R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
This time it did not even take 24 hours for Donald Trump to throw his staffers under the bus and contradict their denials.

After The Post broke the story, senior White House aides quickly denied it. “I was in the room. It didn’t happen,” said National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. “This story is false,” added Dina Powell, his deputy.

Then, on Twitter this morning, Trump essentially acknowledged that the Post’s reporting is accurate, defended his decision to share the information and complained about the leak that allowed what he’d done to get out

The Daily 202: Trump’s chaotic White House once again makes a bad story worse
The Trump Derangement Syndrome of the left is most entertaining as we watch you try to outcrazy yourselves every day.

YOU obviously don't mind getting fucked....most of us do, however...Just keep on bending over for the orange clown.
“I think we could do with a little less drama from the White House on a lot of things so that we can focus on our agenda,” Mr. McConnell said in an interview on Bloomberg Television on Tuesday morning, reflecting an increasingly frustrated Republican majority over the near standstill of any policy agenda in the wake of Mr. Trump’s many contentious statements.


Yeah, no shit. :lol:

The one good thing on the table from the Republicans right now is tax reform, and Trump will probably find a way to fuck that all up, too.
Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
From a Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee:

“The disclosure of highly classified information has the potential to jeopardize sources and to discourage our allies from sharing future information vital to our security,” Ms. Collins said in her statement.

“Although the president has the legal authority to disclose classified information, it would be very troubling if he did share such sensitive reporting with the Russians,” she added. “The Senate Intelligence Committee should be briefed on this important issue immediately.”

So you dumb tards just go right ahead and bury your fat heads in the sand to avoid seeing your incompetent fat naked Emperor for what he is.
Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.

Exactly as I said:

Trump's Chumps just sit there and take it. Trump could give away all our intel on ISIS and they'd be asking, "Duuhhhhh...show me what law he broke."

The fat fuck just put American lives in greater danger, and the cucks just sit there and take it.

well, now that we got to the bottom of the leaks, and know who the mole is, anyone for icecream ?

The orange idiot in chief is basically complaining, "Who leaked the fact that I'm an idiot colluding with Russian spies?"
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

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Trump has tweeted about it. He is not denying it. He is admitting he shared intel with the Russians and instead of apologizing for it, he is angry that someone leaked what he did. Totally typical of the fat dumb fuck.
National Security advisor just said Trumps conversation was appropriate and that nothing was compromised! Now! Who will I believe? The NSA or WAPO?
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump has tweeted about it. He is not denying it. He is admitting he shared intel with the Russians and instead of apologizing for it, he is angry that someone leaked what he did. Totally typical of the fat dumb fuck.
wasn't that the intent of the meeting? what exactly did he give them that has you all bat shit crazy at the moment?
Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
No the President cannot, Presidential DE-classification authority does not extend to anything that is classified by statute (for example information relevant to determining the identities of foreign agents classified under the IIPA or nuclear secrets classified under the AEA).
Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.

Exactly as I said:

Trump's Chumps just sit there and take it. Trump could give away all our intel on ISIS and they'd be asking, "Duuhhhhh...show me what law he broke."

The fat fuck just put American lives in greater danger, and the cucks just sit there and take it.

you haven't stated what the issue is. what is the issue that you have evidence of exactly? LOL. batshit crazy libturds look at all the bat shit.
Again just like the last time you have anonymous source and ambiguous so called disclosures! There is never a shred of proof brought forth other than rumors and conjecture.

Moron, Trump OPENLY ADMITTED that he shared the intelligence info.....

If you're going to actually "defend" the moron, at LEAST have your facts straight or go take a fucking nap.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
No the President cannot, Presidential DE-classification authority does not extend to anything that is classified by statute (for example information relevant to determining the identities of foreign agents classified under the IIPA or nuclear secrets classified under the AEA).
you're wrong.
President can declassify anything he wants, dufus.
True.....FUCK checks and balances.....You morons want a fascist dictator to do whatever the fuck he wants and you idiots "cheer."....LOL
Snowflakes never seemed to have a problem with this when Obama was dragging us into wars without Congressional Authorization to do so, when Obama was making his own Treaty with Iran while by-passing Congress, when Obama was paying ransoms to Iran in the middle of the night, etc...

Funny how that works... :p

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