Proving The Experts Wrong, The Biden Economy Is Booming While Reducing Inequality

How good is the Biden Economy? Off the f----- charts good!

Economists expected a recession because the Federal Reserve had hiked interest rates to fight the post-COVID inflation we’d been experiencing. Interest rates went up 5 full percentage points in 15 months. Rising interest rates, because they make borrowing more expensive, often lead to a recession, as companies and consumers cut back on spending. This time, however, the Biden economy appears to have avoided that scenario. Instead, we’re experiencing what Paul Krugman called “a better-than-Goldilocks soft landing.”


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And while the booming Biden economy rolls right along. TFG, can't string together a complete sentence at a loser rally.

Wait, NOW he's responsible for the economy? It's hard to keep up with the switching back and forth.
And Democrats like the way I vote when I don’t vote for Trump, that is real stupid logic there. I don’t care what you make or your pretend status, money has never motivated me, I prefer people of substance over fakes.

I believe you don't appreciate the Democrats enough. And if too many poor and middle class people start voting GOP, then the party for the rich doesn't have to serve the middle class. Look at red states. The poor are so fucking poor. No dentists. No healthcare. No internet. Low paying jobs. But god damn they love them some Republicans. So why should Republicans in Mississippi ever change? They've successfully duped those idiots right?

Well same for you. Why should Republicans change? Just convince enough people that both sides suck and that's how they win elections. Meanwhile CEO's all vote Republican and same for religious nuts. Why? Because they know there's a difference.
You sound jealous.

I'm simply pointing out what's wrong with America. And no I'm not jealous. If I was one of the underpaid workers at his Fortune 500 I'd be jealous. But I'm not. I'm actually making what I should be making. What most middle class people should be making. Unfortunately most of them make about $35,000 less a year than I do and I'm a single cat lady/dude. JD says I should pay more taxes than people with kids.

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