Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
Wow! Sage advice from two of the most honest and upright women in America. Oh, who am I kidding. They're both a couple of whores. But anyway, they were both recently heard saying that “bad actors” shouldn't question election results. I mean ... it's not like they've ever done anything like that. Am I right?

The 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen. The majority voted for someone else.

2004 I guess you won fair and square, in that you terrified people into thinking there were Arabs under their beds.
Don't know where you're from, but here in America we have this thing called the Electoral College. All past elections up until 2020 were fair elections. Gate's and Fauci's virus along with manipulated “mail-in ballots” changed things.
Don't know where you're from, but here in America we have this thing called the Electoral College. All past elections up until 2020 were fair elections. Gate's and Fauci's virus along with manipulated “mail-in ballots” changed things.

Wow! Sage advice from two of the most honest and upright women in America. Oh, who am I kidding. They're both a couple of whores. But anyway, they were both recently heard saying that “bad actors” shouldn't question election results. I mean ... it's not like they've ever done anything like that. Am I right?

Not electing Hillary Clinton will be recorded in the history books as the biggest disaster for America in the first half of the 21st century, with the election of G W Bush being a close second.
Not electing Hillary Clinton will be recorded in the history books as the biggest disaster for America in the first half of the 21st century, with the election of G W Bush being a close second.
Oops ... this is the Politics forum. Not the Humor forum. But I sorta agree with you on the Bush thingy. As for Shillary? We'd be a full-on Communist dictatorship had that hag been elected.
The 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen. The majority voted for someone else.

2004 I guess you won fair and square, in that you terrified people into thinking there were Arabs under their beds.
I'd consider 2004 as most questionable of the three because of Diebold. While Ohio's vote was challenged during the electoral vote count, things remained civil. 2000 was a big deal to talking heads and did generate some suspense. But heck, Gore didn't even win his home state.

But back to the point, questioning is good. The problem is those folks that simply dismiss the other side, I guess because they never learned to lose. Unfortunately, both sides have those that fit the description.
Don't know where you're from, but here in America we have this thing called the Electoral College. All past elections up until 2020 were fair elections. Gate's and Fauci's virus along with manipulated “mail-in ballots” changed things.
2000 was pretty sketch. Democrats used the FL in 2000 model and multiplied it across several key swing states.

There was cheating in Philadelphia in 2012, but Obama would have won anyway.

I think they were honing their methods then.
Not electing Hillary Clinton will be recorded in the history books as the biggest disaster for America in the first half of the 21st century, with the election of G W Bush being a close second.
Democrats had every opportunity to elect Hillary. In both elections, she struggled in the primaries- losing to Obama and barely edging out Bernie to the point she need Donna Brazile to get her advance copies of the debate questions - which is CHEATING.
Oops ... this is the Politics forum. Not the Humor forum. But I sorta agree with you on the Bush thingy. As for Shillary? We'd be a full-on Communist dictatorship had that hag been elected.
No, and to even think we would have been is just sad on your part.

Now had Bernie or if AOC became President then your ridiculous comment could have had some truth in it seeing they are DSA.
Don't know where you're from, but here in America we have this thing called the Electoral College. All past elections up until 2020 were fair elections. Gate's and Fauci's virus along with manipulated “mail-in ballots” changed things.

Where I'm from, the person who gets the most votes is the choice of the people. That we still use this BIZARRE artifact from the 18th century is the real question to be answered.

Beside inflicting truly awful presidents on us against the will of the people, it disenfranchises millions of people who don't have the good luck to be born in one of the 8 or so "Swing States".
Democrats had every opportunity to elect Hillary. In both elections, she struggled in the primaries- losing to Obama and barely edging out Bernie to the point she need Donna Brazile to get her advance copies of the debate questions - which is CHEATING.
Bernie scared the Democrats badly in 2016 and his voting base went Jill Stein that year which cost Hillary in key States like Michigan.
No, and to even think we would have been is just sad on your part.

Now had Bernie or if AOC became President then your ridiculous comment could have had some truth in it seeing they are DSA.
Bernie and AOC are too stupid to ruin a nation. Hillary Clinton is a devious, practiced, and evil witch who would have destroyed our Republic in her first year.
I'd consider 2004 as most questionable of the three because of Diebold. While Ohio's vote was challenged during the electoral vote count, things remained civil. 2000 was a big deal to talking heads and did generate some suspense. But heck, Gore didn't even win his home state.

But back to the point, questioning is good. The problem is those folks that simply dismiss the other side, I guess because they never learned to lose. Unfortunately, both sides have those that fit the description.

2000 was a big deal because Jeb removed thousands of minorities from the Rolls with the intent to swing the state, and then blocked recounts that probably would have favored Gore. It was probably the most egregious of the four.

I'm liberal, and even I think the claims about Deibold machines were bullshit in 2004.

2016, you had all sort of shennigans.. True, Trump was probably more of a useful idiot for the Russians than a colluder, but the fact the Russians put so much effort into screwing with our elections at all should worry us. And, oh, yeah, Hillary won by 3 million votes. The people clearly and loudly said "NO" to Trump, but we got him anyway.
Where I'm from, the person who gets the most votes is the choice of the people. That we still use this BIZARRE artifact from the 18th century is the real question to be answered.

Beside inflicting truly awful presidents on us against the will of the people, it disenfranchises millions of people who don't have the good luck to be born in one of the 8 or so "Swing States".
If three wolves and a sheep voted on what's for dinner ... would the sheep have a say in the matter?
Bernie and AOC are too stupid to ruin a nation. Hillary Clinton is a devious, practiced, and evil witch who would have destroyed our Republic in her first year.

I'm sorry... with Trump we had a million dead from Covid, 25 million jobs lost or disrupted, riots in the streets, wrecked trade relations, an abject surrender in Afghanistan. Biden is STILL cleaning up stuff Trump messed up.
The 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen. The majority voted for someone else.

2004 I guess you won fair and square, in that you terrified people into thinking there were Arabs under their beds.
/----/ "The majority voted for someone else."
The popular vote is meaningless. We don't vote for the president. We vote for the Electoral College, which votes for the president. Too bad you flunked civics.
Bernie and AOC are too stupid to ruin a nation. Hillary Clinton is a devious, practiced, and evil witch who would have destroyed our Republic in her first year.
Biden hasn't done it in three years, so I truly doubt Hillary would have done it either.

Oh, Bernie is naive and not stupid… AOC, well she has nice boobs!
I'm sorry... with Trump we had a million dead from Covid, 25 million jobs lost or disrupted, riots in the streets, wrecked trade relations, an abject surrender in Afghanistan. Biden is STILL cleaning up stuff Trump messed up.
Do you really believe that Trump created Covid? You'll have to thank Fauci, Communist China (Biden's buddies), Bill Gates, and Big Pharma for that scheme.

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