Race awareness syndrome

Don't they know how cool most of us are ?
The high school kids of my new black next door neighbors had a halloween house party last night and boy was I disappointed--no loud music, no fights, no gun fire, nothing stolen. Even black kids are getting as boring as the white ones.
I love boring kids.
Take popular programs from say 50 years ago, "Leave it to Beaver" to say "Picket fences". Blacks where represented as they where...14% of the populace. And NOW, say modern programs? 80% are NOW black. So, HOW does overrepresenting 14% of the populace become normal?
I have no problem with blacks on TV, as long as the percentages are close to what we see in the actual population (86/14%).

But I find it disgusting when I see a black face every time I look at the damned TV screen. That soon makes it seem as though we're living in some African shithole.
Blacks are 14% of American culture. But this new normal constant insistence focusing on blacks is getting old.
I am not going to praise blacks or demonize them. I am really tired of this worship of blacks. Or the worship of all things black, as if they just crawled out from a rock and where just "discovered" ten years ago. They are human and racism is bad. I get it. Can we move on from this?
Raci$m is the product of the ghetto blacks. The black folks who escaped or skirted the ghetto blacks are NOT dependent on the race card for g'ment a$$i$tance
Another thread from a white racist female. She's white today so she's superior, next week she is the oppressed victim of male chauvinism.
I have no problem with blacks on TV, as long as the percentages are close to what we see in the actual population (86/14%).
But I find it disgusting when I see a black face every time I look at the damned TV screen. That soon makes it seem as though we're living in some African shithole.
Why does it make you so angry? Also, you do know you are able to switch channels or watch literally anything you desire thanks to all the new streaming services, right? Not sure about your age, but nobody that I know who is under 50 watches television anymore.

Perhaps you should just stop watching MTV's 'Yo Raps'. :D

Why does it make you so angry? Also, you do know you are able to switch channels or watch literally anything you desire thanks to all the new streaming services, right? Not sure about your age, but nobody that I know who is under 50 watches television anymore.

Perhaps you should just stop watching MTV's 'Yo Raps'. :D
My viewing habits or choices are none of your business. I do watch things other than broadcast tv.

What's so irritating is the obvious social engineering that is under way. Blacks are being forced on us at every turn. There are other groups that should be included - asians, eskimos, native americans, and many others.

I'm just sick of being forced to look at black people (by advertisers, sjws, etc). There are many more groups to choose from, many of which are far more attractive and interesting. Give blacks their 14% of airtime, then give us a fucking break - and some variety.
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There are many more groups to choose from, many of which are far more attractive and interesting.
And that is all I needed to hear to know where your issues come from -- You are just blatantly racist.

Anyways, aren't you Conservatives supposed to be for freedom of association, pro-business and for merit-over-quotas? The more I listen to Conservatives, the more I realize there is no difference at all between Left and Right.
Great argument, bro.

What you said, was an unsupported assertion. You made no effort to make a supporting argument, so there was no "point" or "logic" to address.

You just called him a name, based on you being an asshole.

You try supporting what you said, and I will address any points you actually make.
What you said, was an unsupported assertion. You made no effort to make a supporting argument, so there was no "point" or "logic" to address.

You just called him a name, based on you being an asshole.

You try supporting what you said, and I will address any points you actually make.
He very explicitly puts race as the standard of value in life which is the literal definition of the word "racism". See, unlike most people I do not exist in this empty void of meaningless and undefineble concepts. I use words for what they actually mean and my claim is thus not at all just random namecalling for the sake of being an asshole.
He very explicitly puts race as the standard of value in life which is the literal definition of the word "racism". See, unlike most people I do not exist in this empty void of meaningless and undefineble concepts. I use words for what they actually mean and my claim is thus not at all just random namecalling for the sake of being an asshole.

He expressed a personal preference about attractiveness and interestingness.

That is NOT placing race as "the standard value of life" whatever that supposedly means.

Racism is the belief that some races are SUPERIOR to others. A personal preference does NOT equal to a belief in superiority.

You do NOT use words for what they actually mean.
He expressed a personal preference about attractiveness and interestingness.
Why are you white-knighting him anyways? Are you his attorney or something?
That is NOT placing race as "the standard value of life" whatever that supposedly means.
Read the full context it was presented in and you will realize it was not at all just an expression for preference
Racism is the belief that some races are SUPERIOR to others. A personal preference does NOT equal to a belief in superiority.
And all that is built on the belief that race is what defines a man. The essential is thus regarding race as the standard of value for judging an individual.

Racism does not even necessarily have to come in the form of supremacy.
You do NOT use words for what they actually mean.
I do.
Why are you white-knighting him anyways? Are you his attorney or something?

Read the full context it was presented in and you will realize it was not at all just an expression for preference

And all that is built on the belief that race is what defines a man. The essential is thus regarding race as the standard of value for judging an individual.

Racism does not even necessarily have to come in the form of supremacy.

I do.

I am deeply offended by teh way lefties throw around the accusation of wacism.

Teh context is group representation in tv.

I bet you never compain about wacism when people push for "diversity" or "inclusion" in tv or film when it means MORE blacks.

If preference FOR one group, ,based on wace, is acceptable, then so is opposition.
Take popular programs from say 50 years ago, "Leave it to Beaver" to say "Picket fences". Blacks where represented as they where...14% of the populace. And NOW, say modern programs? 80% are NOW black. So, HOW does overrepresenting 14% of the populace become normal?

You know I agree with you! I mentioned this in other threads, and obtuse people called me racist facts are not racist! And have you noticed it got worse? Once George Floyd was allegedly killed by the police? Blacks get too many roles even in times that were not around, for I got wind they have black hobbits in the lord of the rings tv show that's like the second age England it is stupid I'm never watching that I'm sticking with the trilogy! And the next bond will probably be black, and Scotland's only 1% black. It makes more sense to have Sam Heughan as the next bond, not Regé-Jean Page. Little kids who got accustomed to Craig's run will be baffled by how he went from white to black.
And that is all I needed to hear to know where your issues come from -- You are just blatantly racist.

Anyways, aren't you Conservatives supposed to be for freedom of association, pro-business and for merit-over-quotas? The more I listen to Conservatives, the more I realize there is no difference at all between Left and Right.
You're a fucking idiot. And, sadly, you're too fucking stupid to be ashamed of being a fucking idiot.

You consider yourself superior to others and try to convince others of it by throwing the now worthless word 'wassist' around at every opportunity. You're an arrogant, worthless, self-righteous piece of dogshit.

Every person has a right to their own opinion. EVEN those who don't agree with you, dumbass.

Have a nice day.

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