Race War Baltimore: Black mob attacks whites, wheelchair bound woman; WHERE is JUSTICE for this?

All it's going to take is for a bunch of thug negroes to gang rape a White girl in front of the TV cameras to let the Genie out of the bottle AKA for hundreds of thousands of White men with long guns to declare open season no bag limit on every young negro man they see. When this happens, and it will there will be no putting the Genie back in the bottle.
It will be The Civil War 2.0 and it will last for years. When it's over there will not be a young negro man standing.

I'm not so sure that there is a genie in a bottle but there is a refugee from Pandora's box... it's YOU. We need t find a way to put you back in there!
If you think there will ever be a positive change in the thug negro community you're delusional.
If you think there will ever be a positive change in the thug negro community you're delusional.
No one is expecting a change in the "thug Negro Community." However, changes HAVE occurred in the Christian Black Community where most "Negroes" share true Conservative values.

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