Rachael Madcow is Slanderous Bitch

When has Rachel done some "pants on fire" stuff?

Cite them please.

The connection she tried to draw between the Kochs and the Florida drug testing law was Beckian in its conspiratorial absurdity. The logic she used would have implicated MSNBC's parent company as complicit in what she accused the Kochs of.

Wait what?

The Kochs fund every conservative group from here to timbukto. They actually have groups writing legislation that gets put up for votes, verbatim.

It's not Beckian to make that "accusation".

Because that's what they do.

Rachel Maddow Speaks Truth to Powerful Koch Brothers
MSNBC?s Rachel Maddow hunkers down on Koch Bros. claim

The connection she tried to draw in this case was so wrong that even PolitiFact had to label it Mostly False. If a Republican had said something similar they wouldn't have been given the benefit of a "Mostly". Did she ever take MSNBC's parent company to task for doing the same thing she accused the Kochs of?
The connection she tried to draw between the Kochs and the Florida drug testing law was Beckian in its conspiratorial absurdity. The logic she used would have implicated MSNBC's parent company as complicit in what she accused the Kochs of.

Wait what?

The Kochs fund every conservative group from here to timbukto. They actually have groups writing legislation that gets put up for votes, verbatim.

It's not Beckian to make that "accusation".

Because that's what they do.

Rachel Maddow Speaks Truth to Powerful Koch Brothers
MSNBC?s Rachel Maddow hunkers down on Koch Bros. claim

The connection she tried to draw in this case was so wrong that even PolitiFact had to label it Mostly False. If a Republican had said something similar they wouldn't have been given the benefit of a "Mostly". Did she ever take MSNBC's parent company to task for doing the same thing she accused the Kochs of?

politifact said the line between the corporation and the Koch's wasn't absolutely clear.

personally, I thought that was bogus.
Perry didn't make fun of Kieran Romney. The photo was a terrible choice of subject matter to make any kind of joke about it, but she didn't actually insult the child.

And I believe her apology was sincere. Why would she want to insult anyone for adopting a black child? It would be like slapping her own family.

I must have missed Marc's point then?

The photo was the center piece to her point...

It was a "what were you thinking?" moment. Who could ever think it was a good idea to use a family photograph to prompt a comedy segment? But she didn't technically make fun of Kieran.
If you heard her opening statement you wouldn't have to ask that question.

She started by saying that many people have something to say about this photo of Romney and the baby.

So she started by stating a fact.

Yet, the rabid RW race-hustling filth, turned that into a racist outrage scandal.

Over absolutely NOTHING.

Perry used a family photo in a comedy segment. That was bad taste.
It was not a comedy segment.

It was a segment about race relations.

Comedians were there, yes, but they were there from segments before and after that.

It's not a comedy show Amelia.

You and your ilk seem to be doing somersaults in order to lay the blame on MHP.

It's not cool. Not to mention dishonest....to put it mildly.
So did she call Comcast down too?

What are you claiming that Comcast did Amelia?

Please post it.

Comcast is a donor to the same horrible State Policy Network that some Koch foundations donated money to, donations which somehow implicate the Koch brothers as backers of a dastardly law.

Are you comparing an organization that ACTIVELY lobbies for certain laws and actually pays to have certain laws written to an organization that perhaps donated to the same organization?

You do realize that many huge corporations typically donate to all sorts of organizations and causes right?

You do realize that Koch Brothers are HIGHLY politically active and PAYS to have laws written to their favor don't you?

You're not being intellectually honest here.

Not in the least.
...How Democrats talk about the Tea Party is as bad as how the Tea Party talks about Democrats.

Two sides of the same coin....

Umm, no.

The Teabaggers are a radical fringe group whose policies are proven failures. The left points out the dangers. The Teabaggers open their faces and make noise. They waste tax dollars investigating phony "scandals." They're a liability even to the republicans.

It's like comparing apples to plutonium.
Limbaugh's statement was a pithy way to recognize that Obama's agenda would be bad for the country, so naturally we don't want him to succeed in passing it.
Limbaugh, who has never given a damn about anybody but himself, why would he care that millions don't have health care, that's what's bad for the country.

You continue to misrepresent what McConnell said.
You continue to sugar coat what he said.

The actions of Republicans in Congress reflect people who are doing what their constituents sent them to Washington to do. The left says that if Republicans want something different from Obama's agenda they need to start winning elections. Well, Republicans won elections. My legislators in my district and state won elections and went to Washington with a mandate from me.
That's bullshit. The majority of Americans are supporting the opposite of what they vote for. Get your head out of the sand. Why do you think Republicans have such a low rating? Lower than Obama's......you think that the handful of people like you should be the ones making the decisions for the majority?

This is about the fifth time I've tried to have a political discussion with you. You twist words, make extreme statements, sometimes backpedal when caught out, and sometimes don't even have the grace to recognize that you have been caught out. You double down and pretend your extreme version of events is fact.
That's your opinion, so of course you are entitled to it. But, it's bullshit....I don't twist anything...just because I don't agree with your revised version of everything doesn't mean it has been twisted.

I keep saying I won't make the mistake of engaging you again. But you can be such a nice person in nonpolitical settings that I forget and try again. Hopefully I won't forget next time.
I should be able to say the same about you, yet you sometimes get nasty and throw in your digs even in the social settings......like you did in the Porch thread. And, you'll keep responding, because you can't stand when your whitewashed version of conservatism is revealed for what it is.
Wait what?

The Kochs fund every conservative group from here to timbukto. They actually have groups writing legislation that gets put up for votes, verbatim.

It's not Beckian to make that "accusation".

Because that's what they do.

Rachel Maddow Speaks Truth to Powerful Koch Brothers
MSNBC?s Rachel Maddow hunkers down on Koch Bros. claim

The connection she tried to draw in this case was so wrong that even PolitiFact had to label it Mostly False. If a Republican had said something similar they wouldn't have been given the benefit of a "Mostly". Did she ever take MSNBC's parent company to task for doing the same thing she accused the Kochs of?

politifact said the line between the corporation and the Koch's wasn't absolutely clear.

personally, I thought that was bogus.

You folks are missing a key critical point.. CATO is in no way a "CONSERVATIVE" think tank.
It is the Foremost Libertarian think tank.. And as SUCH would be very dubious of onerous drug testing laws. Ain't no amount of money that the Kochs or ANYONE else gave to Cato that would make them into drug-busting, abortion opposing advocates.

And a lot of the Koch stated VIEWS -- including their tacit support of the Tea Party are along LIBERTARIAN LINES of ideology --- not Republican politics...

So leave us the hell OUT of this dust-up.. Even if a Koch is on the board of CATO....
Does this response from Mertex exist in a vacuum? Did this kind of comment spontaneously start after Bush was no longer in office?

(No, it didn't.)

Radio Host Calls Rice an 'Aunt Jemima'

p.s., I appreciate Sallow showing that attitude is not universal, not that I thought it was, but it was still refreshing to hear Sallow say something in response.
Radio host John Sylvester. I've never heard of him before, and it's likely that you hadn't, either.

I rest my case.

And you'll just ignore Mertex's response to you.

Good job.

I found what you requested -- an example other than the one you claimed to be tired of hearing.

There are more. Why would I google 8 years of inappropriate reactions to a highly qualified public servant when you have Mertex's response staring right at you and you ignore it?
And I could find 50 racist posts from Right-Wingers here on USMB.

Does that mean I can make a blanket statement that The Right is racist?

C'mon, Amelia. Use your head.
"and the comments made by McConnell that their main goal was to make him fail?"


McConnell pointed out that even if the GOP won the Senate in 2010, we couldn't stop Obamacare unless we took the White House back in 2012, which would mean that we needed to, in Obama's terms, make sure he was a one-term president.

Every time a Democrat cites McConnell's 2010 comment as anything other than that they sound like they aren't interested in the truth.

I've even heard people claim he said that in 2008 right after the election. That's how desperately people twist what was a simple observation about what would be needed to stop Obamacare.
Explain this, please:

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration
Melissa Harris-Perry, for one, with a bunch of fellow Democrats on MSNBC, who made jokes which denigrated the Romney family for adopting an African-American baby.

To her credit, she made a tearful - if less than honest - apology a couple days later.
That'a a bold-face LIE from the pits of a Republican Hell!

MHP in no way, shape or form made any joke about that child.

Can you PRODUCE said joke from MHP?

Let me help you...no...you can't, because she never made one.

MHP was simply hosting her show, when a couple of comedians, one of whom was white went making a joke, and it wasn't against the baby, it wasn't even that bad, it was a joke and MHP's comment was simply, to respond that "wouldn't it be funny if Kanye West's and Kim Kardashians baby grew up and married Romney's grandbaby" that was it, she also said that the child was beautiful. But you race-hustling RW BASTARDS have somehow turned that into MHP making racist jokes bashing Romney's black baby or Romney himself. When NOTHING of the sort happened.

I was VERY pissed at her apology, because it sincerely wasn't necessary, she did no wrong. Yet, she felt bad and poured her heart out, to have the likes of some filthy RW bastard like yourself just dismiss it as false.

Makes me SICK to my STOMACH!!


Add in Romney, himself, as fired Americans and profited from it. Then he ran for President and held court telling everyone about how he felt about them. 47% of Americans want "Free" stuff. This coming from a man born with a golden spoon in his mouth never having to do physical labor for a wage, ever.

That..never made one conservative even wince.

And THEN Hilary Rosen uses the word 'work' instead of 'employed' when saying that Queen Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, and the Right Wing Nut Jobs have another hissy-fit.

It was obvious that she meant Queen Ann has never held a job.
Anyone remember Obama's hypocritical behavior with regard to Bush's Supreme Court nominees?

He said it would be wrong to filibuster, would be wrong to vote no for a qualified nominee for ideological reasons, agreed the nominee was qualified, and then filibustered and voted no anyway after being reminded that not joining the partisan bus might put a crimp in his future political aspirations.
You're flailing.
Anyone remember Obama's hypocritical behavior with regard to Bush's Supreme Court nominees?

He said it would be wrong to filibuster, would be wrong to vote no for a qualified nominee for ideological reasons, agreed the nominee was qualified, and then filibustered and voted no anyway after being reminded that not joining the partisan bus might put a crimp in his future political aspirations.

at least one of bush's nominees didn't know what search and seizure is.

that SHOULD be the subject of filibuster.

so which nominee are you talking about given that roberts wasn't filibustered.

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