Racialist banner removed from overpass in Tn

The banners are right. All the non-whites want to exterminate the whites. Which just shows how stupid non-whites are since it is whites than gave us this amazing world of cell phones and computers. Without whites we go back to the dark ages.

That's not white genocide. That is a direct result of whites not having children at rates that match other races. The bitching that whites are on the decline is a thin vail over bullshit racist hate. There is no reason to have white majority over any other race anyway other than your inability to see people for their individual worth rather than unfounded hate. The truth that you and the other bigot in this thread are going to have to face is that the shrinking world is going to make race a thing of the past as more and more people become multi-racial. That is simply the future.

The worst part about this is the fact that the problems you rail against have nothing at all to do with race but another concept altogether - the elimination of the "melting pot" where e are all AMERICANS rather than Mexicans, Africans or Europeans to another asinine "multculturism" that divides Americans into compeating interests rather than a unified individualistic culture. IOW - people like YOU in all colors and cultures are the fucking problem, not the solution.

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While I may not agree with the message.. I generally do not agree with removal of such messages.. except in one case during my younger adult years, where outside of a Jewish summer camp, a bunch of racists put up signs and banners filled with hateful sayings, nasty pictures, and anti-Semitic slurs in plain view of the camp interest.. me and some fellow soldiers went and took the stuff down, out of respect for the young children.. adults can handle such things, children cannot

I normally soul agree but I think this is different because the posters wetter NOT speech as protesting or holding a sign would be. You have a right to protest but you DO NOT have a right to hang a sign on public property. I will defend their right to stand there and disseminate their hateful message but not to "tag" that message on public property and walk away like a coward.

The cops were compactly correct in this no mater what the poster stated, be it a message for religion, peace, rights our the hate that it was.

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That's not white genocide. That is a direct result of whites not having children at rates that match other races. The bitching that whites are on the decline is a thin vail over bullshit racist hate. There is no reason to have white majority over any other race anyway other than your inability to see people for their individual worth rather than unfounded hate. The truth that you and the other bigot in this thread are going to have to face is that the shrinking world is going to make race a thing of the past as more and more people become multi-racial. That is simply the future.

It's already happening.

2010 Census Shows Multiple-Race Population Grew Faster Than Single-Race Population - Race - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

I hope pussies like NS and Tank are sufficiently scared.

That's not white genocide. That is a direct result of whites not having children at rates that match other races. The bitching that whites are on the decline is a thin vail over bullshit racist hate. There is no reason to have white majority over any other race anyway other than your inability to see people for their individual worth rather than unfounded hate. The truth that you and the other bigot in this thread are going to have to face is that the shrinking world is going to make race a thing of the past as more and more people become multi-racial. That is simply the future.

It's already happening.

2010 Census Shows Multiple-Race Population Grew Faster Than Single-Race Population - Race - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

I hope pussies like NS and Tank are sufficiently scared.

Of course it is and it is the natural course to take in a world where we have become so close. I can go to the airport and visit any location on the planet today. In such a small world, people are going to merge until there is but one race.

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White supremacists are morons.

The bugaboo of the alleged "white supremacist" is for the most part a dirty trick created by the radical left to gin up hatred and unrest. The only people who fall for it are usually left wing morons.
That's not white genocide. That is a direct result of whites not having children at rates that match other races. The bitching that whites are on the decline is a thin vail over bullshit racist hate. There is no reason to have white majority over any other race anyway other than your inability to see people for their individual worth rather than unfounded hate. The truth that you and the other bigot in this thread are going to have to face is that the shrinking world is going to make race a thing of the past as more and more people become multi-racial. That is simply the future.

It's already happening.

2010 Census Shows Multiple-Race Population Grew Faster Than Single-Race Population - Race - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

I hope pussies like NS and Tank are sufficiently scared.

Of course it is and it is the natural course to take in a world where we have become so close. I can go to the airport and visit any location on the planet today. In such a small world, people are going to merge until there is but one race.

Sent from my ADR8995 using Tapatalk 2

I really don't think any 'races' are going to disappear, but who the fuck cares anyway? As long as the human race persists we should count our blessings.
Prove they are nazi's or shut the hell up.

Dude...they're the Aryan Nation.

What do you think...the Girl Scouts!

THIS is posted on the front page of their website!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O5t2FhCHuo]'Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told Trailer 2' by @TGSNTtv - YouTube[/ame]

You have proof that's who put the banner up? I haven't seen anything to that effect. You do realize there are literally HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of White Racialist groups right? AN is one of the most disorganized splintered groups around anymore. Just like in Arkansas this was probably 1 or 2 people at most. Most of us don't belong to any groups. I don't.
All these pro-immigration advocates are the most anti-diversity of all. Nationalists support preserving individual heritages, internationalists support the destruction of national identities, heritage, and races through race mixing and globalization.

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