Rachael Madcow is Slanderous Bitch

Here's the entire CLIP featuring the "racist Joke" that the racist RW claims MHP made....


Can one of you RW BASTARDS who believe that to be true please pin-point the exact statements that MHP made that are racist? Cause I saw the entire show live on that Sunday and I saw no racism from MHP. I was shocked, SHOCKED when a controversy was the result.

So what was the purpose of the photo then? Do you need something beyond visual aid to determine the purpose of this discussion? I know your slow on this issue, so try playing this clip a couple of times and see if you can figure it out, if not just remain in denial...

Perry didn't make fun of Kieran Romney. The photo was a terrible choice of subject matter to make any kind of joke about it, but she didn't actually insult the child.

And I believe her apology was sincere. Why would she want to insult anyone for adopting a black child? It would be like slapping her own family.
Limbaugh's statement was a pithy way to recognize that Obama's agenda would be bad for the country, so naturally we don't want him to succeed in passing it.

You continue to misrepresent what McConnell said.

The actions of Republicans in Congress reflect people who are doing what their constituents sent them to Washington to do. The left says that if Republicans want something different from Obama's agenda they need to start winning elections. Well, Republicans won elections. My legislators in my district and state won elections and went to Washington with a mandate from me.

This is about the fifth time I've tried to have a political discussion with you. You twist words, make extreme statements, sometimes backpedal when caught out, and sometimes don't even have the grace to recognize that you have been caught out. You double down and pretend your extreme version of events is fact.

I keep saying I won't make the mistake of engaging you again. But you can be such a nice person in nonpolitical settings that I forget and try again. Hopefully I won't forget next time.

What McConnell said was unprecedented. Congress also followed suit by being the most obstructionist in history. These are all "firsts". If it happens again, by the way, under a Republican President? No big deal. So you are essentially stating that this crap should be BAU.

Limbaugh? Par for the course. He's a racist bigoted asshole who's one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. He called Clinton a terrorist. Privately, when he isn't looking for his new trophy wife and trying to score drugs, he jets off two third world nations to hire prostitutes and pop viagra. Real role model there..you betcha!

I don't think "unprecedented" means what you think it means. Some things escalated during Obama's presidency but the trends began earlier. The obstructionism, the hate, etc.

McConnell's statement was purely in the context of what it would take to get Obamacare reversed. The end.

And Limbaugh is not a racist. He's a shock jock. He's no worse than Bill Maher.

I know EXACTLY what it means.

No other congressional leader, as a mission statement, said their goal was to make sure the President only serves one term. That's never been done.

Additionally, shortly after the President was elected, Republicans did a power point briefing on what they were going to do to unseat the President.

That's with:

-Failing financial and manufacturing sectors.
-2 Hot Wars.
-High Unemployment.
-Looming Depression.
-Full on Recession.

It was and is..the height of "malpractice" in governance.
She is claiming that Michigan is about to sign into a "rape" insurance requirement! What a lying SOB.

The bill that law makers are signing into law is an abortion premium RELIEF bill. If you want your insurance to cover abortion, then you pay an extra premium. Look not everyone believes in abortion, so why should they be forced to pay higher premiums to keep it in their insurance policy? If you want it covered in your insurance policy, then don't complain if you have to pay more for it! It used to be the same for child birth. Not everyone is going to need or want it, but the extra coverage is extremely expensive. With Obamacare every policy must include it, so everyone premiums increase a ton.

But I digress. This is obviously about not having people who don't believe in abortion having to pay higher premiums to include it in their insurance policy. But the sick lying bitch Madcow calls it rape insurance. Here is her thinking. Women who are raped might get pregnant from the assault, since the Michigan law will require an extra charge to cover abortion, women now pay for rape insurance! It a fallacy in logic from one of the most dishonest people in media!

Another hysterical right wing thread of "ain't it awful". Rape Insurance is hyperbole, no more so than "Death Tax". Too bad those on the right never define problems and suggest solutions - every day it's the same refrain, "ain't it awful" - they can't define a problem without using a cliché, and never have a solution but are quick to assign blame.

Notice too, along with blame they are obsessed with attacking others using childish labels; indeed, even an average second grader would be embarrassed to call anyone a "Madcow".

Rate this thread pitiful..
What McConnell said was unprecedented. Congress also followed suit by being the most obstructionist in history. These are all "firsts". If it happens again, by the way, under a Republican President? No big deal. So you are essentially stating that this crap should be BAU.

Limbaugh? Par for the course. He's a racist bigoted asshole who's one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. He called Clinton a terrorist. Privately, when he isn't looking for his new trophy wife and trying to score drugs, he jets off two third world nations to hire prostitutes and pop viagra. Real role model there..you betcha!

I don't think "unprecedented" means what you think it means. Some things escalated during Obama's presidency but the trends began earlier. The obstructionism, the hate, etc.

McConnell's statement was purely in the context of what it would take to get Obamacare reversed. The end.

And Limbaugh is not a racist. He's a shock jock. He's no worse than Bill Maher.

I know EXACTLY what it means.

No other congressional leader, as a mission statement, said their goal was to make sure the President only serves one term. That's never been done.

Additionally, shortly after the President was elected, Republicans did a power point briefing on what they were going to do to unseat the President.

That's with:

-Failing financial and manufacturing sectors.
-2 Hot Wars.
-High Unemployment.
-Looming Depression.
-Full on Recession.

It was and is..the height of "malpractice" in governance.

That wasn't McConnell's mission statement. That was McConnell saying that taking the Senate in 2010 wouldn't be enough to get Obamacare reversed.

Obama himself introduced the "one-term" language when he spoke of what would happen if we didn't have an economic recovery.

McConnell echoed his language, in the context of what would need to happen if Obamacare were going to be blocked.
Democrats were obstructionist with Bush because they didn't want him to get credit for immigration reform, for example.

Obama played partisan games when he was a senator.

Reid played obstructionist and partisan games when Bush was president, and then when Obama became president just fell over and no longer cared to stand up for what were supposedly his principled responsibilities as leader of the Senate -- putting the lie to any pretense that he was doing them for anything but partisan reasons.
I don't think "unprecedented" means what you think it means. Some things escalated during Obama's presidency but the trends began earlier. The obstructionism, the hate, etc.

McConnell's statement was purely in the context of what it would take to get Obamacare reversed. The end.

And Limbaugh is not a racist. He's a shock jock. He's no worse than Bill Maher.

I know EXACTLY what it means.

No other congressional leader, as a mission statement, said their goal was to make sure the President only serves one term. That's never been done.

Additionally, shortly after the President was elected, Republicans did a power point briefing on what they were going to do to unseat the President.

That's with:

-Failing financial and manufacturing sectors.
-2 Hot Wars.
-High Unemployment.
-Looming Depression.
-Full on Recession.

It was and is..the height of "malpractice" in governance.

That wasn't McConnell's mission statement. That was McConnell saying that taking the Senate in 2010 wouldn't be enough to get Obamacare reversed.

Obama himself introduced the "one-term" language when he spoke of what would happen if we didn't have an economic recovery.

McConnell echoed his language, in the context of what would need to happen if Obamacare were going to be blocked.

My point stands..McConnnell's "Verbal Jujitsu" aside. McConnell's senate reaction was to engage in a record number of filibusters. And when the Republicans took the house? Everything slowed to a crawl, there was budget crisis after crisis. A "sequester". And a government shutdown.

These were pretty radical maneuvers.
These RW bastards up in Congress purposed in their hearts to oppose Obama by all and any means necessary, even when it meant going against what they THEMSELVES believe in and/or stood for.


Democrats do the same.

Did it when Bush was in office.

It's not "unprecedented".

We could have had immigration reform already if they didn't.

And Obama did it too.
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Democrats do the same.

Did it when Bush was in office.

It's not "unprecedented".

And we could have had immigration reform already if they didn't.

And Obama did it too.

Did what the same?

They closed down the government?


Yeah..there were filibusters. But nothing like this.

Bush was largely successful in passing legislation.

He got done most of his agenda.

He failed on immigration, a handful of judges and appointments and turning SSI into a 401K plan.
Democrats do the same.

Did it when Bush was in office.

It's not "unprecedented".

And we could have had immigration reform already if they didn't.

And Obama did it too.

Did what the same?

They closed down the government?


Yeah..there were filibusters. But nothing like this.

Bush was largely successful in passing legislation.

He got done most of his agenda.

He failed on immigration, a handful of judges and appointments and turning SSI into a 401K plan.

Partisanship and obstructionism escalated since Obama took office but it was not unprecedented and was not caused by his election. It was on the upswing before he was nominated. He participated in it. I already gave an example -- how he behaved with the Alito nomination. He said Alito was well-qualified. He said it would be wrong to filibuster and vote against such a candidate. He did so anyway. What caused his change of heart? A trusted Obama advisor said that it was because he was reminded that not joining in the partisanship could hurt his future political prospects. [Edit: I might be smashing together things said about Alito and things said about Roberts but Obama still went against what he claimed he believed in.]
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Democrats do the same.

Did it when Bush was in office.

It's not "unprecedented".

And we could have had immigration reform already if they didn't.

And Obama did it too.

Did what the same?

They closed down the government?


Yeah..there were filibusters. But nothing like this.

Bush was largely successful in passing legislation.

He got done most of his agenda.

He failed on immigration, a handful of judges and appointments and turning SSI into a 401K plan.

Partisanship and obstructionism escalated since Obama took office but it was not unprecedented and was not caused by his election. It was on the upswing before he was nominated. He participated in it. I already gave an example -- how he behaved with the Alito nomination. He said Alito was well-qualified. He said it would be wrong to filibuster and vote against such a candidate. He did so anyway. What caused his change of heart? A trusted Obama advisor said that it was because he was reminded that not joining in the partisanship could hurt his future political prospects. [Edit: I might be smashing together things said about Alito and things said about Roberts but Obama still went against what he claimed he believed in.]


I pointed out what was unprecedented.

And additionally obstruction went on by a magnitude of hundreds after Obama was elected.

You just don't see Democrats..well Liberals..behaving in remotely the same fashion as the Tea Party types in congress.

They stated they hate the government. And prove it daily.
Did what the same?

They closed down the government?


Yeah..there were filibusters. But nothing like this.

Bush was largely successful in passing legislation.

He got done most of his agenda.

He failed on immigration, a handful of judges and appointments and turning SSI into a 401K plan.

Partisanship and obstructionism escalated since Obama took office but it was not unprecedented and was not caused by his election. It was on the upswing before he was nominated. He participated in it. I already gave an example -- how he behaved with the Alito nomination. He said Alito was well-qualified. He said it would be wrong to filibuster and vote against such a candidate. He did so anyway. What caused his change of heart? A trusted Obama advisor said that it was because he was reminded that not joining in the partisanship could hurt his future political prospects. [Edit: I might be smashing together things said about Alito and things said about Roberts but Obama still went against what he claimed he believed in.]


I pointed out what was unprecedented.

And additionally obstruction went on by a magnitude of hundreds after Obama was elected.

You just don't see Democrats..well Liberals..behaving in remotely the same fashion as the Tea Party types in congress.

They stated they hate the government. And prove it daily.

Bush got major hate.

The trends were established before Obama was elected.

How Democrats talk about the Tea Party is as bad as how the Tea Party talks about Democrats.

Two sides of the same coin. Reciprocated. A continuation of a trend. Exacerbated by gerrymandering. Stoked by the 24-hour news cycle. Cameras on at all times makes people have to posture for the base and inhibits the ability to make deals.

Rebublicans fighting for smaller government or for limited growth of government is not a crime. It is not wrong. It does not deserve the excoriation it receives. That excoriation comes from a partisan place.

We're going in circles. I'm done here.

On topic: Rachel Maddow has her good points. But she's done some pants on fire stuff too. Occupational hazard.
When has Rachel done some "pants on fire" stuff?

Cite them please.
Here's the entire CLIP featuring the "racist Joke" that the racist RW claims MHP made....


Can one of you RW BASTARDS who believe that to be true please pin-point the exact statements that MHP made that are racist? Cause I saw the entire show live on that Sunday and I saw no racism from MHP. I was shocked, SHOCKED when a controversy was the result.

So what was the purpose of the photo then? Do you need something beyond visual aid to determine the purpose of this discussion? I know your slow on this issue, so try playing this clip a couple of times and see if you can figure it out, if not just remain in denial...

Perry didn't make fun of Kieran Romney. The photo was a terrible choice of subject matter to make any kind of joke about it, but she didn't actually insult the child.

And I believe her apology was sincere. Why would she want to insult anyone for adopting a black child? It would be like slapping her own family.

I must have missed Marc's point then?

The photo was the center piece to her point...
So what was the purpose of the photo then? Do you need something beyond visual aid to determine the purpose of this discussion? I know your slow on this issue, so try playing this clip a couple of times and see if you can figure it out, if not just remain in denial...

Perry didn't make fun of Kieran Romney. The photo was a terrible choice of subject matter to make any kind of joke about it, but she didn't actually insult the child.

And I believe her apology was sincere. Why would she want to insult anyone for adopting a black child? It would be like slapping her own family.

I must have missed Marc's point then?

The photo was the center piece to her point...

It was a "what were you thinking?" moment. Who could ever think it was a good idea to use a family photograph to prompt a comedy segment? But she didn't technically make fun of Kieran.
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When has Rachel done some "pants on fire" stuff?

Cite them please.

The connection she tried to draw between the Kochs and the Florida drug testing law was Beckian in its conspiratorial absurdity. The logic she used would have implicated MSNBC's parent company as complicit in what she accused the Kochs of.
Bush got major hate.

The trends were established before Obama was elected.

How Democrats talk about the Tea Party is as bad as how the Tea Party talks about Democrats.

Two sides of the same coin. Reciprocated. A continuation of a trend. Exacerbated by gerrymandering. Stoked by the 24-hour news cycle. Cameras on at all times makes people have to posture for the base and inhibits the ability to make deals.

Rebublicans fighting for smaller government or for limited growth of government is not a crime. It is not wrong. It does not deserve the excoriation it receives. That excoriation comes from a partisan place.

We're going in circles. I'm done here.

On topic: Rachel Maddow has her good points. But she's done some pants on fire stuff too. Occupational hazard.

Bush came into office after losing the popular vote and winning an "emergency" court case. Sure there was alot of hate. But Democrats were more than willing to do horse trading. Bush? Not so much. First thing he did was ram through a major stimulus package where there was none needed. And did it by spending the surplus. Next thing he did was to get belligerent with the Russian and Chinese. He tore up several major treaties. He was a very "my way" or "high way" kind of guy during the first term. Even with all of that, he was still successful legislatively and got card blanche after 9/11.

And that is fine to advocate for what you want. But at least be honest about it. Conservatives don't want a smaller government. They want a government that exclusively helps wealthy folks. By the way? Nothing wrong with advocating for the wealthy either. But heck, don't dumb down the argument. The wealthy are just as "dependent" on government as poor or middle class folks.

And Rachel? She gets it mostly right.

And when she doesn't? She basically sets the record straight.

Aside from the local press, she was the one covering the Bridge closings and everyone was calling her crazy.

Crazy like a Fox.
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When has Rachel done some "pants on fire" stuff?

Cite them please.

The connection she tried to draw between the Kochs and the Florida drug testing law was Beckian in its conspiratorial absurdity. The logic she used would have implicated MSNBC's parent company as complicit in what she accused the Kochs of.

Wait what?

The Kochs fund every conservative group from here to timbukto. They actually have groups writing legislation that gets put up for votes, verbatim.

It's not Beckian to make that "accusation".

Because that's what they do.

Rachel Maddow Speaks Truth to Powerful Koch Brothers
MSNBC?s Rachel Maddow hunkers down on Koch Bros. claim

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