Race Differences in average IQ are Largely Genetic

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You don't follow your own rules Unk. You made a claim that what I posted wasn't true. Put your money where your mouth is.

Are you really this stupid, or are you just trolling for the fun of it? When you make a claim and that claim is challenged, the onus is on you to support or withdraw the claim. This is about as basic as it gets.

You made a claim. I challenged it. Step up to the plate Unk.

You really never learned anything about basic logic? Ever? :confused:
You sided with that someone else against my evidence. You share his argument when you do that.

Again, illogical and inaccurate. I didn't "side with" anyone, I pointed out your juvenile manner of communicating and avoiding your responsibilities in a discussion. I didn't address your "evidence" at all. Do you see why I point out that you are illogical and dishonest? You misrepresented my position and from that error/lie, reached an illogical conclusion. Calm down and think once in a while.

And stop deliberately misrepresenting me.
But you did side with him.

No, I did not. AGAIN, I pointed out your juvenile manner of communicating. I didn't address your "evidence" at all. I'm telling you this clearly and directly AGAIN. If you insist otherwise you are knowingly misrepresenting me. Is that your intention, troll?
I know it frustrates the hell out of you that the Egyptians were Black .

No, it does not. Now, I've told you this very clearly and very directly several times. If you continue with this pattern of trolling you need to know that you are willfully misrepresenting me. You are making that choice. I hope you don't wonder why I call you dishonest so often.

If you have told me this clearly and directly several times why are you attacking my proof

AGAIN, I did not address your "proof." If it is your intention to continue misrepresenting me here, just come right out and say so. Have the character to be up front about what you are doing, troll.
Are you really this stupid, or are you just trolling for the fun of it? When you make a claim and that claim is challenged, the onus is on you to support or withdraw the claim. This is about as basic as it gets.

You made a claim. I challenged it. Step up to the plate Unk.

You really never learned anything about basic logic? Ever? :confused:

Are you really this stupid? You must not really be a teacher at all. Prove your point. You make a claim. Prove it.
Again, illogical and inaccurate. I didn't "side with" anyone, I pointed out your juvenile manner of communicating and avoiding your responsibilities in a discussion. I didn't address your "evidence" at all. Do you see why I point out that you are illogical and dishonest? You misrepresented my position and from that error/lie, reached an illogical conclusion. Calm down and think once in a while.

And stop deliberately misrepresenting me.
But you did side with him.

No, I did not. AGAIN, I pointed out your juvenile manner of communicating. I didn't address your "evidence" at all. I'm telling you this clearly and directly AGAIN. If you insist otherwise you are knowingly misrepresenting me. Is that your intention, troll?

Yes you did side with him. If you insist on lying I will insist on exposing you. That is my intention.
You made a claim. I challenged it. Step up to the plate Unk.

You really never learned anything about basic logic? Ever? :confused:

Are you really this stupid? You must not really be a teacher at all. Prove your point. You make a claim. Prove it.

Until you have even the most basic familiarity with logic there is really no point in pursuing this further. Do yourself a favor and take a class or something.
No, it does not. Now, I've told you this very clearly and very directly several times. If you continue with this pattern of trolling you need to know that you are willfully misrepresenting me. You are making that choice. I hope you don't wonder why I call you dishonest so often.

If you have told me this clearly and directly several times why are you attacking my proof

AGAIN, I did not address your "proof." If it is your intention to continue misrepresenting me here, just come right out and say so. Have the character to be up front about what you are doing, troll.

Are you stupid or something? I told him I didn't care if he didnt believe in the facts and you addressed that comment. If you were not addressing that comment then what were you addressing? Did you make another of your many mistakes and reply to the wrong comment? If you cant prove you were not addressing my proof then you are a liar. Just fess up. its good for your soul.
You really never learned anything about basic logic? Ever? :confused:

Are you really this stupid? You must not really be a teacher at all. Prove your point. You make a claim. Prove it.

Until you have even the most basic familiarity with logic there is really no point in pursuing this further. Do yourself a favor and take a class or something.

How about both of you assholes shut the fuck up for a while. Your petty little pissing games are worn out. Neither one of you contribute much of anything to the discussion.
You really never learned anything about basic logic? Ever? :confused:

Are you really this stupid? You must not really be a teacher at all. Prove your point. You make a claim. Prove it.

Until you have even the most basic familiarity with logic there is really no point in pursuing this further. Do yourself a favor and take a class or something.
Already taken many years ago. Your turn to take a class.
But you did side with him.

No, I did not. AGAIN, I pointed out your juvenile manner of communicating. I didn't address your "evidence" at all. I'm telling you this clearly and directly AGAIN. If you insist otherwise you are knowingly misrepresenting me. Is that your intention, troll?

Yes you did side with him.

If I tell you CLEARLY AND DIRECTLY what my position is and you continue to insist the opposite is true, you are just plainly and blatantly misrepresenting me. Repeating the same thing over and over won't change anything.
Let's get back on topic folks....
Let's get back on topic folks....

Good point. As I have posted previously on this thread, with a link to supporting testimony from an expert, there is no way at present to prove any such a connection between 'race' and intelligence. HG summed it up about as well as needs be.
Let's get back on topic folks....

Good point. As I have posted previously on this thread, with a link to supporting testimony from an expert, there is no way at present to prove any such a connection between 'race' and intelligence. HG summed it up about as well as needs be.
And, AGAIN, when you can EXCERPT what's in your EMPTY LINK-DUMP/SPAM and show us HOW It agrees with you, I will be glad to respond to it.
You remain Mum/UNABLE to do so. Clearly you just don't know, but think it's drift is something you agree with.

The last 75 posts or so in this section serves to demonstrate to RKMBrown (who queried on it then) precisely which side of the debate is in the top '50% of intelligence' and which not.
So bad/STUPID it got between the anti-race-position advocates, a mod has had to intervene 'between' the Same side!

And I might add biggest "Racism" in this string has been BLACK RACISM, Goofily claiming everything from Olmecs to Greece to Newton and Einstein! for what everyone else can plainly see is the Stunning hut-dwelling Backwardness of Sub-Sahara AND it's genes.

Board please take note immediatly Below
Unkotare has now SPAMMED his link 5 times withOUT Excerpt.
He, again, is just Too Stupid to excerpt relevant parts, AS PER Standard and Sensible Message board practice

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Pertinent information for anyone who cares to really learn rather than promote an agenda:

Race, Intelligence, and Genetics For Curious Dummies - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Race-Differences-Intelligence-Evolutionary-Analysis/dp/159368021X]Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis: Richard Lynn: 9781593680213: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

Sure, let's just Link Dump without Excerpt.
See, that was 'rebuttal' and what this board will look like in bUnkotare's world.

This is the IDIOT'S 'debate' brought to you by Dumbkotare who is Too Stupid to know and post what's in his own link.. except it vaguely agrees with him.
Get it now/YET you 12 IQ moron?

OK, who's next with an UNEXCERPTED LINK DUH-MP?

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Stay on topic.
UNexcerpted Links are NOT On Topic,
BUT, IF yours is, mine is MORE so, directly addressing 'Race and IQ'.
In fact, Richard Lynn 'wrote THE book' on the topic, literally!, I posted a Link to it.
Go ahead "refute it".
See how Your method works?

who's next to post an UNEXCERPTED link as 'debate'?

I am desperate FOR debate on My topic. It's been 95% Nightmare so far.
Much of it your one-line ignoramus tactics. And a few other clown objectors.
I would urge anyone to compare my posts on this or ANY topic to that of Uno-line-kotare or ANY of my opponents.
I post Meaty Content in every subject I enter.
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The fact is that no one can point to a discreet, identifiable genetic marker for intelligence at all, because it is not something determined by a single gene. An unknown variety of genetic factors influencing each other, combined with social and environmental considerations, conflate to result in a given individual's intelligence which itself may be plastic throughout at least an individual's formative years.

So, no, there is no connection that we can point to. At least not today.
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