race race race race


If you are arrested ... They are going to read you your Miranda Rights.
Your Miranda Rights start with ... "You have the Right to Remain Silent".
That's because it is not your obligation to prove yourself innocent.

If the District Attorney has evidence and thinks you are guilty of a crime ... They will take it to a Grand Jury.
You may choose to participate in the Grand Jury ... And sometimes It is required.
If the Grand Jury thinks there may be an actual crime committed ... They will indict you.

At that point it will go to your plea ... Where you can plead Guilty, Not Guilty, or make a Plea Agreement ...
Except in Capital Murder where it doesn't matter, and you cannot plead Guilty ... It's still going to trial.

None of that requires you to make up a stupid story about what you think or want to pretend is the case.
Just Stop ... You don't know what you are talking about ...
And everything you suggest is the exact opposite of how anything should be handled.
Nothing you can post will ever change that.


I don't need to stop anything. You go ahead and keeping thinking a self defense shooting isn't an affirmative defense.
Not by me.
You just assumed because you are binary. And now you look like an ass. Good job
Well I didnt actually specify you but crack on.
The cases are not even remotely comparable. Travis McMichael shot in self defense. Arbery was shot while committing ARMED ROBBERY! Travis' life was clearly in danger.

In this case, Williams was simply road raging, couldn't control his temper and shot an innocent little girl in the back of the head. Little Haley was not in any way a threat to Williams.

You're a fucking moron.
Good Lord. There has obviously been a huge miscarriage of justice in your head.

Go and tell a judge you racist piece of shit.

I don't need to stop anything. You go ahead and keeping thinking a self defense shooting isn't an affirmative defense.

I never said it was or wasn't an Affirmative Defense
and an Affirmative Defense applies to a Civil Lawsuit and not Criminal Court.

We are talking about the Topic of the Thread, the article included, and the information and statistics included therein.
It all transpired in Criminal Court and has nothing to do with a Civil Lawsuit.

Stop ... I told you that you don't know what you are talking about ...
And there is nothing you can post but more nonsense.

Or keep failing, you silly nitwit.

The OP said it you stupid SOB. Stay the fuck on topic.
Hmmm.... that's not what you claimed in your last post.....
So you're saying someone distracting you from driving and allegedly driving in an erratic manner in close proximity to you isn't a dangerous situation? Once again you're demonstrating your lack of intelligence.
Glad I could help clear this up for you though. 😁
If someone is "trying to run you off the road," you have a duty to "withdraw." To shoot at the vehicle and pretend it was self-defense is absurd, which the jury found.

Stop your car, make a U-turn, and GTFO. That's what you do.
I never said it was or wasn't an Affirmative Defense
and an Affirmative Defense applies to a Civil Lawsuit and not Criminal Court.

We are talking about the Topic of the Thread, the article included, and the information and statistics included therein.
It all transpired in Criminal Court and has nothing to do with a Civil Lawsuit.

Stop ... I told you that you don't know what you are talking about ...
And there is nothing you can post but more nonsense.

Or keep failing, you silly ninitwit.​
You didn't even know what an affirmative defense was.... 😆

Shooting someone can be a crime ... And sometimes it is justified.
It is still the prosecution's job to prove any crime was committed ... And not the defendant's job to prove they are innocent of a crime.​
That's what you said previously. The prosecution's job is done once they prove you shot someone. After that you better have a man good reason and evidence for the jury as to why. 😆
If someone is "trying to run you off the road," you have a duty to "withdraw." To shoot at the vehicle and pretend it was self-defense is absurd, which the jury found.

Stop your car, make a U-turn, and GTFO. That's what you do.
Funny, police shoot at cars charging them all the time under the guise of self defense.
You didn't even know what an affirmative defense was.... 😆
That's what you said previously. The prosecution's job is done once they prove you shot someone. After that you better have a man good reason and evidence for the jury as to why. 😆

There's no need for you to make shit up and try to pretend there is something I don't know ...
When what you posted about Affirmative Defense had nothing to do with the Topic of the Thread or anything I posted.

There is no Prosecution or District Attorney in a Civil Lawsuit (Affirmative Defense), unless they are the ones being sued.
You have no idea what you are talking about ... And none of it has anything to do with the Topic.

Why are you even attempting to argue it with me ...
What do you hope to achieve by promoting anything that is nothing more than the wrong thing to do in the first place?

Are you just stupid ... Or a piss poor troll and poor excuse for a human being ... :auiqs.jpg:

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It seems obvious that Wilson is too fucking stupid to own a gun.

It was only a matter of time before he used his gun, when he should have used his brain.

There is no Prosecution or District Attorney in a Civil Lawsuit (Affirmative Defense), unless they are the ones being sued.
You have no idea what you are talking about ... And none of it has anything to do with the Topic.

Why are you even attempting to argue it with me ...
What do you hope to achieve by promoting anything that is nothing more than the wrong thing to do in the first place?

Are you just stupid ... Or a piss poor troll and poor excuse for a human being ... :auiqs.jpg:

Civil suits aren't the only place affirmative defenses are necessary. 😆
when defending yourself the duty to take care with the lives of innocent bystanders is a obligation that runs parallel to your right to self defense
Nobody disagrees with that.

You are responsible for every bullet you discharge, but if you had a right to self-defense, you are not held criminally liable.
He didn't shoot and kill someone in another car. He shot and killed someone in the car trying to ram him.
Which was NOT the aggressor (the other driver was). Everything this Black dude did was WRONG and STUPID.

It was NOT self-defense. It was ROAD RAGE MURDER.

And because he intended to unlawfully shoot the driver but accidently hit a 14-year-old passenger, the doctrine of transferred intent applies.
Civil suits aren't the only place affirmative defenses are necessary. 😆

Affirmative Defense has nothing to with the Topic of the Thread, or what I was posting when your retarded ass posted it.
Just stop ... You are not going to do anything but fail ... You silly nitwit.

Damn ... You are pathetic and even suck at being troll ... :auiqs.jpg:


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