Rachel Levine to be sworn in Today (10-19-21) as first trans 4 star admiral

No pal, You bigots are the laughing stock of the whole fucking universe. Get the fuck over it. This is a capable and talented person who happens to be transgender. Her gender identity does not define her. But your bigotry defines you, Grow the fuck up!
That mental case freak is a murderer
It's the poster child for what's wrong with "affirmative action " and political correctness
A bumbling mental case bureaucrat with no real world experience

It's a disgrace
No one is threatened by this insanity. Horrified that we are honoring this malformed creature. Pity that such a thing exists. But not threatened.
That is the Rules for Radicals tactic to try to put you on the defensive by insinuating you are phobic. The progressive slave isnt very smart.

we are the damn laughing stock of the world.

How did that freak make it into the military? Much less a 4 star Admiral! How many wars has the "admiral" successfully won? How many pushups can he/she do? Our military is ripe to get its ass kicked---- of wait, it just DID in Afghanistan. I wouldn't let that freak near my goldfish (if I HAD goldfish).
No one is threatened by this insanity. Horrified that we are honoring this malformed creature. Pity that such a thing exists. But not threatened.
Anyone who has the need to be so cruel and judgemental just because some one is different is the malformed creature. Her gender identithy is none of your business and has no effect on you, yet you have a pathological need to lash out and demean her. I might have to inhabit the same planet as you and your ils, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses every day that I am not you.
How did that freak make it into the military? Much less a 4 star Admiral! How many wars has the "admiral" successfully won? How many pushups can he/she do? Our military is ripe to get its ass kicked---- of wait, it just DID in Afghanistan. I wouldn't let that freak near my goldfish (if I HAD goldfish).
I'm willing to bet that she could kick your ass
If Admiral Levine wants to be called by a female pronoun, why not do it to make her happy?
She is not hurting anyone.

I know nothing about this topic, but haven't some of them removed their male parts and replaced them with female parts?

Life is VERY short. Let's be as kind as possible.

Being transgender must be a difficult life.

Calling him “she” only demonstrates that you are fucked-up in the head in the same way that he is, albeit perhaps to a lesser degree.

All sane people understand the distinction between, and understand that those who do not are mentally-defective.
Anyone who has the need to be so cruel and judgemental [sic] just because some one is different is the malformed creature. Her gender identithy [sic] is none of your business and has no effect on you, yet you have a pathological need to lash out and demean her. I might have to inhabit the same planet as you and your ils [sic], but I thank the Gods and Goddesses every day that I am not you.

He demeans himself by putting his severe mental illness on such public display.

As do you, in the same manner, and also by making such an embarrassing display of your abject illiteracy.
Anyone who has the need to be so cruel and judgemental just because some one is different is the malformed creature. Her gender identithy is none of your business and has no effect on you, yet you have a pathological need to lash out and demean her. I might have to inhabit the same planet as you and your ils, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses every day that I am not you.
Someone who selectively creates himself into a freak, is going to be judge not on his looks, but his mental capabilities. Shame you are too stupid to understand that, you fudge packing queer.

By the way, it is still a HE, because science says XY chromosomes make you a male. And when you shove your immoral shit into my face and demand that i accept your shit as normal then it does become my business, you fucking twit.

LOL...look at all the Trump Deplorable trailer trash rubes having a meltdown. Hilarious!
Anyone who has the need to be so cruel and judgemental just because some one is different is the malformed creature. Her gender identithy is none of your business and has no effect on you, yet you have a pathological need to lash out and demean her. I might have to inhabit the same planet as you and your ils, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses every day that I am not you.
He can keep his gender identity to himself because he looks like a freak. I have a pathological need to be truthful. That is man and no amount of gender identity is going to change that.

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