Racial Separatism in Major U. S. Cities


"Stop complainin!"
Jul 15, 2010
A race map of America constructed by cartographer Eric Fischer reveals clearly delineated boundaries between white, black, and hispanic neighborhoods in many major American cities.

Is this explainable by white people shutting blacks and hispanics out, or are people self-segragating because they prefer to live in neighborhoods with those who are more like themselves?

And if it's the latter, what does this say about America, the concept of a melting pot, and our future as a nation?
A race map of America constructed by cartographer Eric Fischer reveals clearly delineated boundaries between white, black, and hispanic neighborhoods in many major American cities.

Is this explainable by white people shutting blacks and hispanics out, or are people self-segragating because they prefer to live in neighborhoods with those who are more like themselves?

And if it's the latter, what does this say about America, the concept of a melting pot, and our future as a nation?

I think the idea of America being a melting pot was always false. People tend to be very
ethnically proud of their ethnicity. Blacks are happy to be black, whites glad to be white,
Chinese happy to be Chinese, and Hispanics happy to be Hispnaics. I do feel the races self segregate to a large extent.

No one wants a mongrel race with no real indentity, and not knowing who or what they are!!.

I am black, and I never wanted to move to the suburbs to live around white people.
I had better experiences with my own race of black people. It was always a white person that did or said something disrespectful or negative to me on the Job. From then on , I said I would never live amongst White people.Whites I thought were just to
darn sarcastic and insensitive.:razz:
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Hey, daveman, you little bitch... where's your dancing Hitlers for...

every metro area in America?
I think this illustrates an important point about race relations, which is that people of different races are not really safe visiting with each other in their homes. That causes them to group their houses with people of the same race.
A race map of America constructed by cartographer Eric Fischer reveals clearly delineated boundaries between white, black, and hispanic neighborhoods in many major American cities.

Is this explainable by white people shutting blacks and hispanics out, or are people self-segragating because they prefer to live in neighborhoods with those who are more like themselves?

And if it's the latter, what does this say about America, the concept of a melting pot, and our future as a nation?

Yes and no. There are multiple reasons for this and always have been. China towns, little Italys, Irish, German, French and Polish quarters have always existed since these peoples immigrated. Unfortunately blacks were kept segregated for so long they weren't allowed to properly assimilate into the mainstream culture until relatively recently. Hispanics have been part of the main stream for generations in some areas but not others. Some of it is cultural, some racial and some economic.
A race map of America constructed by cartographer Eric Fischer reveals clearly delineated boundaries between white, black, and hispanic neighborhoods in many major American cities.

Is this explainable by white people shutting blacks and hispanics out, or are people self-segragating because they prefer to live in neighborhoods with those who are more like themselves?

And if it's the latter, what does this say about America, the concept of a melting pot, and our future as a nation?

I think the idea of America being a melting pot was always false. People tend to be very
ethnically proud of their ethnicity. Blacks are happy to be black, whites glad to be white,
Chinese happy to be Chinese, and Hispanics happy to be Hispnaics. I do feel the races self segregate to a large extent.

No one wants a mongrel race with no real indentity, and not knowing who or what they are!!.

I am black, and I never wanted to move to the suburbs to live around white people.
I had better experiences with my own race of black people. It was always a white person that did or said something disrespectful or negative to me on the Job. From then on , I said I would never live amongst White people.Whites I thought were just to
darn sarcastic and insensitive.:razz:

Well, I think the idea of a melting pot worked up until fairly recently. In my neighborhood growning up could be found persons of French, English, Irish, German, and Jewish descent, it did not seem to be a problem. We all spoke the same language and had roughly the same values. Maybe the melting pot ideal breaks down when race comes into play. People of different races can work together, but maybe many of them dont like living next door to each other.
A race map of America constructed by cartographer Eric Fischer reveals clearly delineated boundaries between white, black, and hispanic neighborhoods in many major American cities.

Is this explainable by white people shutting blacks and hispanics out, or are people self-segragating because they prefer to live in neighborhoods with those who are more like themselves?

And if it's the latter, what does this say about America, the concept of a melting pot, and our future as a nation?

I think the idea of America being a melting pot was always false. People tend to be very
ethnically proud of their ethnicity. Blacks are happy to be black, whites glad to be white,
Chinese happy to be Chinese, and Hispanics happy to be Hispnaics. I do feel the races self segregate to a large extent.

No one wants a mongrel race with no real indentity, and not knowing who or what they are!!.

I am black, and I never wanted to move to the suburbs to live around white people.
I had better experiences with my own race of black people. It was always a white person that did or said something disrespectful or negative to me on the Job. From then on , I said I would never live amongst White people.Whites I thought were just to
darn sarcastic and insensitive.:razz:

Well, I think the idea of a melting pot worked up until fairly recently. In my neighborhood growning up could be found persons of French, English, Irish, German, and Jewish descent, it did not seem to be a problem. We all spoke the same language and had roughly the same values. Maybe the melting pot ideal breaks down when race comes into play. People of different races can work together, but maybe many of them dont like living next door to each other.

What I mean is that people of different ethnic groups tend to marry within that ethnic
group. Marry outside of that ethnic group was never really accepted or approved of.

Many Jews marry other Jews, Italians marry other Italians, Irish marry other Irish,ect, ect. Although some white ethnic groups did intermarry, ie, Italians and Irish, German
and Irish, Polls and Irish , Italians , Spanish, many blacks would not intermarry into
ethno European races in the past and even to this day. I don't think the wounds of slavery have fully healed for many blacks to say they would marry into white America.

We may live together, Blacks , Whites , and Hispanics, but the marry bit is still, in my opinion, very taboo.:razz:
some folks like being around people of the same race as themselves. some associate with nationalities or incomes. others like diversity and seek out the margins of these enclaves where demographics mix. this is especially facilitated in big metros. i think humans naturally recognize diversity and are bent toward identification and association with people like themselves. the sense of adventure consciously appreciated by those who aim to associate with people unlike themselves is a character trait that we superimpose on this nature, i say. this is increasingly associated with sophistication, where in the past it certainly was not.
I think the idea of America being a melting pot was always false. People tend to be very
ethnically proud of their ethnicity. Blacks are happy to be black, whites glad to be white,
Chinese happy to be Chinese, and Hispanics happy to be Hispnaics. I do feel the races self segregate to a large extent.

No one wants a mongrel race with no real indentity, and not knowing who or what they are!!.

I am black, and I never wanted to move to the suburbs to live around white people.
I had better experiences with my own race of black people. It was always a white person that did or said something disrespectful or negative to me on the Job. From then on , I said I would never live amongst White people.Whites I thought were just to
darn sarcastic and insensitive.:razz:

Well, I think the idea of a melting pot worked up until fairly recently. In my neighborhood growning up could be found persons of French, English, Irish, German, and Jewish descent, it did not seem to be a problem. We all spoke the same language and had roughly the same values. Maybe the melting pot ideal breaks down when race comes into play. People of different races can work together, but maybe many of them dont like living next door to each other.

What I mean is that people of different ethnic groups tend to marry within that ethnic
group. Marry outside of that ethnic group was never really accepted or approved of.

Many Jews marry other Jews, Italians marry other Italians, Irish marry other Irish,ect, ect. Although some white ethnic groups did intermarry, ie, Italians and Irish, German
and Irish, Polls and Irish , Italians , Spanish, many blacks would not intermarry into
ethno European races in the past and even to this day. I don't think the wounds of slavery have fully healed for many blacks to say they would marry into white America.

We may live together, Blacks , Whites , and Hispanics, but the marry bit is still, in my opinion, very taboo.:razz:

I think it overstates the case to say that it is taboo. As of 2005 there were 422000 marriages involving African Americans and Whites, thats not trivial. I don't think most Americans would view it disfavorably, even though it is relatively rare. After all, the pres is the product of such a marriage and he got elected to be the top dog in the country. Maybe in some upper crust households it wouldnt fly, and in some communities of the deep south, but in your major metropolitan areas it wouldnt attract inordinate attention.
Well, I think the idea of a melting pot worked up until fairly recently. In my neighborhood growning up could be found persons of French, English, Irish, German, and Jewish descent, it did not seem to be a problem. We all spoke the same language and had roughly the same values. Maybe the melting pot ideal breaks down when race comes into play. People of different races can work together, but maybe many of them dont like living next door to each other.

What I mean is that people of different ethnic groups tend to marry within that ethnic
group. Marry outside of that ethnic group was never really accepted or approved of.

Many Jews marry other Jews, Italians marry other Italians, Irish marry other Irish,ect, ect. Although some white ethnic groups did intermarry, ie, Italians and Irish, German
and Irish, Polls and Irish , Italians , Spanish, many blacks would not intermarry into
ethno European races in the past and even to this day. I don't think the wounds of slavery have fully healed for many blacks to say they would marry into white America.

We may live together, Blacks , Whites , and Hispanics, but the marry bit is still, in my opinion, very taboo.:razz:

I think it overstates the case to say that it is taboo. As of 2005 there were 422000 marriages involving African Americans and Whites, thats not trivial. I don't think most Americans would view it disfavorably, even though it is relatively rare. After all, the pres is the product of such a marriage and he got elected to be the top dog in the country. Maybe in some upper crust households it wouldnt fly, and in some communities of the deep south, but in your major metropolitan areas it wouldnt attract inordinate attention.

The numbers are very misleading.422000 interracial marriages, when compared to the
total marriage statistical numbers still point to %96 percent of blacks still prefer another black person to marry. So do white Americans. I think the media and certain elements in America, may want to mislead the public into thinking that interracial marriage is on the increase, when in actuality, it is not a growing trend.

Like I said, black women were forced into interracial situations during slavery by white rapist slave masters. So that was a situation that was forced upon the black race, it was not voluntary.

And today many blacks will tell you they are the last ones that would accept interracial marriage.:razz:
Like I said, black women were forced into interracial situations during slavery by white rapist slave masters. So that was a situation that was forced upon the black race, it was not voluntary.

What the hell does that have to do with today?:confused: Do you really believe that the average black person gives a fraction of a second's thought to what happened 200 years ago when making a decision in their daily lives? No one does this. I dont think black people overwhelmingly prefer to live among other blacks because of something that happened to their ancestors 8 generations removed. If the past had that kind of a hold on human beings then progress would never take place.
A race map of America constructed by cartographer Eric Fischer reveals clearly delineated boundaries between white, black, and hispanic neighborhoods in many major American cities.

Is this explainable by white people shutting blacks and hispanics out, or are people self-segragating because they prefer to live in neighborhoods with those who are more like themselves?

And if it's the latter, what does this say about America, the concept of a melting pot, and our future as a nation?

Yes and no. There are multiple reasons for this and always have been. China towns, little Italys, Irish, German, French and Polish quarters have always existed since these peoples immigrated. Unfortunately blacks were kept segregated for so long they weren't allowed to properly assimilate into the mainstream culture until relatively recently. Hispanics have been part of the main stream for generations in some areas but not others. Some of it is cultural, some racial and some economic.

Finally somebody said it.
I think the idea of America being a melting pot was always false. People tend to be very
ethnically proud of their ethnicity. Blacks are happy to be black, whites glad to be white,
Chinese happy to be Chinese, and Hispanics happy to be Hispnaics. I do feel the races self segregate to a large extent.

No one wants a mongrel race with no real indentity, and not knowing who or what they are!!.

I am black, and I never wanted to move to the suburbs to live around white people.
I had better experiences with my own race of black people. It was always a white person that did or said something disrespectful or negative to me on the Job. From then on , I said I would never live amongst White people.Whites I thought were just to
darn sarcastic and insensitive.:razz:

Well, I think the idea of a melting pot worked up until fairly recently. In my neighborhood growning up could be found persons of French, English, Irish, German, and Jewish descent, it did not seem to be a problem. We all spoke the same language and had roughly the same values. Maybe the melting pot ideal breaks down when race comes into play. People of different races can work together, but maybe many of them dont like living next door to each other.

What I mean is that people of different ethnic groups tend to marry within that ethnic
group. Marry outside of that ethnic group was never really accepted or approved of.

Many Jews marry other Jews, Italians marry other Italians, Irish marry other Irish,ect, ect. Although some white ethnic groups did intermarry, ie, Italians and Irish, German
and Irish, Polls and Irish , Italians , Spanish, many blacks would not intermarry into
ethno European races in the past and even to this day. I don't think the wounds of slavery have fully healed for many blacks to say they would marry into white America.

We may live together, Blacks , Whites , and Hispanics, but the marry bit is still, in my opinion, very taboo.:razz:

Do you live in 1973?:cuckoo:

It's really not. It's not as common but it's generally accepted in most corners. Maybe not down south, but from my experience being from Mississippi and living in the DC area for the past few years, interracial marriage IS MORE LIKELY to happen in areas that it's still taboo in then in areas where it's commonly accepted. I've always thought that was strange.
I Still feel that interracial marriage is wrong and causes more problems for the children of such
unions than the the two mixed race parents see in their present relationship without children.

Interracial couples need to think ahead, about mixed race children and the problems they will encounter,in a still very racist America,
than just think about some personal racial fetish.
I Still feel that interracial marriage is wrong and causes more problems for the children of such
unions than the the two mixed race parents see in their present relationship without children.

Interracial couples need to think ahead, about mixed race children and the problems they will encounter,in a still very racist America,
than just think about some personal racial fetish.

EVERYBODY needs to face that.

The mixed kids I know are doing pretty well though as far as I can see.

I'm not mixed half and half but I'm light-skinned with straight hair, haven't had many more problems then the average black person, probably less.

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