Rachel Maddow - legendary fail!

She scooped his tax returns and pissed him off.
So let me get this straight - your goal is to make sure people "piss off" the President of the United States? Could you possibly be any more unamerican?!? :uhh:
She exposed things he didn't want exposed. Good for her :clap:

Are you saying Madcow has a penis?
she has neither,,,i think she has a "Nub" down there,,,pretty much what a ken doll has,,,,,everything she eats/drinks comes out of her other hole
It isn't punishment if they are already rich. they won't even feel it.


Those who can most afford it, pay the taxes, those who least afford it dont

Sounds familiar! And speaks volumes of your philosophy!

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.[1] The principle refers to free access and distribution of goods, capital and services.[2] In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist system will produce; the idea is that, with the full development of socialism and unfettered productive forces, there will be enough to satisfy everyone's needs.[3][4]
I can't believe some of the responses here from the lefties. They are actually defending this hack like she accomplished something! She single-handedly killed a left wing narrative about Trump not paying taxes that they've been working for nearly two years. No wonder left wing propaganda rags like Slate are lambasting her today. No wonder Van Jones and Steven Colbert are lampooning her. Geraldo Rivera probably sent her a thank you card today!

Now, she probably managed to hype this enough to achieve her highest viewership ever. I would love to see the numbers on that. But man... what a disaster to showcase with the biggest audience you're likely to ever have. This is the kind of move that would've killed most serious journalist's careers a few years ago... but this is the left, they'll forgive her like Brian Williams... who, I've heard was actually there when Trump did his taxes in 2005.

So now we know, Trump paid more taxes than Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama. I'm betting he probably paid more than Rachel Madcow and Hillary Clinton as well. And that's even with taking a huge write-off for a major business loss a few years prior. I think this effectively ENDS the meme about Trump and his taxes. Yeah, I know it was only a small portion of his 2005 return, but I don't think any credible journalist will bring this up again. The die-hard lefties will continue whining about him releasing his returns... that's not going to change. As a news story, the tax thing is dead.
Actually, there's a very real possibility that Trump can't swim. No walking on water required. Multi-billion dollar celebrity, for decades, known all over the world.... and not a single photo of him swimming. Hmm.

Gives you a tingle up your leg does it?
Maddow won bigly. But enough with the 2005 tax returns. I want to see what he's hiding in recent returns like 2016. It will be leaked eventually. This is the most hated administration in modern U.S. history.
Does your pussy hurt?
Lol you dumbasses will take any small victories you can get.
Uh....."small victories"? We've won the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states. We're winning so much we're almost sick of winning - just as President Trump predicted. And they were huuuge wins!

Well, see you can't justify all of that intellectually. Sure REPUBLICANS IN OFFICE have done well, but what's pathetic is that you somehow see that as an victory for you by extension. Republicans in office don't give two shits about you and you're too retarded to see that. The proof of that is their complete lack of legislation intended for the poor and middle class. They ONLY serve the interests of the top 1% of earners. You don't see that because you're just as stupid as they want you to be.

Moreover, you're just too much of pussy to admit that Trump has failed you in many ways already. Of course that's something you should have seen from the start.
Sure REPUBLICANS IN OFFICE have done well, but what's pathetic is that you somehow see that as an victory for you by extension.
It's a victory for the United States and everyone in it by extension, dumb-ass. Because it eliminates failed left-wing socialist policy and restores liberty.
Republicans in office don't give two shits about you and you're too retarded to see that.
This is what is known as classic "projection". I don't think Republicans care about me, nor do I even want them to. That's not why representatives exist, dumb-ass.

But you actually do believe that Dumbocrats care about you. :lmao:
The proof of that is their complete lack of legislation intended for the poor and middle class. They ONLY serve the interests of the top 1% of earners.
Poor Billy has no idea why we even have a government. He actually believes that they exist to act like parents. :laugh:
our tax codes are simply, too complicated.
Well your side of the aisle created that problem because it allows them to "hide" taxes without having to answer for them come election time.
Congress should be improving our Republic, not merely micromanaging our tax codes.
So first you whine that our tax code is "too complicated" and then you whine that Congress shouldn't be addressing the tax code.

And no...Congress does not exist to "improve the Republic". It's tragic that you truly have no idea why your own government exists.
Improving our republic means better infrastructure.

Tax infrastructure is one area that seems very inefficient.
Maddow won bigly. But enough with the 2005 tax returns. I want to see what he's hiding in recent returns like 2016. It will be leaked eventually. This is the most hated administration in modern U.S. history.
Does your pussy hurt?
nice boy friends let girl friends come over and take a shower, before giving them a full body massage with happy ending.
Those who can most afford it, pay the taxes, those who least afford it dont

Sounds familiar! And speaks volumes of your philosophy!

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.[1] The principle refers to free access and distribution of goods, capital and services.[2] In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist system will produce; the idea is that, with the full development of socialism and unfettered productive forces, there will be enough to satisfy everyone's needs.[3][4]
The right wing only pays lip service to capitalism, but is willing to, "throw capitalism under the buss" for the sake of their social policies on a national basis.
I can't believe some of the responses here from the lefties. They are actually defending this hack like she accomplished something! She single-handedly killed a left wing narrative about Trump not paying taxes that they've been working for nearly two years. No wonder left wing propaganda rags like Slate are lambasting her today. No wonder Van Jones and Steven Colbert are lampooning her. Geraldo Rivera probably sent her a thank you card today!

Now, she probably managed to hype this enough to achieve her highest viewership ever. I would love to see the numbers on that. But man... what a disaster to showcase with the biggest audience you're likely to ever have. This is the kind of move that would've killed most serious journalist's careers a few years ago... but this is the left, they'll forgive her like Brian Williams... who, I've heard was actually there when Trump did his taxes in 2005.

So now we know, Trump paid more taxes than Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama. I'm betting he probably paid more than Rachel Madcow and Hillary Clinton as well. And that's even with taking a huge write-off for a major business loss a few years prior. I think this effectively ENDS the meme about Trump and his taxes. Yeah, I know it was only a small portion of his 2005 return, but I don't think any credible journalist will bring this up again. The die-hard lefties will continue whining about him releasing his returns... that's not going to change. As a news story, the tax thing is dead.
dear, the Point is, the poor and Mr. Trump, pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay;

don't complain; be Patriotic.
She is a hateful douchebag, but Trump supporters really do need to stop freaking out over every Democrat Fake News dog & pony show. It only serves to feed the Fake News Trolls. And there's gonna be a lot more of it. So Trump supporters need to chill out and move forward. Don't feed Fake News Trolls like Maddow.
She is a hateful douchebag, but Trump supporters really do need to stop freaking out over every Democrat Fake News dog & pony show. It only serves to feed the Fake News Trolls. And there's gonna be a lot more of it. So Trump supporters need to chill out and move forward. Don't feed Fake News Trolls like Maddow.

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