Racial segregation in Minnesota


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
An advocacy is pressing the University of Minnesota's Office of Undergraduate Studies after the taxpayer-funded university program opened its paid undergraduate internship program application to only non-white applicants.

The Equal Protection Project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation is calling for the University of Minnesota (UMN) to change its application process and open its summer internship programs to all students regardless of skin color.

"The U. Minnesota segregated summer program is inexcusable, and it's shocking that a major university would so openly make educational opportunities open only to students of a certain skin color," Bill Jacobson, president of the Equal Protection Project (EPP), told Fox News Digital. "EqualProtect.org calls on the university immediately to open-up the summer program to students of all races, ethnicities, and skin colors."

What were they thinking?
It is surprising that someone had to tell them that racial segregation in education is illegal.
Joe Biden is a big fan of racial segregation in education.
He said that he would not send his kids to a desegregated school because it would be like a "racial jungle".
There are racial bigots in America, but the vast majority of them are not white.
Secede...not by race but by politics!

Not only over there in Minnesota, but all over of the USA.

National divorce between liberal and conservative states!

Like MTG suggested, there is no other option for this liberal lunacy!
Secede...not by race but by politics!

Not only over there in Minnesota, but all over of the USA.

National divorce between liberal and conservative states!

Like MTG suggested, there is no other option for this liberal lunacy!
It's not states, it's cities.

Minnesnowta's state politics are dominated by the loony moonbats infesting MSP and Duluth...The rest of the state is very traditional and common sense.

Same here in Wisco....The Milwaukee-Madison axis -though not quite as strong as the MSP shit show- tends to lead the rest of the state around by the nose.

I'm with Scott Adams, on a broader non-ethnic scale....Eschew urban dwellers.

Secede...not by race but by politics!
Not only over there in Minnesota, but all over of the USA.
National divorce between liberal and conservative states!
Like MTG suggested, there is no other option for this liberal lunacy!

There are always alternatives.... we could turn Catalina Island into a prison for leftists, democrats and all social seditionists. Legal and illegal. Then put them in leg irons and send them out on labor crews doing manual labor and jobs no one else wants to do in order to earn the food and lodging to stay alive as they are put through reeducation camps to try to rehab them from being worthless socialists.
There are always alternatives.... we could turn Catalina Island into a prison for leftists, democrats and all social seditionists. Legal and illegal. Then put them in leg irons and send them out on labor crews doing manual labor and jobs no one else wants to do in order to earn the food and lodging to stay alive as they are put through reeducation camps to try to rehab them from being worthless socialists.
Or just buy them airline tickets, and pay the moving costs for their belongings, to a socialist Utopia of their choosing.

Certainly will be far less expensive, in terms of social costs and cultural rot.
There are always alternatives.... we could turn Catalina Island into a prison for leftists, democrats and all social seditionists. Legal and illegal. Then put them in leg irons and send them out on labor crews doing manual labor and jobs no one else wants to do in order to earn the food and lodging to stay alive as they are put through reeducation camps to try to rehab them from being worthless socialists.

sure why not.....so many possibilities so little time!
Secede...not by race but by politics!

Not only over there in Minnesota, but all over of the USA.

National divorce between liberal and conservative states!

Like MTG suggested, there is no other option for this liberal lunacy!
You worry about your own country, not mine.
It's not states, it's cities.

Minnesnowta's state politics are dominated by the loony moonbats infesting MSP and Duluth...The rest of the state is very traditional and common sense.

Same here in Wisco....The Milwaukee-Madison axis -though not quite as strong as the MSP shit show- tends to lead the rest of the state around by the nose.

I'm with Scott Adams, on a broader non-ethnic scale....Eschew urban dwellers.

View attachment 787581
Clinton and Obama seeded over 100K Somalian Muslim Africans in Minnesota. It will be a wonder if we don't have to white phosphorous

their ghettos.

When I was a kid, Minnesotans sounded like "Bobby's" mom. FACT!
Secede...not by race but by politics!

Not only over there in Minnesota, but all over of the USA.

National divorce between liberal and conservative states!

Like MTG suggested, there is no other option for this liberal lunacy!
Seceding will NOT stop the statist left as they want TOTAL control over earths entire population as in "one world g'ment with no borders". From communicating with you before I believe that we are pretty much on the same page here. A MAJOR problem with the statist left is that they believe the propaganda that every individual human being is a herd creature. IF that would be the case every person on this planet would think exactly as I do, desire as I do & have the same goals that I pursue. Beefers & dairy cows are herd creatures as one can watch them all day long & yup, they all do the same thing to a tee, even chewing their cud @ the same time.

If everyone was like me they would desire HP/Torque & 1/4 mile fasssst rigs! They would live for their wild but domesticated to only o-n-e person deer herd, & that deer herd has to be ONLY Columbian Black-Tailed Deer PERIOD. Of course every one would love their goats as well but only pure white Savanna Bucks & all black Nigerian Pygmy doe's are allowed to be desired as pets, but a little sorrel color on the does head for highlights is okay. Ohh, & the Savanna bucks all need to be named Neuman & the Pygmy's need to all be named Pandora(Pandy)!

Do we see a problem with the Communalists mode of groupthink??? I live a life full of luv for the creatures mentioned above(& MANY more) plus I get off on HP/Torque. Most folks would be more into city life with SUV's, poodles & house cats for pets. EVERYONE IS AN INDIVIDUAL WITH INDIVIDUAL DESIRES but the statist left only want people that ape/conform to THEM(god complex) to a tee. If you take in the link below make sure to read the religion section under the "Beliefs" heading.

The sheer ignorance of the statist left regarding the current human condition(human nature) is just absolutely amazing. In their doctrine(?) below they word their visions of a future humanity as one society living in perfect harmony. What truly amazes me is that humanity has tried this "can't we just all get along" fantasy several times throughout recorded history with the outcomes bordering on genocidal results. This is WHY the American experiment was instituted in the first place so all folks could live their lives in peace & happiness.

Thanks so much for your input which I always look forwards to viewing, till next time!


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