race race race race

Wrong. You don't have the presumption of innocence when you shoot someone because there is only one reasonable scenario in which shooting someone is acceptable and that's in the case of self defense or defense of others.

You are presumed innocent of a crime until you are proven guilty of a crime ... Stop lying.

That's the kind of garbage that means nothing and you are defending a vapid point.
You cannot even confess to Capital Murder and be convicted without a trail
and the Prosecution still presenting evidence you actually committed the murder.

They have to prove you did it ... At least to a Jury or Judge.

.You are presumed innocent of a crime until you are proven guilty ... Stop lying.

That's the kind of garbage that means nothing and you are defending a vapid point.
You cannot confess to Capital Murder and be convicted without a trail and the Prosecution still presenting evidence you actually committed the murder.

They have to prove you did it ... At least to a Jury or Judge..
Ok. Let's take this step by step. You shoot a guy in an empty parking lot. The police roll up. See you there with the gun and the dead guy. They test your hand and it has gun shot residue. The bullet that killed the guy matches with rounds fired from your gun. Even better you admit to shooting the guy. So they arrest you and you're at trial and the prosecutor uses all the evidence to prove you did indeed shoot that man. You don't think there's a need on your part to prove you shot him in self defense.....? 😂 Ok.
Because you say so? 😆 It's somehow ridiculous to consider a situation where the driver is telling the truth? 😆 Okay guy.
Sometimes it sucks, you act like no one ever encountered the same fate. That’s ashame.
The same folk who trried to sell the Arbery lynching as stand your ground cant see it in this case.
What drives that stupid ?
The cases are not even remotely comparable. Travis McMichael shot in self defense. Arbery was shot while committing ARMED ROBBERY! Travis' life was clearly in danger.

In this case, Williams was simply road raging, couldn't control his temper and shot an innocent little girl in the back of the head. Little Haley was not in any way a threat to Williams.

You're a fucking moron.
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The cases are not even remotely comparable. Travis McMichael shot in self defense. Arbery was shot while committing AREMED ROBBERY! Travis' life was clearly in danger.

In this case, Williams was road raging and shot an innocent little girl in the back of the head. She was not in any way a threat to Williams.

You're a fucking moron.
Are you still here trying to defend those racist pieces of shit? 😆 Good for you.
I would suggest that when someone is trying to ram you off the road, "safe", went out the window.

Now look who's engaging in hypotheticals. 😆 Supppse the road is otherwise empty?

You mean other than the one you just brought up? 😆

So you're saying someone distracting you from driving and allegedly driving in an erratic manner in close proximity to you isn't a dangerous situation? Once again you're demonstrating your lack of intelligence.

So you're saying someone distracting you from driving and allegedly driving in an erratic manner in close proximity to you isn't a dangerous situation? Once again you're demonstrating your lack of intelligence.

Where did I say this? Can you quote it? 😆

You guys really are simple.
Ok. Let's take this step by step. You shoot a guy in an empty parking lot. The police roll up. See you there with the gun and the dead guy. They test your hand and it has gun shot residue. The bullet that killed the guy matches with rounds fired from your gun. Even better you admit to shooting the guy. So they arrest you and you're at trial and the prosecutor uses all the evidence to prove you did indeed shoot that man. You don't think there's a need on your part to prove you shot him in self defense.....? 😂 Ok.

If you are arrested ... They are going to read you your Miranda Rights.
Your Miranda Rights start with ... "You have the Right to Remain Silent".
That's because it is not your obligation to prove yourself innocent.

If the District Attorney has evidence and thinks you are guilty of a crime ... They will take it to a Grand Jury.
You may choose to participate in the Grand Jury ... And sometimes It is required.
If the Grand Jury thinks there may be an actual crime committed ... They will indict you.

At that point it will go to your plea ... Where you can plead Guilty, Not Guilty, or make a Plea Agreement ...
Except in Capital Murder where it doesn't matter, and you cannot plead Guilty ... It's still going to trial.

None of that requires you to make up a stupid story about what you think or want to pretend is the case.
Just Stop ... You don't know what you are talking about ...
And everything you suggest is the exact opposite of how anything should be handled.
Nothing you can post will ever change that.

View attachment 698875
William “Marc” Wilson was recently convicted of involuntary manslaughter for a shooting that he says was in self-defense against a racist attack on a Georgia highway, and his family and lawyers say the case reveals a racial double standard for “stand your ground” laws.

“If you put me in Marc’s shoes, there’s no way that I would've been prosecuted,” Wilson’s cousin, Chance Pridgen, who is white, told Yahoo News. “Odds are I would've been given a medal — probably gotten a parade in my name. It’s unreal how he was treated just because he’s a little bit more tan than I am.”

Wilson, a biracial Black man, 21 years old at the time of the shooting on June 14, 2020, fired his legal handgun at a pickup truck of white teens who he says were yelling racial slurs at him and trying to run him and his white girlfriend off the road near Statesboro, Ga. One of those bullets struck and killed 17-year-old Haley Hutcheson, who was in the back seat of the truck.

Thats not "stand your ground" thats manslaughter, if not murder, you fucking idiots.
Seems like the people in the car trying to run him off the road were using a deadly weapon, the car, to injure or kill Wilson. I'd shoot too. What would you do?

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