Racialist banner removed from overpass in Tn

Nope, you and blacks, hispanics and homosexuals will lead the world back in time
I guess this means Republicans aren't going to be inviting minorities into their party any time soon.

Take your democrat party hackery elsewhere. This has nothing to do with your fake two party bullshit.

I don't care if you live in your fantasy world where Democrats and Republicans are real political opponents, just leave your delusions out of this thread and fuck off.
All these pro-immigration advocates are the most anti-diversity of all. Nationalists support preserving individual heritages, internationalists support the destruction of national identities, heritage, and races through race mixing and globalization.

What is your nationality? You're sure as hell not an American.
Why does it have to be a "neo nazi" group? It could be whites aware that our numbers are declining fast and there is a systematic program in place to make sure we become extinct.

Are you a "white" Hispanic?
Do have Spanish in me so yes.

Seriously, what a loon.
A man supports a white nationalist ideal, including removing foreigners, and complains about the loss or dilution of the white race.

However, it turns out he isn't white but a diluted white who, according to his politics, should be kicked out as the offspring of a filthy immigrant.

You couldn't make that sort of stupidity up. :cuckoo:
Why does it have to be a "neo nazi" group? It could be whites aware that our numbers are declining fast and there is a systematic program in place to make sure we become extinct.

Explain to me in laymans terms exactly what that means (the bold).

What is "all white" or "pure white"? I don't think such a person exists.

What a SILLY question! You know exactly who is White when you talk about slavery and colonialism! But all of a sudden, when normal White people begin to point out that all White countries are being inflicted with a policy of mass-immigration and forced assimilation to create a blended humanity (only in White countries), White people all of a sudden don't even exist. You know if such a policy of mass-immigration/forced assimilation of foreign-race immigrants was inflicted upon any African or Asian country, it would be considered genocide under United Nations Law? But when it's done to White countries, it's called "diversity" - there's an obvious double standard here. And just so you know, denying the existence of racial, ethnical, national or religious groups, is one of the eight steps leading to the crime of genocide under United Nations Law. I suggest you look up the United Nations 1948 genocide convention before you go denying the existence of identifiable racial/ethnical groups once again.
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Are you a "white" Hispanic?
Do have Spanish in me so yes.

Seriously, what a loon.
A man supports a white nationalist ideal, including removing foreigners, and complains about the loss or dilution of the white race.

However, it turns out he isn't white but a diluted white who, according to his politics, should be kicked out as the offspring of a filthy immigrant.

You couldn't make that sort of stupidity up. :cuckoo:

Spanish is White you idiot.
Oh, so I take it you live on a desert island all alone? Societies are inherently collectivist you moron.

The racist paradox --> Racists proclaim themselves superior to others due to the colour of their skin, but everyone else in their race thinks they're lowlife pieces of shit.

Racist is a meaningless term, you make a stupid argument against collectivism, so you fall back on baseless insults. Take your bullshit republican hackery elsewhere.

My "argument" against collectivism is saying "Ah, collectivism?"

You're not exactly the sharpest tack in the drawer, are you?

Then again, most racists were on the short bus.
The racist paradox --> Racists proclaim themselves superior to others due to the colour of their skin, but everyone else in their race thinks they're lowlife pieces of shit.

Racist is a meaningless term, you make a stupid argument against collectivism, so you fall back on baseless insults. Take your bullshit republican hackery elsewhere.

My "argument" against collectivism is saying "Ah, collectivism?"

You're not exactly the sharpest tack in the drawer, are you?

Then again, most racists were on the short bus.
So you are reminiscing how much you like collectivism?

Moron you are...
The only race not entitled to feel pride or seek to maintain their standing, are whites.
They weren't white supremacists and the banner has nothing to do with white supremacy. Now if it said white race is superior to all others THAT is white supremacy. That banner is anti white genocide.

It's not really anti white genocide.

It's anti diversity, and that's the truth of the matter. And that's also the problem. Because what's the "solution" to diversity if you consider diversity a problem....hmmmm?

I'm white, by the way, but I'm a rationale, non-hate-filled white person.
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The racist paradox --> Racists proclaim themselves superior to others due to the colour of their skin, but everyone else in their race thinks they're lowlife pieces of shit.

Racist is a meaningless term, you make a stupid argument against collectivism, so you fall back on baseless insults. Take your bullshit republican hackery elsewhere.

My "argument" against collectivism is saying "Ah, collectivism?"

You're not exactly the sharpest tack in the drawer, are you?

Then again, most racists were on the short bus.

I think Icedouche got run over by it.
The only race not entitled to feel pride or seek to maintain their standing, are whites.

STFU, you whiny idiot.

I've noticed that you have nothing to offer of substance, ever. You're just a faggoty little pissant, pulling hair and putting gum on the girls' seats, all in effort to be somehow relevant, but you remain a shit stain on Michael Moore's XXXXXL underwear.

Go crawl back in your hole, mutant.
I guess this means Republicans aren't going to be inviting minorities into their party any time soon.
I am not a republican.
Are you a "white" Hispanic?
Do have Spanish in me so yes.

Seriously, what a loon.
A man supports a white nationalist ideal, including removing foreigners, and complains about the loss or dilution of the white race.

However, it turns out he isn't white but a diluted white who, according to his politics, should be kicked out as the offspring of a filthy immigrant.

You couldn't make that sort of stupidity up. :cuckoo:
I see your stupidity has already been pointed out. No need to compound it.

The racist paradox --> Racists proclaim themselves superior to others due to the colour of their skin, but everyone else in their race thinks they're lowlife pieces of shit.

Racist is a meaningless term, you make a stupid argument against collectivism, so you fall back on baseless insults. Take your bullshit republican hackery elsewhere.

My "argument" against collectivism is saying "Ah, collectivism?"

You're not exactly the sharpest tack in the drawer, are you?

Then again, most racists were on the short bus.
Guess you missed the short list of college educated "racists"

They weren't white supremacists and the banner has nothing to do with white supremacy. Now if it said white race is superior to all others THAT is white supremacy. That banner is anti white genocide.

It's not really anti white genocide.

It's anti diversity, and that's the truth of the matter. And that's also the problem. Because what's the "solution" to diversity if you consider diversity a problem....hmmmm?

I'm white, by the way, but I'm a rationale, non-hate-filled white person.
I love diversity. I have a brown eyed,brown headed child,a blue eyed,dirty blonde headed child and a green eyed ,dirty blonde headed child,I am brown eyed and brown headed and my wife is reddish/brown headed and green eyed. Plenty of diversity within my own race do love and I do.
So you are reminiscing how much you like collectivism?


Quick IQ test. See if you can pass;

2 + 2 = ?

Just as I figured, your a faggot that can't stand by what he says. I criticize your anti-collectivist position, you claim you weren't arguing for it, then I ask if you like collectivism, you say no.

So basically you're a pissant anti social hermit with no conviction.

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