R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

The left hate the Constitution

....and you hate America but love the orange moron.....LOL
How many flags you Trump haters going to burn this weekend?
Look! >>>>>
i wish every asshole right winger like you would put me on ignore

They won't. It's too much fun poking the Democrat handicapped.
We know. View attachment 127254 This is when he numbers went up with RussianWrs.
so all the times trump did this move *before* this time - who was he mocking then?
You will have to show us these "moves" before this time.
Did Trump really mock reporter's disability?

several times he's done this before doing the same when referencing the reporter. was he mocking the reporter during those times too as some jacked up dress rehearsal?
Now I've had a chance to watch your video......and you seriously think they are all the same behavior? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Full body and voice action making fun of the handicapped reporter....and you know it. Stop trying to gas light. It's not working.
Showboat Trump couldn't resist bragging. The fat fuck just put our country at a higher risk from terrorists, just to sate his astronomical ego.

And the usual retards defend his actions.
fakey akey news stories sure get in your crawl eh?
So....trump's tweet is "fake news"? Trump CONFIRMS he shared ISIS information with Russians | Daily Mail Online

The trump tweets in the article are fake?
trumps hand gestures in the video are fake? the videos faked? all the times he waves his hands around before y'all glommed on it - fake?
You are mixing up your RussianW mythos now.....I'm talking about the Russian meeting at the WH, you're still stuck on trump's making fun of handicapped reporters, pretending he didn't.
and you're still avoiding tell me what those self-same hand gestures he was doing meant a a year before he was told it was mocking.

you're pushing a bag of shit dude. don't look at me when you smell bad.
Still trying to gas light, I see. Takes a certain "type"' to keep trying to do that.
I said IF she was President, you uncomprehending retard!

You'd be looking to impeach Clinton for doing the same thing. It would be added the long list of reasons to impeach her you'd have by now.
you have zero idea what i'd do.

but what i won't do is resort to the personal shit you thrive on when you have no point.

ignore +1.
Awwwwwww....:itsok: (we need a 'special snowflake emojie)
yep. slap an asshole on a snowflake and we got you covered.

not listening to dicks spout off isn't being weak. it's just being more an adult but have fun, dude.
You know this isn't the Flame Zone, right?
would not have been able to tell given the # of people i've put on ignore for calling me far worse, dude.

and something tells me you've seen those videos before. you just don't care.
"and something tells me...." Voices? Voices in your head? Common trumpette symptom these days.
Another new day...STILL no evidence.
Good thing we've got a Special Counsel now.
I agree, I can't wait for Mueller to show where the collusion actually was and is. hahahahhahaha, and you can't make comments about impeachment anymore either, things will now quiet down and now perhaps the presidents policies can now be implemented. Me not think you gonna like where this one ends up.
I heard Trump has a private server in his basement.

I wouldn't doubt it! Republicans are the biggest hypocrites in the freakin' world! Anything they're accusing someone of should be instantly thought to reflect them! Wasn't it Flynn that was saying Hillary should be "locked up?" Now lets see who goes to prison! :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
I heard Trump has a private server in his basement.

In conservative codespeak, "private server" means "gay manwhore".

And obviously, most conservative men long to be Trump's "private server".
In conservative codespeak, "private server" means "gay manwhore".

Hillary had a 'gay manwhore' in her bathroom?
I would bet I'd be called a homophobe for saying 'gay manwhore' as a derogatory statement like that.
The trumpets don't want to know if their president is a crook.
Too bad.
The investigations will get to the bottom of this and anyone who knows Tramp's long history knows everything he does is dirty..
so after I've thought about this thread, I have one question for the libs here. Don't you want proof of the trump russian collusion? or, don't you care, and you know it's a hoax and you just want it to stay in the MSM daily? which it won't now with the special counsel now set.
The trumpets don't want to know if their president is a crook.
Too bad.
The investigations will get to the bottom of this and anyone who knows Tramp's long history knows everything he does is dirty..
sure I do. I never want a criminal in office. ever, It's why I voter for trump over hitlery. fk, why haven't you figured that out by now?

BTW, proof isn't just because you said so. good luck with that in court.
View attachment 127515
I heard Trump has a private server in his basement.

I wouldn't doubt it! Republicans are the biggest hypocrites in the freakin' world! Anything they're accusing someone of should be instantly thought to reflect them! Wasn't it Flynn that was saying Hillary should be "locked up?" Now lets see who goes to prison! :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
The 1980's called - they want their foreign policy back.

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