Race Card in Our Culture...Political Horse Crap


May 23, 2014
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford
I imagine any racist would minimize their own actions and consider them not that bad. Thanks for enlightening us with that OP though.
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford
I imagine any racist would minimize their own actions and consider them not that bad. Thanks for enlightening us with that OP though.
Really...I’m a racist? OMG criticism coming from a true racist who plays that card as a last resort. I guess I’m probably not a “true comrade either.”
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford
I imagine any racist would minimize their own actions and consider them not that bad. Thanks for enlightening us with that OP though.
......the R word means nothing now---you have over used it and mostly for crap such as Covington/Smollet--very recent examples
......the R word means nothing now...most whites laugh when we see it in the news/etc because we know most of it is bullshit
......the R word means nothing now...most whites laugh when we see it in the news/etc because we know most of it is bullshit

If it means nothing, why do you get butthurt when someone calls you a racist?
Can you admit that you are a racist?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
laughing ---hahahhahahahahahhahahaha
.....not only do we laugh, we prove your crap IS bullshit--then we laugh some more because you look so stupid--as does the MSM
Covington/Smollet are just 2 very recent examples
racist EVERYWHERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-- [ in your minds ]
......the R word means nothing now...most whites laugh when we see it in the news/etc because we know most of it is bullshit

If it means nothing, why do you get butthurt when someone calls you a racist?
Can you admit that you are a racist?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
laughing ---hahahhahahahahahhahahaha
.....not only do we laugh, we prove your crap IS bullshit--then we laugh some more because you look so stupid--as does the MSM

Can’t answer my question.
Not only are you a racist but you’re a gutless coward as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford
I imagine any racist would minimize their own actions and consider them not that bad. Thanks for enlightening us with that OP though.
......the R word means nothing now---you have over used it and mostly for crap such as Covington/Smollet--very recent examples
Spot on Teddy R!!!
The word has been so comically over-used for political advantage that it means pretty much nothing now. Or anything.

Just like "socialist".

That's a damn shame. It's a terribly serious topic.

Please point out a high profile case where someone was called a racist and it wasn't justified...

Donald J. Trump
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford

Hubby and I have this as a running joke around the house now. Anytime "white" or "black" comes up hubby says, "You're wearing white--that's so racist". or whatever.

It's just a joke how white privilege Christian we are. I'm called racist xenophobic homophobic and my eyes glaze over. yeah, I know.

......the R word means nothing now...most whites laugh when we see it in the news/etc because we know most of it is bullshit

If it means nothing, why do you get butthurt when someone calls you a racist?
Can you admit that you are a racist?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
laughing ---hahahhahahahahahhahahaha
.....not only do we laugh, we prove your crap IS bullshit--then we laugh some more because you look so stupid--as does the MSM

Can’t answer my question.
Not only are you a racist but you’re a gutless coward as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don’t get “butt hurt” when someone calls me “racist.” I laugh at their stupidity. In a political debate it = they are defeated. In an educational and cultural context that false white guilt nonsense needs to be confronted in every aspect by conservatives. “The lie has to die.”
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford

Hubby and I have this as a running joke around the house now. Anytime "white" or "black" comes up hubby says, "You're wearing white--that's so racist". or whatever.

It's just a joke how white privilege Christian we are. I'm called racist xenophobic homophobic and my eyes glaze over. yeah, I know.

Exactly. My father says this about “white privilege.” He was poor and grew-up without indoor plumbing. “Let them assholes tell me how privileged I was when I had to shit in an outhouse when it was -20 below.”
Darwin was racist. He led people to believe blacks came from apes. His cousin, Francis Galton, created eugenics which cause black genocide and Planned Parenthood. It was a big cause of racism in the US. Darwin's theories led to social Darwinism (more racism) and Hitler and the Holocaust (racism used as reason for genocide of Jews).
Darwin was racist. He led people to believe blacks came from apes. His cousin, Francis Galton, created eugenics which cause black genocide and Planned Parenthood. It was a big cause of racism in the US. Darwin's theories led to social Darwinism (more racism) and Hitler and the Holocaust (racism used as reason for genocide of Jews).
:206: What the fuck does any of that have to do with average white person? I’m supposed to feel guilt over this? Don’t think so, not buying the communist brainwashing.
......the R word means nothing now...most whites laugh when we see it in the news/etc because we know most of it is bullshit

If it means nothing, why do you get butthurt when someone calls you a racist?
Can you admit that you are a racist?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
laughing ---hahahhahahahahahhahahaha
.....not only do we laugh, we prove your crap IS bullshit--then we laugh some more because you look so stupid--as does the MSM

Can’t answer my question.
Not only are you a racist but you’re a gutless coward as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don’t get “butt hurt” when someone calls me “racist.” I laugh at their stupidity. In a political debate it = they are defeated. In an educational and cultural context that false white guilt nonsense needs to be confronted in every aspect by conservatives. “The lie has to die.”

I wasn’t talking to you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is their nothing worse than being called “racist” in our society? Fucking right there is! How the hell did the liberal media, education system,and Democrats put this bullshit on our culture? I can name a whole list of things worse than being called a racist. In fact it’s nothing more than a common political issue and Democratic Party has made it that way. They have played the race card so much that it’s as common and non-excitable as rain on a summer day. Here are worse things to be called:
1.) Communist/Socialist/ National Socialist (all the same thing)
2.) Democrat (see above)
3.) “You work for:” CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Al Jazerra, China Times, Soviet News Agency Pravda, Ministry of Truth, etc. (again...all the same)
4.) Liberal college professor
5.) Oregon Governor
6.) Angela Merkel
7.) Antifa member.
8.) Harvard student
9.) Welfare recipient
10.) Hollywood resident (outside the few brave conservatives there)
12.) Abortion supporter
13.) Abortion doctor
14.) Gay Rights Activist
15.) Gun control advocate
16.) I’m from: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Madison, Pittsburgh, Washington DC suburbs, New York City, Hartford

Hubby and I have this as a running joke around the house now. Anytime "white" or "black" comes up hubby says, "You're wearing white--that's so racist". or whatever.

It's just a joke how white privilege Christian we are. I'm called racist xenophobic homophobic and my eyes glaze over. yeah, I know.

Heaven forbid a school cafeteria runs out of chocolate milk and they only have white milk.

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