"Racism is bad," but blacks killing whites A-O- K.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
What ever happened to the black man that ran over old white ladies and kids? . (Imagine, if you can, To paraphrase Lenon) this was a WHITE man. Why do libs give free passes to bad people of color?
It seems to be okay for white men to kill white kids too. If a white man killed a black kid all hell would be screaming.
Yesterday, a liberal deliberately ran down and killed a 18 year old white male Trump supporter. The fact I can't research it and find it. But I DO get countless references to white men sneezed sideways, billions of blacks killed as a result of evil racism shit kinda stuff...
Democrats are either evil geniuses or Americans have become easily manipulated dingbats. Hmm, there ARE there really multiple genders? HMM . And did a white cop's knee ACTUALLY cause a rather suspicious hypoxia death in a black man named "Floyd", a fentanyl addict that had that TWICE the lethal amount that would have killed a normal human? Stuff like that.
What ever happened to the black man that ran over old white ladies and kids? . (Imagine, if you can, To paraphrase Lenon) this was a WHITE man. Why do libs give free passes to bad people of color?

Here's the answer to your question. Could have found it yourself. Darryl Brooks was in court just 2 days ago. His trial begins next month. That's the pace of justice for a mass killing event,

My question to you is -- there were 40 people injured - MANY seriously. You POSITIVE that NONE of them were black?
85 percent of whites are killed by other whites. But Mary and some others want to pretend the other 10-15 percent is the biggest problem.
85 percent of whites are killed by other whites. But Mary and some others want to pretend the other 10-15 percent is the biggest problem.
the annual murder ratio between blacks and whites is about 2:1
that is a problem
What ever happened to the black man that ran over old white ladies and kids? . (Imagine, if you can, To paraphrase Lenon) this was a WHITE man. Why do libs give free passes to bad people of color?

Nobody killing anybody is AOK. Why are you so bitter against blacks?
Here's the answer to your question. Could have found it yourself. Darryl Brooks was in court just 2 days ago. His trial begins next month. That's the pace of justice for a mass killing event,

My question to you is -- there were 40 people injured - MANY seriously. You POSITIVE that NONE of them were black?

due to brook's prior comments, this seems to be a racially motivated crime

we know that if the races were reversed this would be an international news story
cnn would be beating on it non-stop
they would be interviewing the families
dem politicians would be outraged......
the annual murder ratio between blacks and whites is about 2:1
that is a problem
That is not the problem. Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be killed by another white person than a black person. But as usual, the racist white person such as yourself disingenuously argues very small numbers using ratios and percentages. For example, a couple of years ago blacks killed 400 whites. Whites killed 2,500 other whites. But because whites killed 200 blacks, liars like you ran your mouths about how there is a 2:1 ratio. But 6:1 is 3 times that and that's the ratio of whites killing whites to blacks killing whites.

Get that beam out of your eye.
That is not the problem. Whites are 5-6 times more likely to be killed by another white person than a black person. But as usual, the racist white person such as yourself disingenuously argues very small numbers using ratios and percentages. For example, a couple of years ago blacks killed 400 whites. Whites killed 2,500 other whites. But because whites killed 200 blacks, liars like you ran your mouths about how there is a 2:1 ratio. But 6:1 is 3 times that and that's the ratio of whites killing whites to blacks killing whites.

Get that beam out of your eye.
that is true for all races
most people are who are murdered are murdered by a person of the same race
be honest
if the whites were murdering blacks at a 2:1 ratio the left would be losing their minds
the point is that the left's grand hypocrisy creates their credibility gap
due to brook's prior comments, this seems to be a racially motivated crime
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we know that if the races were reversed this would be an international news story
cnn would be beating on it non-stop
they would be interviewing the families
dem politicians would be outraged......

I'm almost certain that many young blacks as well were seriously injured. You dont pull off a stunt like driving thru a marching band and harm only white kids. Kenosha is very diverse in its population.

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