R-W'ers on here wanted "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion....

Your evidence of Russia/Trump collusion is an unsubstantiated report from news organizations which have proven to be dishonest and irrationally anti-Trump?

All righty, then.
Actually, Trump has substantiated the story. And he's completely unapologetic about placing American and allied lives in greater danger. Too bad for you.

This is the part where you backpedal and ask, "Duuuuhhhhh...show me what law he broke."
Your evidence of Russia/Trump collusion is an unsubstantiated report from news organizations which have proven to be dishonest and irrationally anti-Trump?

All righty, then.
Actually, Trump has substantiated the story. And he's completely unapologetic about placing American and allied lives in greater danger. Too bad for you.

This is the part where you backpedal and ask, "Duuuuhhhhh...show me what law he broke."
yep he stated he met with the russians. funny, we all knew that. hmmmmm where's the story?

Clinton was a low life fucking bitch who released classified intel ...

she made Trump do it too ...
............Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"

The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
National Security advisor just said Trumps conversation was appropriate and that nothing was compromised! Now! Who will I believe? The NSA or WAPO?

NO, moron.......What the head of NSA stated YESTERDAY was completely over-turned by Trump's own tweets of this morning (basically proving that the WAPO was correct.)...............Now the NSA is refusing to elaborate further.

get your fucking facts straight......after you take a nap.
Hey! You fucking asshole. He was just on moments ago!
Your evidence of Russia/Trump collusion is an unsubstantiated report from news organizations which have proven to be dishonest and irrationally anti-Trump?

All righty, then.

YOUR own orange clown has just CONFIRMED that the "news organizations" were correct....Trump did such through his own tweets......Get your facts straight
Hey! You fucking asshole. He was just on moments ago!

Link it and tell us how the head of the NSA "proved' that the Wash.Post article is completely false in accusing Trump of divulging classified intelligence that was NOT ours to share with the Russian.....Go on, please........LOL
Hey! You fucking asshole. He was just on moments ago!

Link it and tell us how the head of the NSA "proved' that the Wash.Post article is completely false in accusing Trump of divulging classified intelligence that was NOT ours to share with the Russian.....Go on, please........LOL
Link what asshole? He was just on TV. And, I said nothing about proof. I merely passed on what the man said. No wonder you bat shit crazy mofo morons are confused.
............Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"

The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

He's trying to shut down the investigation?
............Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"

The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

He's trying to shut down the investigation?

Liberals are fucked up on facts!
Your evidence of Russia/Trump collusion is an unsubstantiated report from news organizations which have proven to be dishonest and irrationally anti-Trump?

All righty, then.

YOUR own orange clown has just CONFIRMED that the "news organizations" were correct....Trump did such through his own tweets......Get your facts straight
hahahaahhahahahahahaha OMG, you've actually lost it. wow.
............Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"

The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

He's trying to shut down the investigation?

Liberals are fucked up on facts!
they don't know what a fact actually is. All day, every day.
What did you libtards think when Hillary was giving Russia our uranium?
Russia never got our uranium willow....not a single drop mined, leaves the USA....it's for USA use only, that was the purchase deal.

Who owns Uranium One?
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

Prove it, and don't use any of the Alt Left or MSM bullshit sites.
Just Google it, fact check it yourself so you can get a source you accept....

It's common knowledge, and always part of the sale agreement.

You've been HAD.

For one, the United States doesn’t actually produce all that much uranium (about 2 percent in 2015) and is actually a net importer of the chemical, according to Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation.

For another, Russia doesn’t have the licenses to export uranium outside the United States, Oilprice.org pointed out, "so it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases.

I haven't been had at all, you have a history of just making shit up. You really should link your source honey.
What did you libtards think when Hillary was giving Russia our uranium?
Russia never got our uranium willow....not a single drop mined, leaves the USA....it's for USA use only, that was the purchase deal.

Who owns Uranium One?
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium for their use....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

The Russians did give 145 million dollars to the Hillary foundation...


That's a fact.
............Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"

The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

He's trying to shut down the investigation?

Liberals are fucked up on facts!
they don't know what a fact actually is. All day, every day.

prove youre not a partisan bitch ... facts only ..
What did you libtards think when Hillary was giving Russia our uranium?
Russia never got our uranium willow....not a single drop mined, leaves the USA....it's for USA use only, that was the purchase deal.

Who owns Uranium One?
Russians, but they never got use of the U.S. uranium...So it matters naught that they or anyone own the company....

We didn't give Russia OUR uranium for their use....as right wingers always claim....that's simply a made up, right wing, lie.

The Russians did give 145 million dollars to the Hillary foundation...


That's a fact.


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place.

we've been over this before Dope, pay attention ok ?
..........and our "beloved" orange-in-chief just provided the proof.

Disclosing classified intelligence to our arch-enemy, Russia, may seem perfectly legitimate to right wingers since the president can (according to them) do ANYTHING he wants....and as Nixon famously once stated, "if the president does something, it CANNOT, de facto, be called illegal.."

Trump's low self esteem and narcissistic tendencies need constant approval, and to show off to the Russians that he is privy to the most sensitive info., compelled this idiot to share intelligence that WILL (most likely) place individual spies at risk AND also cause for such intelligence to stop flowing to the WH since we have a moron with a big mouth in charge.

Whether Trump knows it or not, he IS colluding with Russian spies and if ever proof was needed, Trump voluntarily has provided such proof.

He's a fucking idiot.
There's a difference between POTUS having a meeting with the Russians and a Presidential candidate colluding with a foreign government to overthrow the United States of America.

Secondly, like the LWLs kept asking about Hillary and RW corruption accusations, "Where are the charges?"

The charges will come when the investigation is complete.

Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

The Clintons never tried to shut down any investigation and there were 17 or more separate investigations of the Clintons - all of which they cooperated with and provided information for. Hillary answered questions for 11+ hours without hesitation.

And when someone is as angry and as desperate to shut down an investigation as Trump is right now, I assume there is SOMETHING they're afraid to have come out. I never thought that of the Clintons because they were never worried about investigations.
Tell me, if there is "nothing to hide", why is Trump working so hard to shit down the investigation.

He's trying to shut down the investigation?

Liberals are fucked up on facts!
they don't know what a fact actually is. All day, every day.

prove youre not a partisan bitch ... facts only ..
I am a partisan stud, I come in here daily and refute your fiction daily.
What ever the truth is, wish the president would stop with the childish tweets, they just confuse the issue & add fuel to the fire

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