Race Baiting & M.L.King..

Blacks need to help themselves...Whining at white people to give them stuff isn't a solution.

Take care of your children
Push them to advance in school
Learn to start your own business


yeah! Stop asking for equality and other stupid shit

They have "special rights" over and above regular citizens.

Like what? Go ahead and say Affirmative action so I can counter with White Women being the main beneficiaries of AA.
No matter what those rightwing radio hosts come up with, it can't compare to the outpouring of hate whitey day on display today.

By the time the sun goes down the crowd should be whipped up into a city burning frenzy.
No matter what those rightwing radio hosts come up with, it can't compare to the outpouring of hate whitey day on display today.

By the time the sun goes down the crowd should be whipped up into a city burning frenzy.

That's what you say everytime, and everytime you're wrong. But don't let that stop you :lol:
Obama using Martin L. King...and again joining the race baiting charlatans..:lol:


President Obama says that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. “would like” the Affordable Care Act that is set to kick in this fall and that has become a top target of Republicans.

Speaking on the eve of the commemoration ceremony for the 50th anniversary of Mr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech set for Wednesday in Washington, Mr. Obama was asked what the civil rights leader would say about the Affordable Care Act, which passed in 2010 and has become known as Obamacare.

Read more: Obama: MLK would like Obamacare - Washington Times
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Obama: MLK would like Obamacare - Washington Times
Professors Blame Racism, Republicans for Government Shutdown

October 11, 2013 By Sara Dogan



■Professors at campuses across the nation have been quick to lay blame for the government shutdown. And they are not blaming Barack Obama or the Democrats. University of Pennsylvania Associate Professor Anthea Butler claimed on twitter that racism against President Obama was responsible for the shutdown stating that a previous shutdown had taken place under the leadership of “fake black president Clinton” but this time Republicans have a “real black president to mess with.”
■Assistant Professor Rachel Slocum at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse sent students in her geography class an email stating that “some of the data gathering assignment will be impossible to complete until the Republican/tea party controlled House of Representatives agrees to fund the government” due to the Census website, among other resources, being unavailable. When a student objected to the partisan email, Slocum sent a second email to her class claiming that she hadn’t “meant to be partisan” but still laying out essentially the same argument and further stating that “It’s important to recognize that within the Republican party there is disagreement over how to govern. Many are not happy with this all or nothing style that people on the far right (who refer to themselves as the Tea Party) are advocating.”
■Students at Columbia University and Barnard College staging a joint production of The Vagina Monologues have banned white students from participating in the performance on the grounds that the show “has historically overlooked the empowerment of women of color, queer women, and trans* folk, among others—often replicating and perpetuating the same systems of power and privilege that prompted the playwright, Eve Ensler, to write The Vagina Monologues in the first place.” The Facebook page for the event notes that the board’s decision to restrict participation to “self-identified women of color” was unanimous and will “center traditionally marginalized identities within the feminist community, creating a space in which the voices, stories, and experiences of women of color can be heard, acknowledged, and addressed.”


Professors Blame Racism, Republicans for Government Shutdown | FrontPage Magazine
Blacks need to help themselves...Whining at white people to give them stuff isn't a solution.

Take care of your children
Push them to advance in school
Learn to start your own business


Borrow that business start-up money from your parents! Mitt Romney

Sharpton Frustrated Obama Doesn't Play Race Card More

"Many of us are frustrated he hasn't brought up race as it relates to him more than he has."

1.20.2014 |Trey Sanchez

Appearing on Monday's Morning Joe, Al Sharpton revealed that he still thinks people dislike Obama because he is black and is frustrated that Obama does not play the race card because of it.

Sharpton also does not appreciate that the president has asked him and other civil rights leaders to clam up over this perceived racism. He wants the president to use the race card more. Here is what he said on MSNBC:


Sharpton Frustrated Obama Doesn't Play Race Card More | Truth Revolt

Sharpton Frustrated Obama Doesn't Play Race Card More

"Many of us are frustrated he hasn't brought up race as it relates to him more than he has."

1.20.2014 |Trey Sanchez

Appearing on Monday's Morning Joe, Al Sharpton revealed that he still thinks people dislike Obama because he is black and is frustrated that Obama does not play the race card because of it.

Sharpton also does not appreciate that the president has asked him and other civil rights leaders to clam up over this perceived racism. He wants the president to use the race card more. Here is what he said on MSNBC:


Sharpton Frustrated Obama Doesn't Play Race Card More | Truth Revolt

Sharpton is a nut case, yet, quite popular with Democrats though.

Sharpton Frustrated Obama Doesn't Play Race Card More

"Many of us are frustrated he hasn't brought up race as it relates to him more than he has."

1.20.2014 |Trey Sanchez

Appearing on Monday's Morning Joe, Al Sharpton revealed that he still thinks people dislike Obama because he is black and is frustrated that Obama does not play the race card because of it.

Sharpton also does not appreciate that the president has asked him and other civil rights leaders to clam up over this perceived racism. He wants the president to use the race card more. Here is what he said on MSNBC:


Sharpton Frustrated Obama Doesn't Play Race Card More | Truth Revolt

Sharpton is a nut case, yet, quite popular with Democrats though.

I heard he's a blueberry pie eaten c*cksucker...:dunno:


The Race-Hacks Defend Their Industry

March 28, 2014 by Bruce Thornton


The race-hack usual subjects recently attacked Congressman Paul Ryan for stating that the problems plaguing the poor––incarceration, fatherless children, drug abuse, rampant violence, and welfare-dependence–– are a consequence of a dysfunctional culture that scorns marriage, parenthood, education, work, and virtues like self-control. Given that blacks are overrepresented among the underclass, these unexceptional observations––regularly made by others, including Barack Obama––called down a firestorm of racialist invective on Ryan. The abuse ranged from the usual clichés about “blaming the victim” and racist “dog-whistles,” to a New York Times columnist accusing Ryan of being as callous as the Brits were about the 19th century Irish famine. Such ad hominem calumny suggests that somebody’s ox is being gored and doesn’t like it.

The overfed “ox,” of course, is the race industry and its enablers in the federal Leviathan. It’s understandable why these grievance-mongers want to deflect attention away from Ryan’s message. Since the rise of identity politics and anti-poverty programs in the 60s, the plight of the black underclass has worsened, even as the self-selected race tribunes––professors, “activists,” lobbyists, government employees, celebrities, politicians––have flourished. Given that the moral capital financing the race industry comes from the misery and suffering of underclass blacks, race-grievance entrepreneurs must ward off solutions to those problems that challenge the narrative justifying their own power.

That narrative is simple: white racism explains the epidemic of black-on-black murder, children without fathers, lack of education, and dependence on the government dole. Since Klan-style racist violence and Jim Crow legal racism have disappeared, “racism” has to be redefined in ever more subtle manifestations like “institutional racism.” The best example of this scam is the “disparate impact” standard for identifying racism, a favorite of the current Department of Justice. By this metric, a mere statistical imbalance in minority participation in car loans or home mortgages is a sign of racism even if no intent can be proven or even identified. This kind of thinking led to the federal regulations pressuring lenders to lower qualifying standards for home loans, which was a major factor in the housing bubble and the ensuing Great Recession of 2008. The hysteria over “profiling” is another example of this racialist voodoo. Even if a group is overrepresented among perpetrators of a crime, identifying suspects from that group when such a crime occurs is automatically racist.


Rather than rhetorically kill messengers like Paul Ryan, those truly concerned with these problems need to address the genuine racism holding back millions of black people: a dysfunctional culture created by the unholy marriage of government social welfare entitlements and the self-interested identity politics of race hacks.

The Race-Hacks Defend Their Industry | FrontPage Magazine

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