

Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
..so what's more [ hahahah ] important--race-religion-gender??
..we have headlines of BLACKS ''kicked off'' planes/kicked out of Starbucks [ for no reason at all--hahahahhahahaha] except because they are black--hahahahahhahah
..then we have JEWS kicked off planes [ for--haahaahah--no reason ] except because they are Jewish--???
Jewish couple removed from flight suing American Airlines
..o, yes--also, they are shot ONLY because of their skin color

look at this CRAP!! the MSM is CRAP.....inserting race/gender/religion when it has NOTHING to do with the story
..many laughs ---hahahhahahahahh
Wow, I thought the goal was to attract people to a business, not make them turn and go into another direction.

God bless you and those who are denied service always!!!

Wow, I thought the goal was to attract people to a business, not make them turn and go into another direction.

God bless you and those who are denied service always!!!

..obviously the MSM are jackass idiots--so blatantly idiotic, they thinks it's ''normal''' to be idiotic ....if the family stank, that's their fault--not the airline's
from the link:
"Our team members took care of the family and provided hotel accommodations and meals, and rebooked them on a flight to Detroit the next morning," the statement said. "None of the decisions made by our team in handling this sensitive situation were based on the Adler’s [sic] religion."
but the jackass MSM has to insert crap
The Adlers are being pressured to see their race and religion as inferior to that of Whites, dirty and unwelcome,” according to the lawsuit.

there it IS!! the EVIL whites--again---hahahahhahaahhahaah
aren't THEY white???!!!! hahahhahahahha

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