R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

Trump could hand all of our intel on ISIS to ISIS, and the retards in this topic would say, "Well, he is allowed to leak whatever he wants to leak."

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Tell us what he leaked that was so damaging?
No, other presidents did not share highly classified information with hostile foreign governments.

It seems to me that in the 90's we had a President sharing highly classified information with China and North Korea.

Whatever justifies your treason comrade.

I am not justifying it, it just has happened many times before, Obama has done it, Bush probably did and the Clinton's did it, why is everyone upset now?

I was critical of Clinton for doing it and I am not happy about Trump doing it. But I am looking at it from a historical perspective and we have done it often in our history. Why is this a big deal now?
Did previous presidents choose on their own to leak CLASSIFIED info or was it a well advised, coordinated strategy with our intelligence agencies, and dept of State and defense and homeland security's knowledge and approval?

First of all, it's not a leak, because when it comes to this type of information, the President CANT LEAK IT.

The actual "leak" is from the guy/gal who sent the information to the WaPo.

And you are getting the chain of command wrong here, The President doesn't need approval from any agency, considering they work for him, not the other way around.
Of course his cabinet and advisors work for him though they swear oath to abide by and defend our nation's constitution, NOT loyalty to the president....

We have ADVISORS and intelligence agencies for the president to utilize FOR A REASON....THIS going off script is dangerous and reckless....

Agree with you on the leakers....

But we would never have had Watergate, without deep throat, so I am honestly conflicted.
Trump could hand all of our intel on ISIS to ISIS, and the retards in this topic would say, "Well, he is allowed to leak whatever he wants to leak."

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Tell us what he leaked that was so damaging?
I already did, dumbass.

As for your question about going off script:

The Post story is notable for the direct quotes from the meeting the reporters were able to obtain. Trump’s disclosure to Lavrov and Kislyak appears to have been a deviation from script delivered as the president sought to prove to them the quality of the information he received. An official quoted Trump as boasting, “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day.”

What Did Donald Trump Tell the Russians?
Trump could hand all of our intel on ISIS to ISIS, and the retards in this topic would say, "Well, he is allowed to leak whatever he wants to leak."

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Tell us what he leaked that was so damaging?
I already did, dumbass.

As for your question about going off script:

The Post story is notable for the direct quotes from the meeting the reporters were able to obtain. Trump’s disclosure to Lavrov and Kislyak appears to have been a deviation from script delivered as the president sought to prove to them the quality of the information he received. An official quoted Trump as boasting, “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day.”

What Did Donald Trump Tell the Russians?
Where fart blossom ?
Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.

The Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.

“Everyone knows this stream is very sensitive, and the idea of sharing it at this level of granularity with the Russians is troubling,” said a former senior U.S. counterterrorism official who also worked closely with members of the Trump national security team. He and others spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the subject.

The identification of the location was seen as particularly problematic, officials said, because Russia could use that detail to help identify the U.S. ally or intelligence capability involved. Officials said the capability could be useful for other purposes, possibly providing intelligence on Russia’s presence in Syria. Moscow would be keenly interested in identifying that source and perhaps disrupting it.

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
It seems to me that in the 90's we had a President sharing highly classified information with China and North Korea.

Whatever justifies your treason comrade.

I am not justifying it, it just has happened many times before, Obama has done it, Bush probably did and the Clinton's did it, why is everyone upset now?

I was critical of Clinton for doing it and I am not happy about Trump doing it. But I am looking at it from a historical perspective and we have done it often in our history. Why is this a big deal now?
Did previous presidents choose on their own to leak CLASSIFIED info or was it a well advised, coordinated strategy with our intelligence agencies, and dept of State and defense and homeland security's knowledge and approval?

First of all, it's not a leak, because when it comes to this type of information, the President CANT LEAK IT.

The actual "leak" is from the guy/gal who sent the information to the WaPo.

And you are getting the chain of command wrong here, The President doesn't need approval from any agency, considering they work for him, not the other way around.
Of course his cabinet and advisors work for him though they swear oath to abide by and defend our nation's constitution, NOT loyalty to the president....

We have ADVISORS and intelligence agencies for the president to utilize FOR A REASON....THIS going off script is dangerous and reckless....

Agree with you on the leakers....

But we would never have had Watergate, without deep throat, so I am honestly conflicted.

Watergate was an actual crime, and attempting to cover it up was another actual crime. There is no crime here, just vapors from the left.
The fat fuck had to brag. He just had to brag.

“I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day.” And then to show what great intel he gets, he went off script and revealed information he should not have.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Trump's Chumps just sit there and take it. Trump could give away all our intel on ISIS and they'd be asking, "Duuhhhhh...show me what law he broke."

The fat fuck just put American lives in greater danger, and the cucks just sit there and take it.
Trump has gone to war with the intelligence community and with the press.

Guess who is going to lose that war.

Trump was loving the "fake news" when he was on every channel every day spreading lies and fake news by the metric ton during the campaign.

Now he's gone to war with the very organs that helped him get the nomination.

Guess who is going to lose that war.

Guess who already has the lowest approval rating for a new President ever.
Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.

The Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.

“Everyone knows this stream is very sensitive, and the idea of sharing it at this level of granularity with the Russians is troubling,” said a former senior U.S. counterterrorism official who also worked closely with members of the Trump national security team. He and others spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the subject.

The identification of the location was seen as particularly problematic, officials said, because Russia could use that detail to help identify the U.S. ally or intelligence capability involved. Officials said the capability could be useful for other purposes, possibly providing intelligence on Russia’s presence in Syria. Moscow would be keenly interested in identifying that source and perhaps disrupting it.

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Trump's Chumps just sit there and take it. Trump could give away all our intel on ISIS and they'd be asking, "Duuhhhhh...show me what law he broke."

The fat fuck just put American lives in greater danger, and the cucks just sit there and take it.
Trump has gone to war with the intelligence community and with the press.

Guess who is going to lose that war.

Trump was loving the "fake news" when he was on every channel every day spreading lies and fake news by the metric ton during the campaign.

Now he's gone to war with the very organs that helped him get the nomination.

Guess who is going to lose that war.

Guess who already has the lowest approval rating for a new President ever.
Which organs? Liver, kidney, thyroid?
his claim is "at least one is fake" so that would mean the rest are dubious at best kid
Yep. The tards label a news outlet as "fake" if they got one story wrong and it isn't one of their own lying propaganda outlets.

So applying their own standard, Wikileaks is fake.
You mean like when obama revealed the name of the CIA station chief in Afghanistan......so isis and al queda could kill him...you mean like that?
Wikileaks is a marxist outlet. I've been saying it for years, long before it became obvious to even the thickest of retards.
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

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You mean like when obama revealed the name of the CIA station chief in Afghanistan......so isis and al queda could kill him...you mean like that?
Obama did not personally do that. Someone else in the White House press office did.

Nice try.
Remember when Obammie took all the information regarding Holder's gun running operation to Mexico and put it under wraps? They were fine with that! They think Mexico is their friend. They think Cuba is their friend!

This moron is actually comparing Mexico/Cuba "threats with Russian hostile capabilities toward the U.S.....

Do this fuck heads even realize how stupid they are?
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

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Trump has tweeted about it. He is not denying it. He is admitting he shared intel with the Russians and instead of apologizing for it, he is angry that someone leaked what he did. Totally typical of the fat dumb fuck.

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