Race of Boulder Victims

I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.

Why are you asking stupid questions?

There is nothing here to "admit", except that between the two murders, a total of 18 innocent people with families, lost their lives.

The fact that so called "people" like you and the OP are irate because the race of the latest victims, was not sufficiently publicized to your satisfaction, is an issue that is yours and no one elses.

Coward. :lol:
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.

Why are you asking stupid questions?

There is nothing here to "admit", except that between the two murders, a total of 18 innocent people with families, lost their lives.

The fact that so called "people" like you and the OP are irate because the race of the latest victims, was not sufficiently publicized to your satisfaction, is an issue that is yours and no one elses.

Coward. :lol:

Not demonizing the media for "failing" to sufficiently racialize the deaths of innocent people in order to satisfy the needs of a lunatic fringe is not "cowardice".

Just out of curiosity, how would someone like you, and the OP, prefer that the "conspiratorial media" described this tragedy?
The media should treat all races equally in their reporting.
You are afraid to discuss why the media won't write headlines about which race the Boulder victims were, like they did for the Atlanta shootings. Go on, post your next evasion.

There is nothing to be "afraid of", as far as the reporting of this incident.

Obviously, this is a case of "some people" like you and others here having a need for more than interviews with families, friends, and pictures all over the internet that clearly illustrate what the victims looked like.

If you had reported this tragedy, would you have described them as "white people" first?

Or just "people"?

Depends on the agenda, doesn't? In the Atlanta shooting (which you have yet to admit) the overwhelming focus of the media coverage was the victims were Asian and the shooter was white. Instantly, without evidence, the media labelled it a hate crime. Those facts are indisputable.

The initial spin on the Colorado shooting made no reference to the victims' race and initially claimed the shooter was a white supremacist until they found out he was a Muslim dude from Syrian. Then the story shifted to guns bad.

Dims always assume the general public is as stupid as they are. But most reasonably intelligent people see right through the bullshit. Hence how polling data on trust in the media is at an all time low. The last I saw about 9%.

So now, the WHITE owned and operated media is "discriminating against" poor maligned WHITE people, because they are "biased in favor of Asians"?

That's really hilarious, and kind of sick.

Attempting to reason with that kind of stupid is a pointless waste of time.

I would prefer to just state that it is a tragedy that innocent PEOPLE" died.

Public corporates are owned by their shareholders. The shareholders are people of all races and backgrounds. Why are your assumptions so racist in nature? Says a lot about you, doesn't? :(

Nonsense. What it says about me, is that in tragedies like the one in Boulder, the ones who were murdered are "people" first and foremost, you and others here are obviously offended by that.

If it was someone close to me that met the same type of tragic ending, I would not care if the media described them racially at all.

The fact that there are actually people here who see this tragedy as an opportunity to racialize or politicize their deaths is disgusting.

The media always injects race into these situations which is exactly the point of this thread, But I guess you're not disgusted with them. :lol:

"These Situations"?

That's absurd.

Race has not been "injected" into many mass shootings.

Since these two mass shootings happened to be close in proximity, time wise, you're saying that they should have been covered by the media identically?

I don't recall the publicity about:
*Killeen Texas
*San Ysidro
* Columbine,
* Sandy Hook,
*Las Vegas, nor
Ft. Hood, focusing on the race of the victims....just to name a few shootings.

The vast majority of those killed in all of those shootings were white, and I don't recall the MSM, nor the underground press consistently mentioning them being "white" in the news.

So what's your point?

That every mass shooting report should specify the race of every victim?
I realize that you will never be commenting on why the media isn't putting the races of the Boulder victims in the headlines, but why do you suppose it was so important to the media to report the races of the Atlanta victims in their headlines?
Progs killing Progs mean nothing. We are passed that point now. Way passed it. A Non Prog will be uplifted as the wort villain in history for months in a terrible event by the false media. Law enforcement who enforce Progs laws are maggots and you who follow them are idiots. You can not even see that White Prog women are treating you like they are raising their children. And raising their children in ways that only can be done with resources to smooth out problems that most of the world can only dream of. A Cop who will arrest a business owner over Covid but let a rioter shit on him is a bitch. He is of the fiefdom and will collect his pension while slithering under his rock. To cops...do not arrest business owners trying to survive. We do not have many more bullets even in our economy to keep paying people off. But the deep state rules. And the sellouts are already condemned.
Resident biden has not ordered the flags flown at half mast for these 10 victims like he did for the Asian massage parlor victims either
if you are a true AMERICAN, and get shot, you get no recognition in the USA...publishers like msm, want everything to be about race..if it isnt, no coverage.
does anyone expect anything less from the shit stations--nbc, cbs, abc, cnn...everyone of these shit stations are biased, discriminatory criminals.
The way you evade discussing how we don't see headlines about white victims is vile and dishonest.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?
White supremacists Anders Brevig killed 70 white kids in Norway. Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 white people Kenousha few months bk.

They killed those white people TO KEEP WHITE PEOPLE IN LINE

Kyle Rittenhouse killed those white people because, to him and many who think like him, those white were off code, they were marching with BLM and were protesting against the murder of Jacob Blake (A black man who was killed by the police). The same with Anders Brevig he killed those white kids because they not on code.
Ten points to you if you can name the shooting that this thread is about. You can even look at the title if you need some clues.
I know the shooting. It was white man killing 10 white people in Boulder / Colorado.

And let's be clear. He (Ahmed Allisa) was white


His wrap sheet said so.


And these are the white people he killed


Notice one thing.

Hardly any, if any, black person is going on any forum or in the media mocking these victims saying "White people mass shoot all the time" or digging into these victims criminal history to try and find dirt on them.

Pretty much no black person does this

We generally don't mock your deaths and go out of our ways to try and prove why they deserved to die. The same way whites do to blacks.

We can go down the the line George Floyd ? Trayvon Martin ? Mike Brown ? Freddie Gray ? Tamir Rice ? Most whites go out of their way to prove how they deserved to die.

And if this was a black man mass shooting and killing ten white people ?

You'd have never heard the end of it.

But in the boulder case, the reason why the race of these victims was never front and center is part of the very system you support. Whites don't have to worry that the actions of other whites will stick to them

Whites can screw up on the job, run entire corporations into the ground, rip off the Savings and Loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, cut corners on occupational safety and health in the workplace, or scam millions from employee pension funds, commit mass shooting after mass shooting without the rest of u having to worry

That's why when shootings like this happen, white folks rush to insist that we’re “just individuals,” "he had mental issues" and that's the result of a particular social arrangement, where some and not others have been seen as individuals no matter the actions of others within their group. There is, of course a phrase for this arrangement.

The system of racism - white supremacy.
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The way you evade discussing how we don't see headlines about white victims is vile and dishonest.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?
White supremacists Anders Brevig killed 70 white kids in Norway. Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 white people Kenousha few months bk.

They killed those white people TO KEEP WHITE PEOPLE IN LINE

Kyle Rittenhouse killed those white people because, to him and many who think like him, those white were off code, they were marching with BLM and were protesting against the murder of Jacob Blake (A black man who was killed by the police). The same with Anders Brevig he killed those white kids because they not on code.
Ten points to you if you can name the shooting that this thread is about. You can even look at the title if you need some clues.
I know the shooting. It was white man killing 10 white people in Boulder / Colorado.

And let's be clear. He (Ahmed Allisa) was white


His wrap sheet said so.


And these are the white people he killed


The reason why is the race of the victims was never front and center is part of the very system you support. Whites don't have to worry that the actions of other whites will stick to them

Whites can screw up on the job, run entire corporations into the ground, rip off the Savings and Loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, cut corners on occupational safety and health in the workplace, or scam millions from employee pension funds, commit mass shooting after mass shooting without the rest of u having to worry

But a black man shoots someone in Chicago ? All black people have to answer to that

That's why when shootings like this happen, white folks rush to insist that we’re “just individuals,” "he had mental issues" and that's the result of a particular social arrangement, where some and not others have been seen as individuals no matter the actions of others within their group. There is, of course a phrase for this arrangement.

The system of racism - white supremacy.
Wow! It sounds like you are making broad generalizations about one race! You are saying that whites are not worthy enough to be recognized in headlines after this shooting. Only blacks and Asians are worthy enough for such recognition.

Your racism toward whites may indeed be racism in its truest form, but my hat is off to you for being honest. I think you have done a good job summarizing how the media is racist in their coverage of the Boulder shooting. I don't know why katsteve2012 can't just admit that the same.
You are saying that whites are not worthy enough to be recognized in headlines after this shooting. Only blacks and Asians are worthy enough for such recognition.
Well when was the last time you felt the need to stand up and apologize for a crime committed by another white person?

Better yet, when was the last time you felt the need to do this because if you didn’t, your community would come to be viewed as violent and dangerous ?

Ahmed Alissa represents Ahmed Alissa

That's why this shooter won't result in whites being singled out for suspicion by law enforcement. He's a white man. That's why his victims are not racialized. Because mud does not stick to white dudes.

Look at the the Boston bomber. He got a front cover of rolling stone.


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

White people are always trying to humanize white killers.

Now tell me did whites bomb red square in Russia from where these guys are from ? Just to make sure other white russians don't get any ideas ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Unlike when the USA used drones to send hellfire missiles, not just at military targets but at houses, schools, restaurants and bakeries in Pakistan killing women and children just so those muslims don't get any ideas


Not to mention otther white mass shooters and terrorists - Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols and Ted Kaczynski and Eric Rudolph and Joe Stack and George Metesky and Byron De La Beckwith and Bobby Frank Cherry and Thomas Blanton and Herman Frank Cash and Robert Chambliss and James von Brunn and Lawrence Michael Lombardiand Robert Mathews and David Lane and Chevie Kehoe and Michael F. Griffin and Paul Hill and John Salvi and Justin Carl Moose and Bruce and Joshua Turnidge and James Kopp and Luke Helder and James David Adkisson and Scott Roeder and Shelley Shannon and Dennis Mahon and Wade Michael Page and Jeffery Harbin and Byron Williams and Charles Ray Polk and Willie Ray Lampley and Cecilia Lampley and John Dare Baird and Joseph Martin Bailie and Ray Hamblin and Robert Edward Starr III and William James McCranie Jr. and John Pitner and Charles Barbee and Robert Berry and Jay Merrell and Brendon Blasz and Carl Jay Waskom Jr. and Shawn and Catherine Adams and Edward Taylor Jr. and Todd Vanbiber and William Robert Goehler and James Cleaver and Jack Dowell and Bradley Playford Glover and Ken Carter and Randy Graham and Bradford Metcalf and Chris Scott Gilliam and Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder and Buford Furrow and Benjamin Smith and Donald Rudolph and Kevin Ray Patterson and Charles Dennis Kiles and Donald Beauregard and Troy Diverand Mark Wayne McCool and Leo Felton and Erica Chase and Clayton Lee Wagner and Michael Edward Smith and David Burgert and Robert Barefoot Jr. and Sean Gillespie and Ivan Duane Braden and Kevin Harpham and William Krar and Judith Bruey and Edward Feltus and Raymond Kirk Dillard and Adam Lynn Cunningham and Bonnell Hughes and Randall Garrett Cole and James Ray McElroyand Michael Gorbey and Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman and Frederick Thomas and Paul Ross Evans and Matt Goldsby and Jimmy Simmons and Kathy Simmons and Kaye Wiggins and Patricia Hughes and Jeremy Dunahoe and David McMenemy and Bobby Joe Rogers and Francis Grady and Cody Seth Crawford and Ralph Lang and Demetrius Van Crocker and Floyd Raymond Looker and Derek Mathew Shrout and Randolph Linn.

All of them killed plenty of white people. But white ppl will not be asked to denounce them. The government won't bomb whatever place just to make sure that others don’t get any ideas. A white man from Ireland ? Whites ain't bombing Belfast. White man from Italy ? You ain't bombing the Vatican.
You are saying that whites are not worthy enough to be recognized in headlines after this shooting. Only blacks and Asians are worthy enough for such recognition.
Well when was the last time you felt the need to stand up and apologize for a crime committed by another white person?

Better yet, when was the last time you felt the need to do this because if you didn’t, your community would come to be viewed as violent and dangerous ?

Ahmed Alissa represents Ahmed Alissa

That's why this shooter won't result in whites being singled out for suspicion by law enforcement. He's a white man. That's why his victims are not racialized. Because mud does not stick to white dudes.

Look at the the Boston bomber. He got a front cover of rolling stone.


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

White people are always trying to humanize white killers.

Now tell me did whites bomb red square in Russia from where these guys are from ? Just to make sure other white russians don't get any ideas ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Unlike when the USA used drones to send hellfire missiles, not just at military targets but at houses, schools, restaurants and bakeries in Pakistan killing women and children just so those muslims don't get any ideas


Not to mention otther white mass shooters and terrorists - Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols and Ted Kaczynski and Eric Rudolph and Joe Stack and George Metesky and Byron De La Beckwith and Bobby Frank Cherry and Thomas Blanton and Herman Frank Cash and Robert Chambliss and James von Brunn and Lawrence Michael Lombardiand Robert Mathews and David Lane and Chevie Kehoe and Michael F. Griffin and Paul Hill and John Salvi and Justin Carl Moose and Bruce and Joshua Turnidge and James Kopp and Luke Helder and James David Adkisson and Scott Roeder and Shelley Shannon and Dennis Mahon and Wade Michael Page and Jeffery Harbin and Byron Williams and Charles Ray Polk and Willie Ray Lampley and Cecilia Lampley and John Dare Baird and Joseph Martin Bailie and Ray Hamblin and Robert Edward Starr III and William James McCranie Jr. and John Pitner and Charles Barbee and Robert Berry and Jay Merrell and Brendon Blasz and Carl Jay Waskom Jr. and Shawn and Catherine Adams and Edward Taylor Jr. and Todd Vanbiber and William Robert Goehler and James Cleaver and Jack Dowell and Bradley Playford Glover and Ken Carter and Randy Graham and Bradford Metcalf and Chris Scott Gilliam and Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder and Buford Furrow and Benjamin Smith and Donald Rudolph and Kevin Ray Patterson and Charles Dennis Kiles and Donald Beauregard and Troy Diverand Mark Wayne McCool and Leo Felton and Erica Chase and Clayton Lee Wagner and Michael Edward Smith and David Burgert and Robert Barefoot Jr. and Sean Gillespie and Ivan Duane Braden and Kevin Harpham and William Krar and Judith Bruey and Edward Feltus and Raymond Kirk Dillard and Adam Lynn Cunningham and Bonnell Hughes and Randall Garrett Cole and James Ray McElroyand Michael Gorbey and Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman and Frederick Thomas and Paul Ross Evans and Matt Goldsby and Jimmy Simmons and Kathy Simmons and Kaye Wiggins and Patricia Hughes and Jeremy Dunahoe and David McMenemy and Bobby Joe Rogers and Francis Grady and Cody Seth Crawford and Ralph Lang and Demetrius Van Crocker and Floyd Raymond Looker and Derek Mathew Shrout and Randolph Linn.

All of them killed plenty of white people. But white ppl will not be asked to denounce them. The government won't bomb whatever place just to make sure that others don’t get any ideas. A white man from Ireland ? Whites ain't bombing Belfast. White man from Italy ? You ain't bombing the Vatican.
There is no need to elaborate on why you hate whites so much, that is your business. No laws can ever change how you hate whites, and your thoughts are your own business.

Thank you for being honest about how much you hate white people, and for explaining how white people shot while shopping in a grocery store do not deserve the same media coverage as blacks who are resisting arrest. The media and people like katsteve2012 are still evading the truth of why the races of the white victims did not make headlines, but you explained how your hatred of an entire race is what is going on. I think you are ahead of the media on this, and that they will soon follow your lead.
The way you evade discussing how we don't see headlines about white victims is vile and dishonest.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?
White supremacists Anders Brevig killed 70 white kids in Norway. Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 white people Kenousha few months bk.

They killed those white people TO KEEP WHITE PEOPLE IN LINE

Kyle Rittenhouse killed those white people because, to him and many who think like him, those white were off code, they were marching with BLM and were protesting against the murder of Jacob Blake (A black man who was killed by the police). The same with Anders Brevig he killed those white kids because they not on code.
Ten points to you if you can name the shooting that this thread is about. You can even look at the title if you need some clues.
I know the shooting. It was white man killing 10 white people in Boulder / Colorado.

And let's be clear. He (Ahmed Allisa) was white


His wrap sheet said so.


And these are the white people he killed


Notice one thing.

Hardly any, if any, black person is going on any forum or in the media mocking these victims saying "White people mass shoot all the time" or digging into these victims criminal history to try and find dirt on them.

Pretty much no black person does this

We generally don't mock your deaths and go out of our ways to try and prove why they deserved to die. The same way whites do to blacks.

We can go down the the line George Floyd ? Trayvon Martin ? Mike Brown ? Freddie Gray ? Tamir Rice ? Most whites go out of their way to prove how they deserved to die.

And if this was a black man mass shooting and killing ten white people ?

You'd have never heard the end of it.

But in the boulder case, the reason why the race of these victims was never front and center is part of the very system you support. Whites don't have to worry that the actions of other whites will stick to them

Whites can screw up on the job, run entire corporations into the ground, rip off the Savings and Loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, cut corners on occupational safety and health in the workplace, or scam millions from employee pension funds, commit mass shooting after mass shooting without the rest of u having to worry

That's why when shootings like this happen, white folks rush to insist that we’re “just individuals,” "he had mental issues" and that's the result of a particular social arrangement, where some and not others have been seen as individuals no matter the actions of others within their group. There is, of course a phrase for this arrangement.

The system of racism - white supremacy.
He is a shit stain muslim. The exact tone of his skin is irrelevant.
He is a shit stain muslim. The exact tone of his skin is
Paul Essien hates whites so much that there is no difference between Muslims and whites of western civilization to him. His hatred is of white skin. Anti white racists hate Muslims because they are white, and western civilization hates Muslims because they want to destroy western civilization.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.

Why are you asking stupid questions?

There is nothing here to "admit", except that between the two murders, a total of 18 innocent people with families, lost their lives.

The fact that so called "people" like you and the OP are irate because the race of the latest victims, was not sufficiently publicized to your satisfaction, is an issue that is yours and no one elses.

Coward. :lol:
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.

Why are you asking stupid questions?

There is nothing here to "admit", except that between the two murders, a total of 18 innocent people with families, lost their lives.

The fact that so called "people" like you and the OP are irate because the race of the latest victims, was not sufficiently publicized to your satisfaction, is an issue that is yours and no one elses.

Coward. :lol:

Not demonizing the media for "failing" to sufficiently racialize the deaths of innocent people in order to satisfy the needs of a lunatic fringe is not "cowardice".

Just out of curiosity, how would someone like you, and the OP, prefer that the "conspiratorial media" described this tragedy?
The media should treat all races equally in their reporting.
You are afraid to discuss why the media won't write headlines about which race the Boulder victims were, like they did for the Atlanta shootings. Go on, post your next evasion.

There is nothing to be "afraid of", as far as the reporting of this incident.

Obviously, this is a case of "some people" like you and others here having a need for more than interviews with families, friends, and pictures all over the internet that clearly illustrate what the victims looked like.

If you had reported this tragedy, would you have described them as "white people" first?

Or just "people"?

Depends on the agenda, doesn't? In the Atlanta shooting (which you have yet to admit) the overwhelming focus of the media coverage was the victims were Asian and the shooter was white. Instantly, without evidence, the media labelled it a hate crime. Those facts are indisputable.

The initial spin on the Colorado shooting made no reference to the victims' race and initially claimed the shooter was a white supremacist until they found out he was a Muslim dude from Syrian. Then the story shifted to guns bad.

Dims always assume the general public is as stupid as they are. But most reasonably intelligent people see right through the bullshit. Hence how polling data on trust in the media is at an all time low. The last I saw about 9%.

So now, the WHITE owned and operated media is "discriminating against" poor maligned WHITE people, because they are "biased in favor of Asians"?

That's really hilarious, and kind of sick.

Attempting to reason with that kind of stupid is a pointless waste of time.

I would prefer to just state that it is a tragedy that innocent PEOPLE" died.

Public corporates are owned by their shareholders. The shareholders are people of all races and backgrounds. Why are your assumptions so racist in nature? Says a lot about you, doesn't? :(

Nonsense. What it says about me, is that in tragedies like the one in Boulder, the ones who were murdered are "people" first and foremost, you and others here are obviously offended by that.

If it was someone close to me that met the same type of tragic ending, I would not care if the media described them racially at all.

The fact that there are actually people here who see this tragedy as an opportunity to racialize or politicize their deaths is disgusting.

The media always injects race into these situations which is exactly the point of this thread, But I guess you're not disgusted with them. :lol:

"These Situations"?

That's absurd.

Race has not been "injected" into many mass shootings.

Since these two mass shootings happened to be close in proximity, time wise, you're saying that they should have been covered by the media identically?

I don't recall the publicity about:
*Killeen Texas
*San Ysidro
* Columbine,
* Sandy Hook,
*Las Vegas, nor
Ft. Hood, focusing on the race of the victims....just to name a few shootings.

The vast majority of those killed in all of those shootings were white, and I don't recall the MSM, nor the underground press consistently mentioning them being "white" in the news.

So what's your point?

That every mass shooting report should specify the race of every victim?
I realize that you will never be commenting on why the media isn't putting the races of the Boulder victims in the headlines, but why do you suppose it was so important to the media to report the races of the Atlanta victims in their headlines?
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.

Why are you asking stupid questions?

There is nothing here to "admit", except that between the two murders, a total of 18 innocent people with families, lost their lives.

The fact that so called "people" like you and the OP are irate because the race of the latest victims, was not sufficiently publicized to your satisfaction, is an issue that is yours and no one elses.

Coward. :lol:
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.

Why are you asking stupid questions?

There is nothing here to "admit", except that between the two murders, a total of 18 innocent people with families, lost their lives.

The fact that so called "people" like you and the OP are irate because the race of the latest victims, was not sufficiently publicized to your satisfaction, is an issue that is yours and no one elses.

Coward. :lol:

Not demonizing the media for "failing" to sufficiently racialize the deaths of innocent people in order to satisfy the needs of a lunatic fringe is not "cowardice".

Just out of curiosity, how would someone like you, and the OP, prefer that the "conspiratorial media" described this tragedy?
The media should treat all races equally in their reporting.
You are afraid to discuss why the media won't write headlines about which race the Boulder victims were, like they did for the Atlanta shootings. Go on, post your next evasion.

There is nothing to be "afraid of", as far as the reporting of this incident.

Obviously, this is a case of "some people" like you and others here having a need for more than interviews with families, friends, and pictures all over the internet that clearly illustrate what the victims looked like.

If you had reported this tragedy, would you have described them as "white people" first?

Or just "people"?

Depends on the agenda, doesn't? In the Atlanta shooting (which you have yet to admit) the overwhelming focus of the media coverage was the victims were Asian and the shooter was white. Instantly, without evidence, the media labelled it a hate crime. Those facts are indisputable.

The initial spin on the Colorado shooting made no reference to the victims' race and initially claimed the shooter was a white supremacist until they found out he was a Muslim dude from Syrian. Then the story shifted to guns bad.

Dims always assume the general public is as stupid as they are. But most reasonably intelligent people see right through the bullshit. Hence how polling data on trust in the media is at an all time low. The last I saw about 9%.

So now, the WHITE owned and operated media is "discriminating against" poor maligned WHITE people, because they are "biased in favor of Asians"?

That's really hilarious, and kind of sick.

Attempting to reason with that kind of stupid is a pointless waste of time.

I would prefer to just state that it is a tragedy that innocent PEOPLE" died.

Public corporates are owned by their shareholders. The shareholders are people of all races and backgrounds. Why are your assumptions so racist in nature? Says a lot about you, doesn't? :(

Nonsense. What it says about me, is that in tragedies like the one in Boulder, the ones who were murdered are "people" first and foremost, you and others here are obviously offended by that.

If it was someone close to me that met the same type of tragic ending, I would not care if the media described them racially at all.

The fact that there are actually people here who see this tragedy as an opportunity to racialize or politicize their deaths is disgusting.

The media always injects race into these situations which is exactly the point of this thread, But I guess you're not disgusted with them. :lol:

"These Situations"?

That's absurd.

Race has not been "injected" into many mass shootings.

Since these two mass shootings happened to be close in proximity, time wise, you're saying that they should have been covered by the media identically?

I don't recall the publicity about:
*Killeen Texas
*San Ysidro
* Columbine,
* Sandy Hook,
*Las Vegas, nor
Ft. Hood, focusing on the race of the victims....just to name a few shootings.

The vast majority of those killed in all of those shootings were white, and I don't recall the MSM, nor the underground press consistently mentioning them being "white" in the news.

So what's your point?

That every mass shooting report should specify the race of every victim?
I realize that you will never be commenting on why the media isn't putting the races of the Boulder victims in the headlines, but why do you suppose it was so important to the media to report the races of the Atlanta victims in their headlines?

I have commented. Just not in a way that personally satisfies you.

The media has published the victims pictures, spoken to their friends and family on national television, and given daily attention to this tragedy since it occurred.

Anyone who has been following the story knows that the victims were white, and that they were killed by another white person.

As far as the Atlanta shooting goes, in case you have not heard, there have recently been an increased number of crimes against Asians. Obviously that is why they reported the incident as they did.
There is no need to elaborate on why you hate whites so much, that is your business. No laws can ever change how you hate whites, and your thoughts are your own business.
I don't hate white people. I don't want black people to hate white people. I want black people to loving them

Thank you for being honest about how much you hate white people, and for explaining how white people shot while shopping in a grocery store do not deserve the same media coverage as blacks who are resisting arrest. The media and people like katsteve2012 are still evading the truth of why the races of the white victims did not make headlines, but you explained how your hatred of an entire race is what is going on.

You get an explanation and then don't like the explanation given so you ask for another explaination.

White people don't pathologize whites. Whites don't get stereotyped. Be glad that the system see whites as individuals

But is that what you want ? Do you want the police racial profile whites because of the action of this white shooter ? You want law enforcement to treat whites the way they treat black people ?

Be careful what you wish for.

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