Rachel Maddow & Hillary Clinton Say That Questioning Elections Is Dangerous For Democracy!!

If three wolves and a sheep voted on what's for dinner ... would the sheep have a say in the matter?

Sure he would. And he'd still be eaten. That's how democracy works. Now, if the sheep can make a convincing argument to one of the wolves to have something else for dinner, have at it.

Of course, it's a stupid analogy because wolves and sheep can't talk or discuss something.
Biden hasn't done it in three years, so I truly doubt Hillary would have done it either.

Oh, Bernie is naive and not stupid… AOC, well she has nice boobs!
Biden's too stupid to tie his shoelace.
Do you really believe that Trump created Covid? You'll have to thank Fauci, Communist China (Biden's buddies), Bill Gates, and Big Pharma for that scheme.

No, I don't think Trump created Covid, but his incompetence made it a lot worse than it needed to be.

I don't think anyone "created" Covid. China gave us fair warning this virus was out there and took actions to contain it. We didn't take those actions, because Trump was more interested in not panicking the stock market.
The 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen. The majority voted for someone else.

2004 I guess you won fair and square, in that you terrified people into thinking there were Arabs under their beds.
Electoral College Elects the President and you know this.

The 2000 election could be argued that it was stolen but not 2016.

Hillary lost that damn election herself along with the aid from Comey last moment comments.

Also, if you looked at key States like Michigan where Trump won in 2016 you would notice Jill Stein garner a good amount of votes that should have gone to Hillary but didn’t, so blame Stein or Bernie but Hillary lost in 2016 like Trump lost in 2020!
Sure he would. And he'd still be eaten. That's how democracy works. Now, if the sheep can make a convincing argument to one of the wolves to have something else for dinner, have at it.

Of course, it's a stupid analogy because wolves and sheep can't talk or discuss something.
And the wolves and the sheep really don't need to discuss anything, since the mob (the wolves) already know the outcome. That's why Mobacraies are dangerous to the folks who aren't members of the Mob. The Founding Fathers understood this. Thus, the Electoral College was born.
Where I'm from, the person who gets the most votes is the choice of the people. That we still use this BIZARRE artifact from the 18th century is the real question to be answered.

Beside inflicting truly awful presidents on us against the will of the people, it disenfranchises millions of people who don't have the good luck to be born in one of the 8 or so "Swing States".
Well, did you know Obama won the same way as Trump?

The popular vote on the National Level does not elect the President!
No, I don't think Trump created Covid, but his incompetence made it a lot worse than it needed to be.

I don't think anyone "created" Covid. China gave us fair warning this virus was out there and took actions to contain it. We didn't take those actions, because Trump was more interested in not panicking the stock market.
The virus was born in a Chinese lab. This is common knowledge. Fauci's organization funded the "gain of function" research. Gates told us that a virus would be released before it appeared on the scene. Big Pharma already had Covid vaccines in supply before anyone had even heard of Covid. Yes ... all the above are culpable.
The 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen. The majority voted for someone else.

2004 I guess you won fair and square, in that you terrified people into thinking there were Arabs under their beds.
It takes time for people to realize they are duped. The 2000 election was not close. W won by a lot. The cheating in states from Progs was not contested. Florida was close with a lot of Prog cheating. The stupid election supervisor in a Prog County had voting cards that were inept in design. Many of the voters ended up voting for Pat Buchannan instead of Gore. Then I believe Fox called the election for W. before the polls closed in the panhandle which is one hour behind. So, the corruption in voting other states for Progs and that made the election close. Then the real reason after that why Gore lost...He lost his home state of Tennessee. He would have not needed Florida if he won that. What we learned is the corruption of mail in allots that Progs have cultivated. Florida was not infected as much. 2016 was a done deal for progs. Except Trump had some swag in swing states. Hillary was pissed because she knows it. She was the anointed one. The mail in votes are a prog guarantee now as long as we have Vichy Republicans doling out the resources for candidates and do not change their ways with mail in issues in all ways possible.
It takes time for people to realize they are duped. The 2000 election was not close. W won by a lot. The cheating in states from Progs was not contested. Florida was close with a lot of Prog cheating. The stupid election supervisor in a Prog County had voting cards that were inept in design. Many of the voters ended up voting for Pat Buchannan instead of Gore. Then I believe Fox called the election for W. before the polls closed in the panhandle which is one hour behind. So, the corruption in voting other states for Progs and that made the election close. Then the real reason after that why Gore lost...He lost his home state of Tennessee. He would have not needed Florida if he won that. What we learned is the corruption of mail in allots that Progs have cultivated. Florida was not infected as much. 2016 was a done deal for progs. Except Trump had some swag in swing states. Hillary was pissed because she knows it. She was the anointed one. The mail in votes are a prog guarantee now as long as we have Vichy Republicans doling out the resources for candidates and do not change their ways with mail in issues in all ways possible.
The 2000 election was a narrow victory for Bush and it is true had Gore won his home state Bush would have never been elected, so the election was that close.

2016 had the Sanders, Stein, Comey, and Hillary stupidity factors in it, so she lost in key States by narrow margins that gave Trump the Electoral College just like Trump lost by narrow margins in 2020 in key states that gave Biden the victory.

Those like Joe B would comment about the overall National Vote but will want to deny the reality that Trump could have won the Electoral College again had it not been for Mail-in-Voting that sunk him in 2020.

Democrats will not have that way this time in 2024, so Trump could easily win the Electoral College again while losing the Popular Vote on the National Level.

The game is to win as many States you can and Joe B hates that!
And the wolves and the sheep really don't need to discuss anything, since the mob (the wolves) already know the outcome. That's why Mobacraies are dangerous to the folks who aren't members of the Mob. The Founding Fathers understood this. Thus, the Electoral College was born.

The Founding Slave Rapists only wanted to vote to be restricted to White, Property owning males. We've moved beyond that a long time ago.

The electoral college was a bad idea from the start, just look at all the problems it causes.

The thing was the People Got it right. Bush was an awful President, Trump was an awful president.


Take a civics class ya nut
It's not a matter of "Civics". Most elections, the guy who wins the popular vote wins the presidency, and we are usually fine.

It's when this goofy anachronism says, "Naw, we'll put someone else in because they maybe got more electoral votes after some shenanigans at the state level" that we have problems.

Al Gore wouldn't have gotten us into a war on Iraq on a lie and crashed the economy because he let the bankers run amok.

Hillary would have responded competently to Covid when it hit.

The people get these things right. We should trust them.
Probably more like 200k or less actually died from covid. The rest died from other ailments while having covid.

Hey, we are all going to die of something eventually.
The point is, Covid killed a million people because we didn't do enough to contain it, because Trump made it about himself rather than taking care of the people. (And I include his anti-Vax nonsense after he got booted.)
Not electing Hillary Clinton will be recorded in the history books as the biggest disaster for America in the first half of the 21st century, with the election of G W Bush being a close second.
Now THAT is amusing! Hillary Clinton is probably the sleaziest candidate ever to run for President in America, Skews! The level of corruption that woman has perpetrated in her life time is staggering!
The Founding Slave Rapists only wanted to vote to be restricted to White, Property owning males. We've moved beyond that a long time ago.

The electoral college was a bad idea from the start, just look at all the problems it causes.

The thing was the People Got it right. Bush was an awful President, Trump was an awful president.

It's not a matter of "Civics". Most elections, the guy who wins the popular vote wins the presidency, and we are usually fine.

It's when this goofy anachronism says, "Naw, we'll put someone else in because they maybe got more electoral votes after some shenanigans at the state level" that we have problems.

Al Gore wouldn't have gotten us into a war on Iraq on a lie and crashed the economy because he let the bankers run amok.

Hillary would have responded competently to Covid when it hit.

The people get these things right. We should trust them.
You're living in a free country, enjoying the benefits of that freedom. If America is so horrible, why on earth haven't you moved to Venezuela? Your argument is tiresome and unconvincing. You're typing away on your computer, enjoying your freedom of speech while badmouthing the men who made that possible. Quit the virtue signalling and grow up.
Wow! Sage advice from two of the most honest and upright women in America. Oh, who am I kidding. They're both a couple of whores. But anyway, they were both recently heard saying that “bad actors” shouldn't question election results. I mean ... it's not like they've ever done anything like that. Am I right?

It's just like in 2020 Biden and the whole democratic party swore the elections were the most secure ever, fair, correct and everything was how it should be.

Then a year or two later as soon as democrats approval sinks, they run the country into the ground and they basically start showing how terrible they are suddenly Biden starts saying unless his election reform is passed the next election may be illegitimate.

So they went from the elections were perfect, to the elections weren't legitimate?

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