Rach Want Michelle Censored.


Stop spamming the boards with crap from huffpo!!

Seriously TM, nobody give a fu...


What the hell are you doing spewing huff poop on the board? :lol:

Who gives a damn what maddow has to say, or msn? Isn't msn about to go outta bizzness?

Don't hurt me big guy,, I just thought it was frunny from a hypocrisy standpoint.. if liberals were in charge we'd be on lock down in a new yawk minute donchyathink? :lol::lol:


Stop spamming the boards with crap from huffpo!!

Seriously TM, nobody give a fu...


What the hell are you doing spewing huff poop on the board? :lol:

Who gives a damn what maddow has to say, or msn? Isn't msn about to go outta bizzness?

Don't hurt me big guy,, I just thought it was frunny from a hypocrisy standpoint.. if liberals were in charge we'd be on lock down in a new yawk minute donchyathink? :lol::lol:

I thought is was funny that a 2nd rate host of a non-news show dared to question the very very successfull CNN over thier desicion to show Bachmann.

How friggin dumb can she be?


You wanna invest money.
You give 2 investors a grand
A comes back with 10 grand
B comes back with 5 grand

Who are you going to take advice from? Would you listen to the critisism coming from B about how A is doing his job?

pfft friggin morons :lol:
More speech hurts her. Is it a surprise she wants less of it?
Nothing remotely resembling a call for censorship, or a desire for censorship. WTF is the OP talking about?

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