Race Baiting & M.L.King..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I predict Obama and Democrat race baiting charlatans will continue to promote the racial divide during the celebration of M. L. K.s. "I have a dream speech" It's all part of the desperation Obama/Democrats feel with their dismal results for American citizens and the low odds of winning elections on merit.

This was interesting also...


A Department of Homeland Security manager in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government is, on the side, running an inflammatory website that throws around gay slurs and advocates the mass murder of "whites" and the "ethnic cleansing" of "Uncle Tom race traitors," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Ayo Kimathi, who calls himself the “Irritated Genie,” told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.
I'm predicting Obama will go on promoting the racial divide during the anniversary of M.L.K.s "I have a dream" speech.

But the report showed the site's content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war. His website, “War on the Horizon,” declares, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” the Alabama-based SPLC said in its report.

One of Kimathi’s former supervisors at DHS told SPLC’s Hatewatch that, “Everybody is the office is afraid of him,” and that his co-workers are “afraid he will come in with a gun and someday go postal.”

The supervisor, who was not named, continued, “I am astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

Read more: DHS employee spends spare time promoting race war against 'whites' | Fox News
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What the left is doing is causing real racial violence and hate. These people make me sick as innocent people are dying.

An M.L.King race baiting extravaganza requires Obama to have only Democrat master (race) baiters and X-presidents, is my guess.
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why is almost every single thread on this topic started by a righty? Yet somehow it's the left that's using this topic to race-bait? :confused:

you watch msnbc stop sounding like an idiot!

Hmm you're a watcher of that totally non-partisan fox news lineup I assume? :laugh:

You've heard that Fox News is "balanced" reporting I assume..

MSNBC is shivery crotch inspired news for shivering crotched Democrats....:lol:
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I predict Obama and Democrat race baiting charlatans will continue to promote the racial divide during the celebration of M. L. K.s. "I have a dream speech" It's all part of the desperation Obama/Democrats feel with their dismal results for American citizens and low odds of winning elections on merit.

This was interesting also...


A Department of Homeland Security manager in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government is, on the side, running an inflammatory website that throws around gay slurs and advocates the mass murder of "whites" and the "ethnic cleansing" of "Uncle Tom race traitors," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Ayo Kimathi, who calls himself the “Irritated Genie,” told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.
I'm predicting Obama will go on promoting the racial divide during the anniversary of M.L.K.s "I have a dream" speech.

But the report showed the site's content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war. His website, “War on the Horizon,” declares, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” the Alabama-based SPLC said in its report.

One of Kimathi’s former supervisors at DHS told SPLC’s Hatewatch that, “Everybody is the office is afraid of him,” and that his co-workers are “afraid he will come in with a gun and someday go postal.”

The supervisor, who was not named, continued, “I am astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

Read more: DHS employee spends spare time promoting race war against 'whites' | Fox News

correct usage; democratic-race baiting, etc.
Blacks need to help themselves...Whining at white people to give them stuff isn't a solution.

Take care of your children
Push them to advance in school
Learn to start your own business


They want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, not all of them mind you.
Blacks need to help themselves...Whining at white people to give them stuff isn't a solution.

Take care of your children
Push them to advance in school
Learn to start your own business


yeah! Stop asking for equality and other stupid shit
Blacks need to help themselves...Whining at white people to give them stuff isn't a solution.

Take care of your children
Push them to advance in school
Learn to start your own business


Illogical fallacies do not support your assumption at truth.
While it is true that many want to rebel and raid.
Not all want to rebel and raid.
you watch msnbc stop sounding like an idiot!

Hmm you're a watcher of that totally non-partisan fox news lineup I assume? :laugh:

You've heard that Fox News is "balanced" reporting I assume..

MSNBC is shivery crotch inspired news for shivering crotched Democrats....:lol:

In my opinion MSNBC is simply trying to follow in the footsteps of Fox News. By using a blatantly partisan lineup to appeal to their viewers. MSNBC is failing though because they don't have anywhere near as much funding. And both are garbage.

And my crotch is doing just splendidly thank you very much.
What many RWer's do not understand is that after 250+ years of abuse and neglect towards the Afro American, many feel that not only is payment is demanded for such abuses, but they also want retribution. There are many very good Afro-Americans and people should not include this sector of citizens to their wrath.
Hmm you're a watcher of that totally non-partisan fox news lineup I assume? :laugh:

You've heard that Fox News is "balanced" reporting I assume..

MSNBC is shivery crotch inspired news for shivering crotched Democrats....:lol:

In my opinion MSNBC is simply trying to follow in the footsteps of Fox News. By using a blatantly partisan lineup to appeal to their viewers. MSNBC is failing though because they don't have anywhere near as much funding. And both are garbage.

And my crotch is doing just splendidly thank you very much.

This is an end result of the era of shock jocks and extreme broadcasting.

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