"Racism" Is Good. Do You Disagree?

What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.

As for the birds flocking, either you are not paying attention or you are too ignorant to know teh difference. Redwing blackbirds and Grackles flock and migrate together. But they separate by gender. There are many other examples of different types of birds that flock together.

Cows, goats, horses and most other livestock will have numerous breeds in the same herd.

Even fish school with different species (more divergent than breeds).

Oh, and please provide any evidence you have that babies have been shown to be bigoted. That is having an adverse reaction to another race, not just selecting familiar faces.

And if you are wanting to base our society strictly on what happens in nature, unplug your refrigerator, shutoff the a/c or heat, walk or run everywhere, eat only what is growing or living where you live, stop shaving, take no medicines, and only have sex for procreation.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

I disagree with any philosophy that based on segregating humans is based on race. We are all humans, our color doesn't matter. When I look at nature I see trees with green leaves coexisting next to trees with yellow leaves. I see brown dogs mating with white dogs. I see children play laughing and loving without even a second glance at color. Color does not separate us. Ideas like racial supremacy separate us

Thank you. You caused me to add a little something to my thread that I forgot to include. Which is that in nature, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you that are for race (species) mixing are going against what nature has PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have even existed.

Next, "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." There are different species of human just as there are different species of anything else. And there is FAR more difference going on than just the color of somebody's skin. Then you are really grasping at straws by bringing up the color of leaves.

As for dogs or cats, they were created mostly bu humans. So they don't really count. Though an interesting point on that matter is that western wolves and eastern wolves can interbreed and have viable offspring. Eastern wolves and coyotes can too. Even though they too are a different species. But western wolves and coyotes can't. Next, don't even bring children into the argument. Adults aren't children. (For the most part)

Please use your computer for a bit more education in biology.

Different species cannot interbreed and produce successful breeding offspring.

Different races are not different species. Anyone who claims they are is ignorant of the meaning of the word "species".
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

It would help if you were a little more specific.

look at the title of your thread

then look at my response.

Nothing more needs to be said.


I find any type of racism disgusting.

Dont' bother to respond, you wont' change my mind

If you had a mind, I could. But you have had that "politically correct" BS imprinted on you. Just like a human raising a duckling after it hatches and it soon becomes imprinted on the human. I'm not sure it is even possible to change a ducklings mind or yours.

So either someone agrees with you or they are imprinted with politically correct bullshit? That is handy, huh? No need for facts in a debate.
Our inner cities or "hoods" have been developing characteristics over several decades that breeds a different kind of person than a nice white picket fence up bring breeds.. moral of the story- many of the characteristics you associate to blacks or minorities or the poor, are characteristics any human would develop in their circumstances regardless of race.

Yes, but there is and effect here, and you need to make sure you aren't mistaking one for the other. You shouldn't assume that living conditions create culture when it is just as much true that culture creates living conditions.
Our inner cities or "hoods" have been developing characteristics over several decades that breeds a different kind of person than a nice white picket fence up bring breeds.. moral of the story- many of the characteristics you associate to blacks or minorities or the poor, are characteristics any human would develop in their circumstances regardless of race.

Yes, but there is and effect here, and you need to make sure you aren't mistaking one for the other. You shouldn't assume that living conditions create culture when it is just as much true that culture creates living conditions.
As someone who has studied the african american community since its appearance on this continent, I am sure I have the causes and effects figured out. Systemic oppression that has ALWAYS existed here, puts them at a disadvantage. Keeping an entire race oppressed will indeed change its characteristics, in order to survive.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
You know who I can't stand?

What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
Race, as Steve Sailer points out, is just a huge somewhat inbred extended family. It’s kin. In the same way I have more in common genetically with my parents’ other son than I do with you, you and I (assuming you are white) have more in common with each other than either of us has with any Chinese guy. You and I are more related. Our common ancestors are not only more recent, there are more of them.

That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try this thought experiment. Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?​

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
Race, as Steve Sailer points out, is just a huge somewhat inbred extended family. It’s kin. In the same way I have more in common genetically with my parents’ other son than I do with you, you and I (assuming you are white) have more in common with each other than either of us has with any Chinese guy. You and I are more related. Our common ancestors are not only more recent, there are more of them.

That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try this thought experiment. Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?​

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.

I guess it saves time if you ask me a question and then go ahead an answer it for me.

In the first question, you are correct. But in the second question you are wrong. I would come to the aid of the one closest to me, regardless of the color of their skin.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
Race, as Steve Sailer points out, is just a huge somewhat inbred extended family. It’s kin. In the same way I have more in common genetically with my parents’ other son than I do with you, you and I (assuming you are white) have more in common with each other than either of us has with any Chinese guy. You and I are more related. Our common ancestors are not only more recent, there are more of them.

That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try this thought experiment. Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?​

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.

I guess it saves time if you ask me a question and then go ahead an answer it for me.

In the first question, you are correct. But in the second question you are wrong. I would come to the aid of the one closest to me, regardless of the color of their skin.

Everything else being equal? I.e., equidistant?
The human race is a lot older than we think. No race on Earth is pure anything.

Dats pride fuckin wit chu mf.

Having said that, mass immigration creates unnecessary hardship.

What has the age of the human race have to do with it. Also, I had to correct my thread to say "a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it." Next, what does the purity of any race-species of human have to do with anything. You just take what you have and work with it. For example, Michael Jackson didn't try to make himself look white because of the "purity" of the White species. Also, about 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female. I don't think that the "purity" of the white chicks has anything to do with it.
As I said, the human race has been around for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. In another six thousand years we will still be here.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
So you're a racial separatist. Fine. Get together with all of the others like you and find a deserted island to live on. Better yet, contact space X and colonize Mars. We don't need you here . Diversity is beautiful. And by the way, I se Swans and Gees and Ducks hanging out together all the time.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
Race, as Steve Sailer points out, is just a huge somewhat inbred extended family. It’s kin. In the same way I have more in common genetically with my parents’ other son than I do with you, you and I (assuming you are white) have more in common with each other than either of us has with any Chinese guy. You and I are more related. Our common ancestors are not only more recent, there are more of them.

That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try this thought experiment. Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?​

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.

I guess it saves time if you ask me a question and then go ahead an answer it for me.

In the first question, you are correct. But in the second question you are wrong. I would come to the aid of the one closest to me, regardless of the color of their skin.

Everything else being equal? I.e., equidistant?

it would probably depend on which was in more danger or which assailant looked to be trying to cause more harm.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
So you're a racial separatist. Fine. Get together with all of the others like you and find a deserted island to live on. Better yet, contact space X and colonize Mars. We don't need you here . Diversity is beautiful. And by the way, I se Swans and Gees and Ducks hanging out together all the time.

Swans and ducks hang out together. Geese and ducks hang out together. Swans hate geese.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
So you're a racial separatist. Fine. Get together with all of the others like you and find a deserted island to live on. Better yet, contact space X and colonize Mars. We don't need you here . Diversity is beautiful. And by the way, I se Swans and Gees and Ducks hanging out together all the time.

Swans and ducks hang out together. Geese and ducks hang out together. Swans hate geese.
Not from what I have observed. Maybe we have a different denomination of swans and/or geese here than you do. They may be more liberal and inclusive. LOL
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What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
So you're a racial separatist. Fine. Get together with all of the others like you and find a deserted island to live on. Better yet, contact space X and colonize Mars. We don't need you here . Diversity is beautiful. And by the way, I se Swans and Gees and Ducks hanging out together all the time.

Swans and ducks hang out together. Geese and ducks hang out together. Swans hate geese.
Not from what I have observed. Maybe we have a different denomination of swans and/or geese here than you do. They may be more liberal and inclusive. LOL

True enough, I suppose.
What you might call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." It is a tragedy if you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you.

A lot of the brainwashed human parrots out there also like to throw around the slander term "supremacist." But every time I see a flock of birds, they are all the same species of bird. And every time I have seen a school of fish, they were all the same species of fish. Etc. times zillions. These creatures don't act this way out of any feelings of supremacy. They act that way because it is the right way to be. That is the way all the different species of human should be too. I can think of one way in the U.S. that is the case. In the various "China Towns" that Chinese here create in various cities.

Get this. In nature, which humans are part of, divergence is the rule. Convergence isn't. So all of you are for race (species) mixing are going against what has been PROVEN to be right for FAR longer than humans have ever existed.
Race, as Steve Sailer points out, is just a huge somewhat inbred extended family. It’s kin. In the same way I have more in common genetically with my parents’ other son than I do with you, you and I (assuming you are white) have more in common with each other than either of us has with any Chinese guy. You and I are more related. Our common ancestors are not only more recent, there are more of them.

That’s it. That’s all race means. So, if the charge of racism lands on you, the charge, whatever else it may mean, is a charge of familyism.

Try this thought experiment. Suppose you walk around a corner and discover a man beating a woman. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To come to the aid of the woman, right?​

Now, suppose you walk around a corner and discover a Chinese man beating a white woman and another Chinese man beating a black woman. What’s your first instinct? Uh-huh, that threw you didn’t it, white boy? In reality, if you are white, your first instinct would be to help the white woman, but that would be racist, so…and your brain scrambles for the proper response.

Now, suppose you come around the corner and discover two white men beating two white women, and one of them is your mother. Quick, what’s your first instinct? To help your mother, everyone responds instantly and without a second thought.

Shame! You should be weeping on national television for your gut-wrenching display of open familyism.

In truth, no one thinks anything at all of you coming to the aid of your mother, first. No one would accuse you of hating or oppressing non-mothers, nor would anyone accuse your mother of unfairly benefiting from mother privilege. In fact, if you chose to help the other woman first you would be thought a kind of monster.

And monstrous, we are.

Stop spamming.

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