R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

Showboat Trump couldn't resist bragging. The fat fuck just put our country at a higher risk from terrorists, just to sate his astronomical ego.

And the usual retards defend his actions.
fakey akey news stories sure get in your crawl eh?
If Hillary was President and had done this, do you think these tards would be defending her?


Do you think they would be pretending to be obtuse, and saying retarded shit like, "She can declassify anything she wants."?

Do you realize you provided no proof of anything?

Well, your orange clown just tweeted that he has EVERY RIGHT to share third party intelligence with whomever he pleases ...even if it may mean the killing of that third party's carefully placed spies within ISIS....all for the sake of showing off to the Russians or to do exactly what Russia helped to place him in the WH.
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

So previous Presidents never shared intelligence with other countries, Russia in particular?
It just sailed a mile above you head, didn't it.
what sailed over his head another alien ship? fakey akey news gets in your crawl eh?
You know more about it than the pundits on CNN, etc?
They all seem to acknowledge the President can declassify what he wants
Yes, he can declassify EVERYTHING, and damn the consequences.

And you're okay with that.

Jesus H. Christ.
And you're okay with that.

Where did I say that?

I commented that he could do it, legally.

Instead of putting words in my mouth, try taking your foot out of yours.
this is what happens when losers have control of the media. fk the citizens of the country and let's continue to discuss fakey akey news in pretendland. Peter Pan anyone?

What you are witnessing is an open display of progressives hatred of America. I cannot decide if this is better or worse than them beating the shit out of conservatives and burning everything down!
If Hillary was President and had done this, do you think these tards would be defending her?


Do you think they would be pretending to be obtuse, and saying retarded shit like, "She can declassify anything she wants."?

fakey akey news stories, what a fking waste of our message board time.
You know more about it than the pundits on CNN, etc?
They all seem to acknowledge the President can declassify what he wants
Yes, he can declassify EVERYTHING, and damn the consequences.

And you're okay with that.

Jesus H. Christ.
And you're okay with that.

Where did I say that?

I commented that he could do it, legally.

Instead of putting words in my mouth, try taking your foot out of yours.
dude, he's got more fake news to discuss for the next six fking months. it is what libturds have turned into. fakey akey news lovers.
If Hillary was President and had done this, do you think these tards would be defending her?


Do you think they would be pretending to be obtuse, and saying retarded shit like, "She can declassify anything she wants."?

If Hillary was President and had done this, do you think these tards would be defending her?


but your side would
this is what happens when losers have control of the media. fk the citizens of the country and let's continue to discuss fakey akey news in pretendland. Peter Pan anyone?

What you are witnessing is an open display of progressives hatred of America. I cannot decide if this is better or worse than them beating the shit out of conservatives and burning everything down!
they want us to be Venezuela. ask them
A year from now, 3 years from now, the left will still be claiming collusion with the Russians and there will be exactly as much proof as there is today. That is to say: zero.
You know more about it than the pundits on CNN, etc?
They all seem to acknowledge the President can declassify what he wants
Yes, he can declassify EVERYTHING, and damn the consequences.

And you're okay with that.

Jesus H. Christ.
And you're okay with that.

Where did I say that?

I commented that he could do it, legally.

Instead of putting words in my mouth, try taking your foot out of yours.

Remember when Obammie took all the information regarding Holder's gun running operation to Mexico and put it under wraps? They were fine with that! They think Mexico is their friend. They think Cuba is their friend!
Do you realize you provided no proof of anything?

Well, your orange clown just tweeted that he has EVERY RIGHT to share third party intelligence with whomever he pleases ...even if it may mean the killing of that third party's carefully placed spies within ISIS....all for the sake of showing off to the Russians or to do exactly what Russia helped to place him in the WH.

Do you realize your provided no proof of anything?
............Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"
Lol. Hillary has her own mail server and the right yells "lock her up!" Trump gives away secrets to the Russians and the right says "ah, it ain't nothing but a thing."
There's a reason a President is given a script to follow when meeting foreign dignitaries. Going off script risks revealing information which could be used against us. And that's exactly what the fat fuck did.
There's a reason a President is given a script to follow when meeting foreign dignitaries
They are?

Opinion , or do you have a link?
There's a reason a President is given a script to follow when meeting foreign dignitaries. Going off script risks revealing information which could be used against us. And that's exactly what the fat fuck did.
There's a reason a President is given a script to follow when meeting foreign dignitaries
They are?

Opinion , or do you have a link?
Are you that clueless on how our government functions?
Do you have an answer to the question?

No, other presidents did not share highly classified information with hostile foreign governments.

It seems to me that in the 90's we had a President sharing highly classified information with China and North Korea.

Whatever justifies your treason comrade.

I am not justifying it, it just has happened many times before, Obama has done it, Bush probably did and the Clinton's did it, why is everyone upset now?

I was critical of Clinton for doing it and I am not happy about Trump doing it. But I am looking at it from a historical perspective and we have done it often in our history. Why is this a big deal now?
Did previous presidents choose on their own to leak CLASSIFIED info or was it a well advised, coordinated strategy with our intelligence agencies, and dept of State and defense and homeland security's knowledge and approval?

First of all, it's not a leak, because when it comes to this type of information, the President CANT LEAK IT.

The actual "leak" is from the guy/gal who sent the information to the WaPo.

And you are getting the chain of command wrong here, The President doesn't need approval from any agency, considering they work for him, not the other way around.
Well, Trump has just tweeted and admitted he opened his big mouth to the Russians. So once again, he has embarrassed his staffers who spent the previous 24 hours denying on his behalf.

Trump is completely unapologetic. The fat fuck is totally clueless of the damage he has done.
There's a reason a President is given a script to follow when meeting foreign dignitaries. Going off script risks revealing information which could be used against us. And that's exactly what the fat fuck did.
There's a reason a President is given a script to follow when meeting foreign dignitaries
They are?

Opinion , or do you have a link?
Are you that clueless on how our government functions?

Is that supposed to be your link?

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