Time to Face the Truth

Im an atheist who doesnt have any skin in this religion game, so I know that the jews are innocent and the palestinian muslims are awful terror loving people.
You’re an idiot and readily admit it.
RIGHT----holding people is not peaceful and injury is not peaceful----but the
campus crap is being called "PEACEFUL" ----don't talk to me about INJURY---
Most of the campus demonstrations have been peaceful. The media and the rightwing likes to demonize and emphasize the few places where it hasn’t been (such as taking over a building and smashing windows or when the pro-Israel protesters attacked the pro-Palestinian encampment). Protesters being dragged away by police does not mean their protesting was violent, it means the police were breaking up the “encampments” and dispersing them (most of the arrests were for “failure to disperse”).

You can agree or disagree with either side but stop trying to demonize them by dishonest claims.

If you want valid arguments against them, here are some:

Private property: there is no legal obligation to allow “free speech” on private property - whether it is a private college campus, an Internet forum or a place of business. They can set the rules and evict them at any point.

Public property: free speech rights are constitutionally enshrined, but not unlimited. Public officials and police have to carefully weigh when to intervene. How much disruption to tolerate in the name of free speech before the rights of other people to freely move about and carry on their business overrule free speech. The line is (or should be) easy in at least this aspect: assault, violence against other people, and destruction of property represent a red line where the rights of other people are violated. Beyond that…when do you intervene?

Several good examples:

J6. Thousands attended the rally and marched to the capitol. Roadways were blocked, the route was not cleared ahead of time, and they surrounded the Capitol effectively blocking the movement of people. A small percentage broke into the Capitol, assaulted police, destroyed property. At what point should police have broken it up? Were those that stayed outside the Capitol being violent or legitimately expressing their free speech rights on public property? The moment they started assaulting police it ceased to be ‘protected speech” and it ceased to be “peaceful” imo…but what about the rest? When does it become intimidation? When does it interfere with the rights of others?

Example 2 - the anti-vax trucker convoy protest in Canada. Ot lasted weeks. They blocked roads, a major bridge, prevented people from getting to work, prevent business from getting done, their noise (blaring horns) disrupted neighborhoods and residences. They built encampments. People were intimidated. They have free speech rights but at what do the rights overrule that? How long should it be allowed to go on before being made to move on?

I did injury for decades----there has been more INJURY in the islamo nazi filth that you minimize than in the episode of "JAN 6" and COUNTING
Are you talking about the current student protests or decades of history of multiple conflicts around the world? If the latter, it really isn’t comparable to student demonstration here and now, you are making a false equivalency and pointing it out is not “minimizing” anything, it is keeping the discussion to a particular event not hundreds of anti-Jewish that these students have nothing to do with.

You have a scientific mind Rosie…you know the value of data and statistics.

The injuries and destruction that occurred in the single event that was J6 is well documented in police records, in hospital records, in insurance assessments and the costs of repairing damage.

If you are going to claim there was “more injury” in these student protests than J6, let’s see actual data supporting your claim.
You’re twisting lots of hypotheticals there…
Not really. The problem is in defining it and if you can’t clearly define it…how will it be enforced? Think about this in terms of other rights as well.
Not really. The problem is in defining it and if you can’t clearly define it…how will it be enforced? Think about this in terms of other rights as well.
I'm not the one flailing around with hypotheticals...That'd be you.
And your shortcomings are your problem. Maybe you should find something else to do…
Maybe, but I get so much enjoyment from exposing the ignorance of duopoly dupes like you.
Maybe, but I get so much enjoyment from exposing the ignorance of duopoly dupes like you.
Your arrogance aside, maybe you were one of those precious little gems that mommy and daddy told you that you were the mostest special little boy in the history of little boys and you believed them....And I don't care....

The fact is, that if you have all the answers, and everybody else is sooooooooo dumb, then why aren't you running? The fact is that you are just another person, one of 350 million with an opinion, and again, I don't care....get it?
Your arrogance aside, maybe you were one of those precious little gems that mommy and daddy told you that you were the mostest special little boy in the history of little boys and you believed them....And I don't care....

The fact is, that if you have all the answers, and everybody else is sooooooooo dumb, then why aren't you running? The fact is that you are just another person, one of 350 million with an opinion, and again, I don't care....get it?
Thank you. If you would listen to me. I’m far more informed than you.

You support war and genocide. Nothing is more ignorant.
It is time the right wing labelling of those who oppose Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government as Anti Semites stopped.
The reason the right does that is that they think American Jews should march lockstep with Israeli Jews. They can't wrap their feeble minds around why that is not the case. Bless their hearts...well...not really.
Thank you. If you would listen to me. I’m far more informed than you.

You support war and genocide. Nothing is more ignorant.
You're a fool, a self absorbed, narcissistic, spoiled brat that will never display any self awareness....Not my problem....
You're a fool, a self absorbed, narcissistic, spoiled brat that will never display any self awareness....Not my problem....
Amazing that such a trolling, lying, antisemite like him hasn’t been banned.
Most of the campus demonstrations have been peaceful. The media and the rightwing likes to demonize and emphasize the few places where it hasn’t been (such as taking over a building and smashing windows or when the pro-Israel protesters attacked the pro-Palestinian encampment). Protesters being dragged away by police does not mean their protesting was violent, it means the police were breaking up the “encampments” and dispersing them (most of the arrests were for “failure to disperse”).

You can agree or disagree with either side but stop trying to demonize them by dishonest claims.

If you want valid arguments against them, here are some:

Private property: there is no legal obligation to allow “free speech” on private property - whether it is a private college campus, an Internet forum or a place of business. They can set the rules and evict them at any point.

Public property: free speech rights are constitutionally enshrined, but not unlimited. Public officials and police have to carefully weigh when to intervene. How much disruption to tolerate in the name of free speech before the rights of other people to freely move about and carry on their business overrule free speech. The line is (or should be) easy in at least this aspect: assault, violence against other people, and destruction of property represent a red line where the rights of other people are violated. Beyond that…when do you intervene?

Several good examples:

J6. Thousands attended the rally and marched to the capitol. Roadways were blocked, the route was not cleared ahead of time, and they surrounded the Capitol effectively blocking the movement of people. A small percentage broke into the Capitol, assaulted police, destroyed property. At what point should police have broken it up? Were those that stayed outside the Capitol being violent or legitimately expressing their free speech rights on public property? The moment they started assaulting police it ceased to be ‘protected speech” and it ceased to be “peaceful” imo…but what about the rest? When does it become intimidation? When does it interfere with the rights of others?

Example 2 - the anti-vax trucker convoy protest in Canada. Ot lasted weeks. They blocked roads, a major bridge, prevented people from getting to work, prevent business from getting done, their noise (blaring horns) disrupted neighborhoods and residences. They built encampments. People were intimidated. They have free speech rights but at what do the rights overrule that? How long should it be allowed to go on before being made to move on?

Are you talking about the current student protests or decades of history of multiple conflicts around the world? If the latter, it really isn’t comparable to student demonstration here and now, you are making a false equivalency and pointing it out is not “minimizing” anything, it is keeping the discussion to a particular event not hundreds of anti-Jewish that these students have nothing to do with.

You have a scientific mind Rosie…you know the value of data and statistics.

The injuries and destruction that occurred in the single event that was J6 is well documented in police records, in hospital records, in insurance assessments and the costs of repairing damage.

If you are going to claim there was “more injury” in these student protests than J6, let’s see actual data supporting your claim.
you forget----or prefer to forget----I have been in the midst of and have dealt with the outcome of lots of action similar to that which is taking place on college campuses now----SPECIFICALLY like that at COLUMBIA PREBYTERIAN COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL---over the past 35 years ---(35 years for me---but
the issue is actually older than 35 years) Human beings have been attacked---hospitalized and even died for that which you like to present as some kind
of SPECIAL TREATMENT. COLUMBIA----tell me what YOU 'KNOW'----lets say----30 years ago

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