Race of Boulder Victims


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?
I've read a lot of thread titles and headlines about the Asian massage parlor shootings, but none that mention the races of the Boulder victims. Weird.

*****SAD SMILE*****

The silence from our lefty members is a picture worth a thousand words. It says so much more than their usual change the subject diversions.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?
Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.
You are attempting to perpetuate the false and dishonest notion that the race of the Boulder victims is being reported on as if they were any other race. First the media hides it, then lefties like you look the other way. Why not just admit the truth and condemn it? Do you really have to tow the lefty line by perpetuating every last lefty lie?
Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.
You are attempting to perpetuate the false and dishonest notion that the race of the Boulder victims is being reported on as if they were any other race. First the media hides it, then lefties like you look the other way. Why not just admit the truth and condemn it? Do you really have to tow the lefty line by perpetuating every last lefty lie?

That's a ridiculous assertion.
You are using their deaths to facilitate your own political bias, which is a very poor statement about you.

Unlike you, I have ZERO interest in politicizing the tragic murder of those victims.

You can take that as the truth or not. Either way I don't care.
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I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.
Pure evasion. Why are you so afraid to discuss the lack of headlines that talk about the race of the victims in Boulder, like we saw with the Atlanta shootings?
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.
Pure evasion. Why are you so afraid to discuss the lack of headlines that talk about the race of the victims in Boulder, like we saw with the Atlanta shootings?

No evasion at all, just recognition of you using the deaths of those victims to create a political and racial argument that has no merit.

Their pictures, and televised coverage of who they were, showed precisely what race they were, and most NORMAL people know that.

How would repeatedly SAYING that they were "white", in addition to publishing their pictures, have any impact on how this tragic incident is perceived by the public?
Ironically, the Syrian refugees were brought to Boulder because the local City Hall thought the place was too white.
They was to combat whiteness.

The shooter lives 30 miles from Boulder.
Ironically, the Syrian refugees were brought to Boulder because the local City Hall thought the place was too white.
They was to combat whiteness.
Sooooo. The killing of these 10 people was by design.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?

Their pictures have been shown on television as well as in various newspapers.

Thank you for demonstrating how shooting headlines do not include the race of the victims. Why do you think headlines are excluding race? We sure see race show up in shooting headlines a lot, but why not this time?

Nonsense. A picture is worth a thousand words. The victims were obviously all white.

Obviously you believe that the media not totally focusing on their race, in some way is an insult to your personal political fanaticism.

I would be willing to bet that the families of those lost, could not care less whether or not the media portrayed them as "white people", instead of just "people", who were tragically lost.
You are dodging discussion of how shooting headlines always include race of the victims as long as they are not white. Why aren't we seeing headlines about how a bunch of whites were shot, like we saw headlines about Asians getting shot?

I don't know where you live, but on a daily basis, since this tragedy occurred, where I live, this story has been covered with pictures of the victims, interviews with the victims families, and their friends and acquaintances.

Anyone who is not blind, knows that they were white people.

Exactly what is it that you think would change the public perception of this mass killing, if the media, in addition to their pictures, reinforced in print that they were "white people"?

It is obvious that you have a personal, racial and political agenda that you are pushing regarding their murder, which is frankly despicable.

Why are you acting deliberately stupid? The point is the media do not highlight the race of the Colorado victims because it does not suit their political agenda. The Atlanta shooting did suit a political agenda which is why the race of the victims became the story. I know you see this, anyone above a room temperature I.Q. can see it. The fact you will not admit it means less than nothing.

Why are you asking stupid questions?

There is nothing here to "admit", except that between the two murders, a total of 18 innocent people with families, lost their lives.

The fact that so called "people" like you and the OP are irate because the race of the latest victims, was not sufficiently publicized to your satisfaction, is an issue that is yours and no one elses.
I haven't seen the usual blitz of media stories about which race the victims were. I sure saw a lot of stories about how the Atlantic victims were being targeted because of their race, but why isn't anybody talking about the race of the Boulder victims?
White supremacists Anders Brevig killed 70 white kids in Norway. Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 white people Kenousha few months bk.

They killed those white people TO KEEP WHITE PEOPLE IN LINE

Kyle Rittenhouse killed those white people because, to him and many who think like him, those white were off code, they were marching with BLM and were protesting against the murder of Jacob Blake (A black man who was killed by the police). The same with Anders Brevig he killed those white kids because they not on code.

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