Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

bwaaaaaaaa what a idiot. It was not uncommon for folks to go to the wrong apt. in that complex which has been pointed ouot many times already...you still seem not to get it....you seem to think going to the wrong apt. is somehow criminal...ridiculous.

If it was an unarmed black person entering your apartment and you shot him you would be put on trial and likely convicted because you are a racist and you shot an unarmed black....that is the way the courts operate now.
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder.
There was no lawfull order made as she ws an intruder in the homeentering unnounced and she used more than reasonable force. Again to bad it was not my house, there would be no argument. She would not be around. Done going in circles with you the bitch got what she desrved. You know you wouold have smoked her if it was your home to.

Would coulda shoulda as in wipe my ass. hehheh

The order was lawful as she was not breaking any law....she innocently entered an apartment with a open door that she thought was her own...by law and it has been posted....she was a innocent trespasser meaning since she was not engaged in any illegal activity the order she gave the nigha was legal...get over it dummie.

So she will do what? 7 maybe?

She will get a new trial and will be exonerated.

Maybe, we shall see.

I can see the broad being allowed to stay out on bail pending appeal.

The DA's office really doesn't want to piss off the police department. The problem is that the DA requires the help of the cops in bringing criminals in and providing evidence. It does them no good to have the cops peevish and unwilling to really cooperate to get convictions.

So they will probably want to take it slow here
I doubt if the police department is that happy with her
Murder. I posted a link earlier .
Why do you hate her?

I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of actual direct self defense.

Has nothing to do with hate. It's why I am pro-life and against our stupid wars also.

That is what she thought she was doing....defending her life... in the circumstances it was perfectly reasonable for her to believe that.

The problem being juries like the morons on here do not understand the law on self defense...it is all about the perception of the defendant...did he or she have a reasonable belief that their life was in danger?

Instead the juries focus on what they would have done using hindsight.....newsflash....she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

In her mind she was in her apartment and she was confronted with an intruder....her first thought being he was burglar...thus her order let me see your hands...the black refused to listen to her and instead advanced on her...so she shot to defend her life. that is all there was to it.

But the jury allowed prosecutor to turn the case into one of a evil white racists cop shooting an unarmed black man.

There was a zero threat to her life. None.

She didn't see it that way.

Suppose Mr. Jean would have lunged at her, perhaps with a shiv?

Legally he could have.
What stupidity.....first of all you do not even know the facts of the case and what does it matter what the nigha was eating...why post irrelevant crap. Trayvon was eating skittles...did that make him innocent? But in just about every msm story they talked abougt trayvon eating skittles like that was somehow a factor.

Of course, it was a factor. He went to the store to pick up some candy for his little brother. Zimmerman assumed he was a criminal and murdered him in the street. This guy was eating ice cream in his living room, he should have had a reasonable expectation that he wouldn't be shot while eating ice cream in his own home.
Why do you come on here and make comments on the case without knowing the facts?
His poor choices led to his death.

Show your damn empty hands when a cop points a gun at you!

Why do leftists think blacks are too damn stupid to operate as normal folks would.
Exactly...that is the reality...ignorant blacks having an i.q. little above a german shepherd....thus they are constantly a problem ...all around the world no matter where they are....a bunch of parasites.
^^^NOT RACIST^^^ ^^^NOT!!!^^^

Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Mean while this black guy was smart enough to get in his own apartment and she was not. Ever notice how this only happens with PD cops? This shit does n ot happen with the FBI or the SHP, of course they require you have a brain to be a member. Mean while you can score to high on the civil service test to be a PD.

That was a rather common mistake in that complex.
If it was rather common, she should not have been surprised

So she will do what? 7 maybe?

She will get a new trial and will be exonerated.

Maybe, we shall see.

I can see the broad being allowed to stay out on bail pending appeal.

The DA's office really doesn't want to piss off the police department. The problem is that the DA requires the help of the cops in bringing criminals in and providing evidence. It does them no good to have the cops peevish and unwilling to really cooperate to get convictions.

So they will probably want to take it slow here
I doubt if the police department is that happy with her

Police depts. are run by political hacks...nuff said.
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU
Why do you come on here and make comments on the case without knowing the facts?
Exactly...that is the reality...ignorant blacks having an i.q. little above a german shepherd....thus they are constantly a problem ...all around the world no matter where they are....a bunch of parasites.
^^^NOT RACIST^^^ ^^^NOT!!!^^^

Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Mean while this black guy was smart enough to get in his own apartment and she was not. Ever notice how this only happens with PD cops? This shit does n ot happen with the FBI or the SHP, of course they require you have a brain to be a member. Mean while you can score to high on the civil service test to be a PD.

That was a rather common mistake in that complex.
If it was rather common, she should not have been surprised

Well, this case was very different in that the front door was open...otherwise she would not have been able to get in and obviously when her key did not work she would have realized her mistake.

She probably did not even know about others having done a similar thing aka going to the wrong apartment....the management of that complex should have taken some kind of action to make it easier for the tenants to locate their apartments without confusion.

Then Stephen beats the slob's ass because the slob is slow, uncoordinated, and probably never been in a fight...most large people haven't. .......

Either one would have little trouble with some 75 year old BS-er though. The main challenge would be in taking care not to hurt the brittle old fella.
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Well, that's enough for this thread....I started it to share my grievance with the horrible judge's conduct. Amber got 10 years and a hug from the victim's little brother. A prison year used to be 9 months so she'll probably do 6 years or a little less with good behavior. She'll be targeted by black inmates but I got a feeling she'll put that to an end pretty quick...she can handler herself. Another jury might reduce the charge to involuntary manslaughter which seems more appropriate if she has to be guilty of something.

Let's close this down here....thank you.
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
From your lips to God's ears
Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU
Real poodles can be tough!
Bla,bla,bla dumb fuck! By the way along with a judge was twelve jurors and a prosecutor. The dumb bitch got what she deserved. Police uniform or not walk into my apartment unannounced with out a warrent you do not make it to trial. You die on the spot. Ever here of natural selection? This bitch gets a darwin award for being to stupid to walk the streets. You get one too!

bwaaaaaaaa what a idiot. It was not uncommon for folks to go to the wrong apt. in that complex which has been pointed ouot many times already...you still seem not to get it....you seem to think going to the wrong apt. is somehow criminal...ridiculous.

If it was an unarmed black person entering your apartment and you shot him you would be put on trial and likely convicted because you are a racist and you shot an unarmed black....that is the way the courts operate now.
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder. In order for murder to occur there must be malice.

Juries like this one are constantly whittling away at our right to self defense.....and add to that the big push to confiscate weapons. Bad precedents are being set.

anyhow....tell us why you think this woman did not believe her life was in danger.

In the end it doesn't matter. The how was not the issue, it was what happened that was the issue. She shot him. She didn't need to shoot him. Drunk drivers don't MEAN to kill people when they begin their evening out, but they do. Her sentence was less then what most habitual drunk drivers get when they kill people. Her charges and sentence was just.
Well, that's enough for this thread....I started it to share my grievance with the horrible judge's conduct. Amber got 10 years and a hug from the victim's little brother. A prison year used to be 9 months so she'll probably do 6 years or a little less with good behavior. She'll be targeted by black inmates but I got a feeling she'll put that to an end pretty quick...she can handler herself. Another jury might reduce the charge to involuntary manslaughter which seems more appropriate if she has to be guilty of something.

Let's close this down here....thank you.

You’re not the boss of me

You do not get to close down threads
Why do you come on here and make comments on the case without knowing the facts?
Exactly...that is the reality...ignorant blacks having an i.q. little above a german shepherd....thus they are constantly a problem ...all around the world no matter where they are....a bunch of parasites.
^^^NOT RACIST^^^ ^^^NOT!!!^^^

Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Mean while this black guy was smart enough to get in his own apartment and she was not. Ever notice how this only happens with PD cops? This shit does n ot happen with the FBI or the SHP, of course they require you have a brain to be a member. Mean while you can score to high on the civil service test to be a PD.

That was a rather common mistake in that complex.
If it was rather common, she should not have been surprised
I actually got into the wrong car once in a parking lot before I realized it wasnt mine. This DOES happen
bwaaaaaaaa what a idiot. It was not uncommon for folks to go to the wrong apt. in that complex which has been pointed ouot many times already...you still seem not to get it....you seem to think going to the wrong apt. is somehow criminal...ridiculous.

If it was an unarmed black person entering your apartment and you shot him you would be put on trial and likely convicted because you are a racist and you shot an unarmed black....that is the way the courts operate now.
You are a dumb fuck ! In my state you come through my door with out invitation you get blasted. It is called breaking and entering. The fact that you enter my residence with out permision gives me reasonable fear for my life. You die, I live free. No one with a brain can not find thier own home. If you can not find your own front door you have no buisness arguing with any one. I have lioved my whole life with out entering the wrong residence.
As pointed out many, many times already that was a common mistake in that problem where all the apartments looked alike.

Also again....you shoot an unarmed black you go to trial. Lots of folks like you though that carry concealed weapons and have no idea how that opens them to being charged with murder if the shoot an unarmed black no matter what he is doing...you best wize up or you might be going to jail like this poor woman.
I will take my chances. That poor women is to stupid to walk free. Common mistake is hillarious, these people must be drooling idiots and natural selection will take care of them eventually.

I have full and complete knowlege of the risks of carrying a fire arm. I pay attention to what the fuck I am doing and do not make these kind of mistakes. I also understand the risks of not carrying. I prefer to carry in many situations. There are times in low risk areas I do not carry. I typically do not have my gun right on me in my home but they are close by and again my dog is vigilent. Who ever you are be it cop or no cop. There is inherant risk in entering the wrong home. It is a mistake, do not be stupid enough to add to the mistake by shooting some one. At some point self responsibilty must apply. You make thes types of mistakes and you pay for them. This is advise to all! Some more good advice is lock your door so some idiot can not make this type of mistake and or have a dog that deals with intruders. This women likely would not have been shot at my residence, my dog would have gotten to her before I would have need to shoot her. Of course I likely would have still shot her so she could not have a chance to testify and have my dog put to sleep for doing his job.

first of all she was according to blacks legal dictionary a innocent trespasser....aka unknowingly entering the residence of another ....then believing she was in her own apartment she was confronted with what she reasonably thought was an intruder or burglar.

Now of course she made a mistake going to the wrong apartment and of course that is a dangerouos thing to do...but she did it innocently.

Then to make matters worse the black refused to obey a uniformed police officer.

Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

Just a screwed up situation all around....yet anyone with any legal knowledge should understand she was definitely not guilty of murder. In order for murder to occur there must be malice.

Juries like this one are constantly whittling away at our right to self defense.....and add to that the big push to confiscate weapons. Bad precedents are being set.

anyhow....tell us why you think this woman did not believe her life was in danger.

In the end it doesn't matter. The how was not the issue, it was what happened that was the issue. She shot him. She didn't need to shoot him. Drunk drivers don't MEAN to kill people when they begin their evening out, but they do. Her sentence was less then what most habitual drunk drivers get when they kill people. Her charges and sentence was just.
I agree

Jail is appropriate for grossly poor judgement in using lethal force

10 years/ 5 with good behavior is fair.
And she will never be allowed a gun again

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