Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

The fact is she killed an "innocent man" ! And was convicted of murder by a "jury of her peers", whatever that means! I don't believe the jury system insures fairness, when the prosecutor and defense can have jurors "preemptively". If a person is selected for jury duty and appears to serve a blind selection should be held. Put the names in a box and select them 1 at a time. I watched jury selection in a case where a man was accused of "damaging flowers at a cemetery site" by removing them and throwing them in the trash. There were 5 men in the jury pool of 18. The Prosecutor was able to have all but one removed preemptively. The 5th was an elderly man who had poor hearing the judge excused him. The complainant went on the stand and cried and sobbed for 30 minutes. All the evidence was a video of the man removing the flowers to a trash receptacle and sitting quietly at a gravesite then walking away, he was the interred mans son. The complainant was another relative. The man was convicted of "Criminal damaging" by an all white female jury, and sentenced to 6 mos. in jail. The system needs change. The right to confront and cross examine an accuser can be done without ever bringing people into court where they also have to confront a potentially hostile jury. Sequester jury's and never identify the race or gender of the Accused or the Accuser to them. That way they can base their decision solely on the facts presented and not human emotion or deep seated resentment of another race or gender. We have a problem with racism in the court system. Instead of selecting a jury that will weigh the facts. Prosecutors cherry pick for a jury that will convict based on the thinnest of evidence.
Each side has a limited number of preemptive challenges. Some jurors have things in their past that prevent them from being impartial. I had jury duty last summer and some of the dismissed jurors were just freaking stupid or assholes

You are asked basic questions before you ever get to the selection process. One question is whether you believe you can fairly rule on the law.

I was called in for a murder case. They asked me all of these questions concerning what I thought on guns. Irrelevant. I can have views on something but still make a decision based upon the law.
There is a difference between you thinking you are impartial and a prosecutor or defense attorney believing you are impartial

They usually take the side of caution and dismiss you if there is any indication of partiality

A jury of your peers. Not a jury of your peers that believe a certain way.
A fair and impartial jury of your peers

That is the goal and a worthy goal but in reality...often not reached. That is why going into trial is a gamble in lots of cases...a crap shoot.
There are obvious examples of why a person should not be on a jury, such as the defendant is your brother but in general it should be a random thing.
Nothing human is perfect, but the system has developed over time with that purpose always in mind. In any case, it is a fair system in that both have equal chance to "preselect" the jurors.

The problem being the jury pool or what potential jurors one is allowed to select from....a lot of incrdibly stupid people out there as this board proves. America has been dumbed down.
If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

Actually, the forensic evidence shows he barely got up off his couch before she shot him twice.

A arrest affidavit further reveals that Jean’s door was unlocked, and it was dark inside when Guyger entered his apartment. She allegedly thought he was a burglar when she saw a person in the dark, shooting Jean a single time in the chest after she told authorities he ignored verbal commands. The Dallas Morning News reported that she had just worked a 15-hour shift.

What kind of burglar sits down on your couch, has dinner and watches TV? Come on, the excuse that "she thought this was a burglar" doesn't pass the laugh test.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?

Not at all. She was on her phone, not paying attention to where she was. Just like when someone is texting while driving and runs someone over, their NEGLIGENCE was the proximate cause of the problem.
Even if he was a dangerous criminal you would still want to hang the police officer just because she was white and he was black. It’s the Democratic Party line.
So you have to make up something that didn't happen to make your so-called point? :71:
When you kill someone in the commission of a crime, it's automatically murder.
That makes no sense

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.
And she admitted on the stand that she shot to kill. That sunk her.

Anyone who feels they have to shoot to defend their life is shooting to kill....now the jury may have not understood that....just another reason this was a miscarriage of justice.

Too many folks even and especially jurors do not either understand the law on self defense as in one is entitled to use lethal force if they have a reasonable fear of their life being in danger...this ignorance on the part of jurors is often take advantage of by the prosecution as in they can steer the jury in a certain direction that does not follow the law...aka oh she shot an unarmed man...like that is relevant. etc.
When you kill someone in the commission of a crime, it's automatically murder.
That makes no sense

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.

from the accounts I have read she was not charged with 2nd degree murder.

Guyger, a four-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, initially was charged with manslaughter. Two months later, a grand jury indicted her on a murder charge

She faces up to 99 yrs. in prison.

There are 4 kinds of murder in Texas....none of them are classified as 2nd degree murder.
1. Murder

2. Capital Murder

3. Manslaughter

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide

The lady cop was charged with murder.

When there is not an intent to kill somebody and it is "accidental" (broad interpretation) then the charge is usually manslaughter.

For instance, a couple of years ago here in Florida a drunk driver ran into a car of teenagers killing the driver and hurting the other occupants. Totally responsible. The driver was charged with manslaughter, not murder.

She was originally charged with manslaughter, which was appropriate. However, for SJW reasons the charge was changed to murder and that is despicable.

She was railroaded for political correctness and that is wrong.

It was also wrong for the family to frame the shooting as a racial thing when there is no evidence of it being racially motivated. May they rot in hell for that.
I don’t think I read one comment here from a Democrat that has not fabricated what really happened in the story.
Why can’t you and Adam shit stop making up stories?
Win the argument with facts if not shut up
What is to make up?

A jury of her peers found her guilty of murder
Didn’t the judge mess with the jury?
By allowing the castle doctrine defense...now, if you actually think about it, who does that help?
If you fail to lock your doors and most especially in an apartment complex that is being negligent. Police as mentioned before constantly are telling people to lock their doors and cars. Now of course as also previously posted you are not legally negligent...just negligent in common sense.

She was in uniform and the black guy must have noticed that....she gave him a legal order to show his hands he refused to do that and advanced on her.

Actually, the forensic evidence shows he barely got up off his couch before she shot him twice.

A arrest affidavit further reveals that Jean’s door was unlocked, and it was dark inside when Guyger entered his apartment. She allegedly thought he was a burglar when she saw a person in the dark, shooting Jean a single time in the chest after she told authorities he ignored verbal commands. The Dallas Morning News reported that she had just worked a 15-hour shift.

What kind of burglar sits down on your couch, has dinner and watches TV? Come on, the excuse that "she thought this was a burglar" doesn't pass the laugh test.

Having said that I am not blaming the black guy....he was no doubt suprised, shocked or whatever that a police woman was in his apartment all of a sudden and may not have reacted in a very rational manner because he was surprised and had no idea of what was going on.

Bottom Line: a tragic mistake made worse by a miscarriage of justice.....can anyone say karma?

Not at all. She was on her phone, not paying attention to where she was. Just like when someone is texting while driving and runs someone over, their NEGLIGENCE was the proximate cause of the problem.
Even if he was a dangerous criminal you would still want to hang the police officer just because she was white and he was black. It’s the Democratic Party line.
So you have to make up something that didn't happen to make your so-called point? :71:

He was not shot twice.....and experts disagree whether or not he was sitting on his couch...some say yes and some say he was advancing on the defendant as she claimed.
I feel like this judge is going to be heard on the news Soon about stealing money or not paying taxes and dragged to jail like other black judges lol

Who remembers that black judge that was dragged to jail Recently? Lol
Lol...not racist at all, Jitler.

Very few black officials are not corrupt...they simply cannot resist the bribe in way too many cases.
I don’t think I read one comment here from a Democrat that has not fabricated what really happened in the story.
Why can’t you and Adam shit stop making up stories?
Win the argument with facts if not shut up
What is to make up?

A jury of her peers found her guilty of murder
Didn’t the judge mess with the jury?
By allowing the castle doctrine defense...now, if you actually think about it, who does that help?

It was not allowed.
Each side has a limited number of preemptive challenges. Some jurors have things in their past that prevent them from being impartial. I had jury duty last summer and some of the dismissed jurors were just freaking stupid or assholes

You are asked basic questions before you ever get to the selection process. One question is whether you believe you can fairly rule on the law.

I was called in for a murder case. They asked me all of these questions concerning what I thought on guns. Irrelevant. I can have views on something but still make a decision based upon the law.
There is a difference between you thinking you are impartial and a prosecutor or defense attorney believing you are impartial

They usually take the side of caution and dismiss you if there is any indication of partiality

A jury of your peers. Not a jury of your peers that believe a certain way.
A fair and impartial jury of your peers
Did she have the right to pick the jury she wanted?

She can dismiss jurors she doesn’t like
Apparently had her phone in one hand, bag in the other. Had time to drop one, draw her gun, aim in the dark like a pro, shoot twice, but no time to turn on the lights. Go figure.

She is able to kill an innocent black man and text at the same time
Why can't we all?
The big takeaway from this trial....the disappointed CRCs who can't shoot black people without consequences.
Black Lives Matter
That makes no sense

She entered the apartment illegally. Then she shot the guy. She killed him during the illegal entry, which automatically ups this to 2nd degree murder.
So she meant to do it? Lol you don’t know the law

You need to learn the definition of second degree murder:

Second degree murder is a criminal law term that describes the killing of another human being without premeditation, but with intent. Second degree murder may also refer to a death caused by an individual’s negligent or reckless conduct.

Second Degree Murder

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation. It does include negligence or reckless conduct which pretty much is what that woman did.

from the accounts I have read she was not charged with 2nd degree murder.

Guyger, a four-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, initially was charged with manslaughter. Two months later, a grand jury indicted her on a murder charge

She faces up to 99 yrs. in prison.

There are 4 kinds of murder in Texas....none of them are classified as 2nd degree murder.
1. Murder

2. Capital Murder

3. Manslaughter

4. Criminally Negligent Homicide

The lady cop was charged with murder.

When there is not an intent to kill somebody and it is "accidental" (broad interpretation) then the charge is usually manslaughter.

For instance, a couple of years ago here in Florida a drunk driver ran into a car of teenagers killing the driver and hurting the other occupants. Totally responsible. The driver was charged with manslaughter, not murder.

She was originally charged with manslaughter, which was appropriate. However, for SJW reasons the charge was changed to murder and that is despicable.

She was railroaded for political correctness and that is wrong.

It was also wrong for the family to frame the shooting as a racial thing when there is no evidence of it being racially motivated. May they rot in hell for that.

There is a law which says that if you accidentally kill someone in the commission of another crime, the charge automatically becomes second degree murder. For example, if you rob a grocery store, and you accidentally shoot the owner during the robbery, that's second degree murder, even though you had no intention of killing the owner when you went in. Because the woman illegally entered the apartment her shooting of the owner is not manslaughter, it's second degree murder.

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