slap an asshole on a snowflake and we got you covered.

not listening to dicks spout off isn't being weak. it's just being more an adult but have fun, dude.
You know this isn't the Flame Zone, right?
'Crooked Hillary and her team' didn't have the authority to declassify
It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
they said the president can.

was she ever president?

shit comparison.
I said IF she was President, you uncomprehending retard!

You'd be looking to impeach Clinton for doing the same thing. It would be added the long list of reasons to impeach her you'd have by now.
you have zero idea what i'd do.

but what i won't do is resort to the personal shit you thrive on when you have no point.

ignore +1.
Awwwwwww....:itsok: (we need a 'special snowflake emojie)
yep. slap an asshole on a snowflake and we got you covered.

not listening to dicks spout off isn't being weak. it's just being more an adult but have fun, dude.
You know this isn't the Flame Zone, right?
would not have been able to tell given the # of people i've put on ignore for calling me far worse, dude.

and something tells me you've seen those videos before. you just don't care.
Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

Trump using words like "witch hunt" totally forgetting the ones he led during the Obama years (Birthers, Benghazi)! He's so F.O.S. and deserving of all that's happening to him and us! These are self-inflicted wounds; usually started through his incessant Tweeting at odd hours! No one told him to accuse Obama of bugging Trump Tower during the campaign or hiring Flynn who admitted to being investigated due to influence peddling with Turkey! It's one thing to overlook all that, but to actual want to put Flynn in charge of sensitive, intelligence information was beyond insane! If something like this occurred during the Clinton or Obama admin., the hair of Republicans would be on fire! Their response has been quite underwhelming considering their history against everything Russian! I'm shocked and disgusted proving their hypocrisy so soon into their absolute reign over DC! What's their excuse; the Dems are obstructing everything? WTF is wrong with these people and the supporters of all this chaos? :321: :blahblah: :dunno: :wtf:
............Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"

The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

He's trying to shut down the investigation?

Liberals are fucked up on facts!
You sound shrill and frightened about what might happen.
The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

He's trying to shut down the investigation?

Liberals are fucked up on facts!
they don't know what a fact actually is. All day, every day.

prove youre not a partisan bitch ... facts only ..
I am a partisan stud, I come in here daily and refute your fiction daily.
"I am a partisan stud".......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Russia never got our uranium willow....not a single drop mined, leaves the USA....it's for USA use only, that was the purchase deal.

How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime
faux news, faux outrage.....we allowed the sale of a mining company in the U.S. to Russians, but not a single drop of uranium mined by them can leave the USA, so the sale was immaterial....
You leftists just keep on lying.

"The mining company, Uranium One, was originally based in South Africa, but merged in 2007 with Canada-based UrAsia Energy. Shareholders there retained a controlling interest until 2010, when Russia’s nuclear agency, Rosatom, completed purchase of a 51% stake. Hillary Clinton played a part in the transaction because it involved the transfer of ownership of a material deemed important to national security — uranium, amounting to one-fifth of U.S. reserves — thus requiring the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits."
huh? what did I lie about? WHAT in your post proves I lied about Uranium One not shipping ANY uranium out of the USA?

FYI- Uranium One has no export license to ship their uranium mined out of the USA.

you've been HAD
Uranium One is now owned by the Russians thanks to Hillary dufus. They now have 20% of our uranium in exchange for paying Clinton a bribe.
So...they "have 20%"....what "have" they done with it?

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