Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

Most would just say...

OOPS....sorry, wrong apartment
But she had a gun
Seriously, most would after noticing the red mat, wrong number, door strangely unlocked, etc, etc..
But she didn't just have a gun,.. she had a hot sex date with Dave from work.. Greasy, sure, but damn, talk about washboard abs!
Wait! Who's this big black lug eating my ice cream, sitting on my sofa, watching my TV?! Blam Blam! You dead, honey!
Wait! I don't own a sofa?!

Most would have asked simple questions

Who are you?
What are you doing here?

Instead, she shot first

Most cops make up a story......I thought I saw a gun
She didn’t even have that.....she just shot

Even that doesn't matter. She shot him. She gets to go to prison for 10 years. Maybe only a few depending on how parole and all that works.
10 years seems like a good sentence
5 years with good behavior

I don't think the libs are going to be that pleased with that sentence as too short.

Although in reality, 5 years is a life sentence for a police officer. Probably get whacked within fairly quick order.

Na, she will be okay. Okay as one could be in prison anyway. What I thought was cool was Mr. Jeans brother going out of his way to hug her and forgive her. That's was a truely awesome act that got and is getting little to no press.
Seriously, most would after noticing the red mat, wrong number, door strangely unlocked, etc, etc..
But she didn't just have a gun,.. she had a hot sex date with Dave from work.. Greasy, sure, but damn, talk about washboard abs!
Wait! Who's this big black lug eating my ice cream, sitting on my sofa, watching my TV?! Blam Blam! You dead, honey!
Wait! I don't own a sofa?!

Most would have asked simple questions

Who are you?
What are you doing here?

Instead, she shot first

Most cops make up a story......I thought I saw a gun
She didn’t even have that.....she just shot

Even that doesn't matter. She shot him. She gets to go to prison for 10 years. Maybe only a few depending on how parole and all that works.
10 years seems like a good sentence
5 years with good behavior

I don't think the libs are going to be that pleased with that sentence as too short.

Although in reality, 5 years is a life sentence for a police officer. Probably get whacked within fairly quick order.

Na, she will be okay. Okay as one could be in prison anyway. What I thought was cool was Mr. Jeans brother going out of his way to hug her and forgive her. That's was a truely awesome act that got and is getting little to no press.

Well, that is good to hear...the media is all about dividing the races....they do not want to hear stories of whites and blacks getting along and or forgiving one another.
She's lucky the Jury decided her sentence and not the judge.

10 years. She should be out in 5.
However, if she meant t kill the guy (and only she knows), then justice has not been served imo.
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

What stupidity.....first of all you do not even know the facts of the case and what does it matter what the nigha was eating...why post irrelevant crap.

Despite all the posting about it you seem ignorant of the fact many of the tenants in that complex had made the same mistake....all the apartments looked alike.

Not to mention the apartment was dark and she only had a couple of seconds to react...as soon as she realized there was someone in what she though was her apartment she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so...even though she was in uniform issuing a legal police order.
Bla,bla,bla dumb fuck! By the way along with a judge was twelve jurors and a prosecutor. The dumb bitch got what she deserved. Police uniform or not walk into my apartment unannounced with out a warrent you do not make it to trial. You die on the spot. Ever here of natural selection? This bitch gets a darwin award for being to stupid to walk the streets. You get one too!

bwaaaaaaaa what a idiot. It was not uncommon for folks to go to the wrong apt. in that complex which has been pointed ouot many times already...you still seem not to get it....you seem to think going to the wrong apt. is somehow criminal...ridiculous.

If it was an unarmed black person entering your apartment and you shot him you would be put on trial and likely convicted because you are a racist and you shot an unarmed black....that is the way the courts operate now.
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.
She's lucky the Jury decided her sentence and not the judge.

10 years. She should be out in 5.
However, if she meant t kill the guy (and only she knows), then justice has not been served imo.

You are entitled to your opinion but that is all you have and it is definitely not based on the law of self defense.
t walk into my apartment unannounced with out a warrent you do not make it to trial
And you'll go to prison for murder
You are an idiot.

breaking and entering

n. 1) the criminal act of entering a residence or other enclosed property through the slightest amount of force (even pushing open a door), without authorization. If there is intent to commit a crime, this is burglary. If there is no such intent, the breaking and entering alone is probably at least illegal trespass, which is a misdemeanor crime. 2) the criminal charge for the above.

See Section 2901.09 Ohio revised code.for explanation of castle doctrine.
She's lucky the Jury decided her sentence and not the judge.

10 years. She should be out in 5.
However, if she meant t kill the guy (and only she knows), then justice has not been served imo.

She was asked if she meant to kill him. I never heard her answer, but it's safe to assume that if you put a bullet through a dudes hart that she Kent to kill him. Intention wasn't the issue, the killing was. It was a fair sentence and the judge seemed like a good judge. Nasty thing this was, but in my opinion the judgment was just as was the sentence.
What stupidity.....first of all you do not even know the facts of the case and what does it matter what the nigha was eating...why post irrelevant crap.

Despite all the posting about it you seem ignorant of the fact many of the tenants in that complex had made the same mistake....all the apartments looked alike.

Not to mention the apartment was dark and she only had a couple of seconds to react...as soon as she realized there was someone in what she though was her apartment she hollered for him to show his hands...he refused to do so...even though she was in uniform issuing a legal police order.
Bla,bla,bla dumb fuck! By the way along with a judge was twelve jurors and a prosecutor. The dumb bitch got what she deserved. Police uniform or not walk into my apartment unannounced with out a warrent you do not make it to trial. You die on the spot. Ever here of natural selection? This bitch gets a darwin award for being to stupid to walk the streets. You get one too!

bwaaaaaaaa what a idiot. It was not uncommon for folks to go to the wrong apt. in that complex which has been pointed ouot many times already...you still seem not to get it....you seem to think going to the wrong apt. is somehow criminal...ridiculous.

If it was an unarmed black person entering your apartment and you shot him you would be put on trial and likely convicted because you are a racist and you shot an unarmed black....that is the way the courts operate now.
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder. In order for murder to occur there must be malice.

Juries like this one are constantly whittling away at our right to self defense.....and add to that the big push to confiscate weapons. Bad precedents are being set.

anyhow....tell us why you think this woman did not believe her life was in danger.
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Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

He was sitting on a couch watching TV eating Ice Cream. How was he a threat?

She was standing, he was sitting. Even if she thought it was her apartment, the first question out of her mouth should have been, "What are you doing in my apartment?"
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that complex ...a problem since all the apartments looked alike....

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if they shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.

Yes. If you shoot an unarmed black man YOU WILL GO TO JAIL.

What a crazy idea.
Some people aren't that alert, of course its believable.

If you think that the girl knowingly entered Mr. Jean's apartment on purpose, what was her motive? What interactions did she have with the man previous to this that would have driven her into a murderous rage?

The person texting and driving that kills someone did not do it on purpose. They are still going to get charged.


But I was answering a post of saying that Miss Amber's explanation that she entered the apartment in error was "not believable".

And of course it was "believable".

Whether its a valid defense under Texas law is a different question.

It really doesn't matter. Her ineptitude led to his death.
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

Why do leftists think blacks are too damn stupid to operate as normal folks would.
Exactly...that is the reality...ignorant blacks having an i.q. little above a german shepherd....thus they are constantly a problem ...all around the world no matter where they are....a bunch of parasites.

Actually, even the dumbest black person I have ever met several levels smarter than any racist I have ever known. Racists are too stupid to understand how their belief about their "inferiors" is really an expression of their fears about their own inadequacies. Someone who is so illectually limited as to believe that non-whites are stupid, fail to see how both false and destructive such beliefs are to society in general, and the economy in particular.

Imagine dismissing these talented and hardworking artists, athletes, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and confining their gifts to menial trades suitable to the mentally deficient and you can see the loss to the nation.

When you hold back non-whites by declaring them "inferior", you lose all of the superior gifts that high achieving black people have. When people don't achieve their potential, that's a loss for your nation. For generations, people like you, have kept black people from achieving their potential, mostly because you know you're not smart enough to compete with them. You fear a level playing field, because the dumbest black person has more common sense than a racist fool like you.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that complex ...a problem since all the apartments looked alike....
NOTHING you tell them matters at all. This is about "payback"/vengeance, not justice. Tou really are trying to explain justice to a group not capable of understanding the concept.

As you import more of these people, you can only expect more of this nonsense from them.
Bla,bla,bla dumb fuck! By the way along with a judge was twelve jurors and a prosecutor. The dumb bitch got what she deserved. Police uniform or not walk into my apartment unannounced with out a warrent you do not make it to trial. You die on the spot. Ever here of natural selection? This bitch gets a darwin award for being to stupid to walk the streets. You get one too!

bwaaaaaaaa what a idiot. It was not uncommon for folks to go to the wrong apt. in that complex which has been pointed ouot many times already...you still seem not to get it....you seem to think going to the wrong apt. is somehow criminal...ridiculous.

If it was an unarmed black person entering your apartment and you shot him you would be put on trial and likely convicted because you are a racist and you shot an unarmed black....that is the way the courts operate now.
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder.
There was no lawfull order made as she ws an intruder in the homeentering unnounced and she used more than reasonable force. Again to bad it was not my house, there would be no argument. She would not be around. Done going in circles with you the bitch got what she desrved. You know you wouold have smoked her if it was your home to.
I always thought a motive is paramount in a murder conviction....guess not in this case...it should at least give her grounds for appeal....she may be an idiot that should have never got a badge but murder?...i don't know about that...this feels bad...
There are probably very few cases in which Ooops! is an adequate defense.
I agree but murder?...they skipped right over manslaughter...
"According to the Texas Penal Code, if a defendant convicted of first-degree murder can prove in the punishment phase they caused the death under the " immediate influence of sudden passion arising from an adequate cause," the offense would be reduced to a second-degree felony. If the jury accepts that Guyger's actions were taken in the heat of the moment, it could reduce the sentencing range to two to 20 years in prison."

Amber Guyger sentencing: Jurors can weigh "sudden passion" defense that could lessen sentence - CBS News

Passion? Passion implies a willful action based upon emotion.

This was negligent homicide plain and simple based upon her actions, and the circumstances. 10 years is actually a light sentence in this case. she should have received at least 20, and 30 would have been fair, given the fact the victim was given the death sentence as an innocent that did nothing. Sitting in your own house, minding your own business, is about as innocent as t gets. Shooting someone sitting in their own house, minding their own business, because you're stupid and inept demands at least 30 years in prison.
When you hold back non-whites by declaring them "inferior", you lose all of the superior gifts that high achieving black people have. When people don't achieve their potential, that's a loss for your nation. For generations, people like you, have kept black people from achieving their potential, mostly because you know you're not smart enough to compete with them. You fear a level playing field, because the dumbest black person has more common sense than a racist fool like you.

I agree, but I also think that its pathetic the way the Liberal Elite thinks they are so much better than High Achieving Deplorables.

Just because someone is a hick, or a mill hunky, or a cracker, or whatever label you want to attach to rural and small town Honkies, doesn't mean that you are any better than them.
You are entitled to your opinion but that is all you have and it is definitely not based on the law of self defense.

This was not a case of self defense.

'The Black". Did you mean "The Black Person"...or "The Black Man"?

You seem to have a hard time equating black people with human beings. Just an opinion.

Just like our ancestors who were much smarter than we...I do not believe full blooded sub saharan africans are completely human....as proven by science --they are much closer to the ape family than we whites are.
Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

He was sitting on a couch watching TV eating Ice Cream. How was he a threat?

She was standing, he was sitting. Even if she thought it was her apartment, the first question out of her mouth should have been, "What are you doing in my apartment?"
You dont know that

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