Race Differences in average IQ are Largely Genetic

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You seem to think that I care what you or other racist white people accept. I don't.

There it is again. The same old song and dance over and over and over. "Waaa! I don't care what you think! Waaaa! I don't want to support my own position! Waaaaa!"

If it were not for DNA most white people would still not believe their forefathers were Black African Bushmen.

There you go again, making patently illogical statements.
There you go again making statements without any proof to back them up.

The proof is right there. Your statement was patently illogical. If you knew anything about logic you wouldn't need this pointed out to you over and over again.

Your statement rests on speculation about a conditional about which you cannot possibly have sufficient information from which to draw a conclusion. THAT is illogical, you dope.
You seem to think that I care what you or other racist white people accept. I don't.

There it is again. The same old song and dance over and over and over. "Waaa! I don't care what you think! Waaaa! I don't want to support my own position! Waaaaa!"


Except I did support my position with DNA facts that do not lie. You and the rest of the racist have yet to dispute it. Until then I don't care what your opinion is. Prove it to me with facts. Only then will I take you seriously.
There you go again, making patently illogical statements.
There you go again making statements without any proof to back them up.

The proof is right there. Your statement was patently illogical. If you knew anything about logic you wouldn't need this pointed out to you over and over again.

Your statement rests on speculation about a conditional about which you cannot possibly have sufficient information from which to draw a conclusion. THAT is illogical, you dope.

Just like every single one of your comments. You have yet to support anything you post Unk. You are one funny little guy. :lol:
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Unk disappears like a fart in the wind when asked to prove his stance with facts. He now openly admits to believing the Egyptians were not black by siding with racists in the face of DNA evidence. Unk has been exposed once again. What a lump of panty waste!
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There you go again making statements without any proof to back them up.

The proof is right there. Your statement was patently illogical. If you knew anything about logic you wouldn't need this pointed out to you over and over again.

Your statement rests on speculation about a conditional about which you cannot possibly have sufficient information from which to draw a conclusion. THAT is illogical, you dope.

Just like every single one of your comments.

For example?
You seem to think that I care what you or other racist white people accept. I don't.

There it is again. The same old song and dance over and over and over. "Waaa! I don't care what you think! Waaaa! I don't want to support my own position! Waaaaa!"


Except I did support my position with DNA facts that do not lie. You and the rest of the racist have yet to dispute it. Until then I don't care what your opinion is. Prove it to me with facts. Only then will I take you seriously.


That is an argument you are having with someone else, not me, you idiot.
There you go again, you illogical fool. The onus is on YOU to support your clams.

You made the claim it was not true. Support that claim you racist fool.

:rolleyes: Fucking idiot.

If you are incapable of following even the most basic rules of logic, communication is impossible.

You're fucking hopeless.

You don't follow your own rules Unk. You made a claim that what I posted wasn't true. Put your money where your mouth is. Lets see you prove it? However, it has to be more than 2 sentences or at least a link supporting your argument. My guess is that you will fail again to live up to your own rule of communication.
He now openly admits to believing the Egyptians were not black

I have said no such thing, you lying sack of shit.

When you criticize me saying I dont care what a proven racist opinion is after showing him proof then you must agree with his stance as proven by your siding with him. You cant have it both ways Unk. i will not allow that. Either you prove that what I said was false or you side with the racist that also failed to prove anything that can dispute my posted evidence. I know it frustrates the hell out of you that the Egyptians were Black because you are a closet racist. Everyone can see it as evidenced by you on several occasions. Stop pretending and put on that KKK hood for the world to see. Let that inner savage out and post what you really feel racist.
There it is again. The same old song and dance over and over and over. "Waaa! I don't care what you think! Waaaa! I don't want to support my own position! Waaaaa!"


Except I did support my position with DNA facts that do not lie. You and the rest of the racist have yet to dispute it. Until then I don't care what your opinion is. Prove it to me with facts. Only then will I take you seriously.


That is an argument you are having with someone else, not me, you idiot.

You sided with that someone else against my evidence. You share his argument when you do that. Prove the Egyptians are not Black Unk.
You made the claim it was not true. Support that claim you racist fool.

:rolleyes: Fucking idiot.

If you are incapable of following even the most basic rules of logic, communication is impossible.

You're fucking hopeless.

You don't follow your own rules Unk. You made a claim that what I posted wasn't true. Put your money where your mouth is.

Are you really this stupid, or are you just trolling for the fun of it? When you make a claim and that claim is challenged, the onus is on you to support or withdraw the claim. This is about as basic as it gets.
Except I did support my position with DNA facts that do not lie. You and the rest of the racist have yet to dispute it. Until then I don't care what your opinion is. Prove it to me with facts. Only then will I take you seriously.


That is an argument you are having with someone else, not me, you idiot.

You sided with that someone else against my evidence. You share his argument when you do that.

Again, illogical and inaccurate. I didn't "side with" anyone, I pointed out your juvenile manner of communicating and avoiding your responsibilities in a discussion. I didn't address your "evidence" at all. Do you see why I point out that you are illogical and dishonest? You misrepresented my position and from that error/lie, reached an illogical conclusion. Calm down and think once in a while.

And stop deliberately misrepresenting me.
He now openly admits to believing the Egyptians were not black

I have said no such thing, you lying sack of shit.

When you criticize me saying I dont care what a proven racist opinion is after showing him proof then you must agree with his stance as proven by your siding with him. .

No, you fool, no. That is an illogical conclusion. Did you ever go to school at all?

Pay attention, I'll try to make this simple enough even for you. When I inform you that this or that is or is not my position on a given issue and you then insist that the opposite is my position despite being told - by me (you know, the person holding the position) - very clearly and directly that is not the case, you are then willfully misrepresenting me. Now, admit what you are doing or change your behavior. The way you are carrying on here makes you look like a dishonest, dimwitted 10 year-old.
I know it frustrates the hell out of you that the Egyptians were Black .

No, it does not. Now, I've told you this very clearly and very directly several times. If you continue with this pattern of trolling you need to know that you are willfully misrepresenting me. You are making that choice. I hope you don't wonder why I call you dishonest so often.
:rolleyes: Fucking idiot.

If you are incapable of following even the most basic rules of logic, communication is impossible.

You're fucking hopeless.

You don't follow your own rules Unk. You made a claim that what I posted wasn't true. Put your money where your mouth is.

Are you really this stupid, or are you just trolling for the fun of it? When you make a claim and that claim is challenged, the onus is on you to support or withdraw the claim. This is about as basic as it gets.

You made a claim. I challenged it. Step up to the plate Unk.

That is an argument you are having with someone else, not me, you idiot.

You sided with that someone else against my evidence. You share his argument when you do that.

Again, illogical and inaccurate. I didn't "side with" anyone, I pointed out your juvenile manner of communicating and avoiding your responsibilities in a discussion. I didn't address your "evidence" at all. Do you see why I point out that you are illogical and dishonest? You misrepresented my position and from that error/lie, reached an illogical conclusion. Calm down and think once in a while.

And stop deliberately misrepresenting me.
But you did side with him. I said I dont care if he agrees with the facts and you jumped in and said thats what you were talking about. Either you agree with him or you admit you were stupid and did not follow the conversation. Which was it?
I know it frustrates the hell out of you that the Egyptians were Black .

No, it does not. Now, I've told you this very clearly and very directly several times. If you continue with this pattern of trolling you need to know that you are willfully misrepresenting me. You are making that choice. I hope you don't wonder why I call you dishonest so often.

If you have told me this clearly and directly several times why are you attacking my proof without providing your own proof to dispute mine. I know lying for you is a means of coping but when you do so just know I will bust you every time Unk. :lol:
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