Rachel Maddow cries over reopened Hillary case

Hillary could have always just used the State Department server like everyone else did.
Bull dykes usually have masculine names, i.e. Hillary Clinton. She was named for Sir Edmond Hillary.

Another one of her classic lies.....She was born in 1946.....Hillary climbed Everest in 1953....nobody had ever heard of Sir Edmund until Hillary was 6 years old. :lol:
"Truth Kings" indeed. I watched it. She wasn't crying, not even close.
Hillary has already been determined to be extremely reckless, it has already been determined that indeed she had top secret and classified material on her private server. She has already said it was a mistake (and how). What more do you think Huma's e-mails will uncover that will somehow change the outcome of the investigation?
They could be duplicates of e-mails already reviewed, or they could be totally inconsequential, or they could include maybe one more classified e-mail, improperly marked, that slipped through.
It wasnt a mistake......try to be more honest than a Clinton
That was her words, not mine. It wasn't an ACCIDENT. She did it to keep her Clinton Foundation shit private. It doesn't change the fact that Comey said he didn't know the significance yet of the emails. He is dotting his i's and crossing his t's. Intent to circumvent national security is still the key here, and I'll be surprised if Huma's got a smoking gun to that effect on her phone. Hillary seemingly won't be caught lying to the FBI, since they didn't record her interview.
I could be wrong, but all this wild conjecture is no more reasonable than anti-Trumpers sticking their heads in the sand, imo.
Cleopatra's Asp

Mata Huma's Muslim Brotherhood headquarters is in Egypt. Libya is next to Egypt. Thanks to secretive Secretary Clinton, LIbya is now in the hands of the MB Caliphate. That jihadist organization was found in 1928, so they've had plenty of time to learn how to plan and orchestrate these maneuvers.
I don't think Comey would have much luck trying to take out a new life insurance policy right now, considering what seems to happen so often to people the clintons have soured on.

He and Carlos Danger better head deep into the Rocky Mountains before Willy's boys find them. Has Huma been hit by a taxi yet?
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HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh man, this is a must see for all you SANE Conservatives!!! It is too funny! - you'll love it!

Not recommended for Democrats.

Rachel Maddow Cries On Air Over FBI Reopening Hillary Email Case
Watched the clip. Didn't see any tears. Did see the insert guy's forehead line. Awfully low. Check out how much real estate is below his eyes vs how much is above. Normal people with average intelligence have about half and half. This guy has about a 1/4 of the distance above his eyes...he even has about an inch of spiked hair trying to make his brain capacity higher above his eyes by just a little more. I think neanderthal man had more frontal lobe than this guy.

So, this explains his avid support for Trump.
I don't think Comey would have much luck trying to take out a new life insurance policy right now, considering what seems to happen so often to people the clintons have soured on.

He and Carlos Danger better head deep into the Rocky Mountains before Willy's boys find them. Has Huma been hit by a taxi yet?

Far worse. She's been hit by Hilary's hoo-ha for years.
I didn't see any tears but watching it I couldn't help but think of the look on the face of a dog that just got caught peeing on the carpet. Make that a wiener dog.
Hey, imagine what the Dems would be saying now if Trump was under an FBI investigation. LOL!
"Truth Kings" indeed. I watched it. She wasn't crying, not even close.
Hillary has already been determined to be extremely reckless, it has already been determined that indeed she had top secret and classified material on her private server. She has already said it was a mistake (and how). What more do you think Huma's e-mails will uncover that will somehow change the outcome of the investigation?
They could be duplicates of e-mails already reviewed, or they could be totally inconsequential, or they could include maybe one more classified e-mail, improperly marked, that slipped through.
Blinky is about as dumb as a bag of hammers...
Hillary has already been determined to be extremely reckless, it has already been determined that indeed she had top secret and classified material on her private server. She has already said it was a mistake (and how).

Yeah, just what the Free World needs in an American POTUS.

She used a private server. The sky DID NOT fall. She's got more common sense in her little finger than Trump has in his whole orange brain. The Free World needs her more than you think.
...and she's a loopy kunt
"Truth Kings" indeed. I watched it. She wasn't crying, not even close.
Hillary has already been determined to be extremely reckless, it has already been determined that indeed she had top secret and classified material on her private server. She has already said it was a mistake (and how). What more do you think Huma's e-mails will uncover that will somehow change the outcome of the investigation?
They could be duplicates of e-mails already reviewed, or they could be totally inconsequential, or they could include maybe one more classified e-mail, improperly marked, that slipped through.
Any one who believes there is nothing damaging about the new E-mails is denying reality. Anyone who thinks the reopening of the case is not going to cause an indictment of Hillary has their head in the sand. Comey said it is additional evidence in the case he closed, thus the reopening. This is not about Weiner or Huma alone. Both of them are going to jail over the E-mails. If it was not about Hillary, why would the FBI reopen the case against her? Hillary is going to jail too or an investigation wouldn't be ongoing this close to the election. Comey either has concrete proof or else this is his excuse for committing suicide. Liberals, you can get your head out of your duffel bag and use some common sense. And there's no need to go whistling past the graveyard for the residents are at the voting polls.

It's Comey's bizarre suicide. Comey broke his OWN rules offering up this speculation so close to an election. This would be true if he did the same thing to Trump as Clinton. There is something very odd about this guy. He knows the rules and did it anyway.
I disagree about the motives. I have never heard of a LEO ignoring the law just so a person can run for election. Besides, he is righting a wrong. And if Trump broke any laws he should be indicted, even at the swearing in ceremony.

"even at the swearing in ceremony." Our institutions and ceremony of the country are more important than that. There is plenty of time to bring actual charges in a respectful fashion. Comey has gone rogue and must be fired as soon as it is possible AFTER our next president has been sworn in.
"Truth Kings" indeed. I watched it. She wasn't crying, not even close.
Hillary has already been determined to be extremely reckless, it has already been determined that indeed she had top secret and classified material on her private server. She has already said it was a mistake (and how). What more do you think Huma's e-mails will uncover that will somehow change the outcome of the investigation?
They could be duplicates of e-mails already reviewed, or they could be totally inconsequential, or they could include maybe one more classified e-mail, improperly marked, that slipped through.
Any one who believes there is nothing damaging about the new E-mails is denying reality. Anyone who thinks the reopening of the case is not going to cause an indictment of Hillary has their head in the sand. Comey said it is additional evidence in the case he closed, thus the reopening. This is not about Weiner or Huma alone. Both of them are going to jail over the E-mails. If it was not about Hillary, why would the FBI reopen the case against her? Hillary is going to jail too or an investigation wouldn't be ongoing this close to the election. Comey either has concrete proof or else this is his excuse for committing suicide. Liberals, you can get your head out of your duffel bag and use some common sense. And there's no need to go whistling past the graveyard for the residents are at the voting polls.

It's Comey's bizarre suicide. Comey broke his OWN rules offering up this speculation so close to an election. This would be true if he did the same thing to Trump as Clinton. There is something very odd about this guy. He knows the rules and did it anyway.
I disagree about the motives. I have never heard of a LEO ignoring the law just so a person can run for election. Besides, he is righting a wrong. And if Trump broke any laws he should be indicted, even at the swearing in ceremony.

"even at the swearing in ceremony." Our institutions and ceremony of the country are more important than that. There is plenty of time to bring actual charges in a respectful fashion. Comey has gone rogue and must be fired as soon as it is possible AFTER our next president has been sworn in.
The law is more important than Pomp and Circumstance. Comey is doing his job. Trump wouldn't fire him.

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