Racist cracker pays for Michael Brown

This is why white people should be armed and trigger happy.

I wonder what the thugs reaction would have been if whitey went all Bernie Goetz on thir ass.

And if he had, he would have been justified. If I were in his place, once shit like this started I would assume my life is in danger and I would take whatever measures necessary to protect myself.
Also, notice the despicable behavior of the other passengers, no one lifts a finger to help.
Absolutely disgusting.
Got what he deserved? How did he deserve a beating? It didn't say he voiced an opinion at all.

This sort of behavior is no better than the police thugs you dislike.
Well, he was being white. You know, so was Darren Wilson.

For some lowlifes, that is enough. Just like being black is enough for some lowlifes on the other side of the same coin.
Frankly, I'm more interested on your opinion of cigars as phallic symbols than those on race.
Is this going to evolve into a Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky thread?
If you see them as phallic symbols, there is not much I can say to change your mind. But when I start by cutting or biting a piece off one end and lighting the other, it seems an odd thing to picture it as phallic.
So, does that excite you?

You mean beyond the enjoyment of the smoke? Not at all. But since you seem to be trying to make my cigar smoking freudian, perhaps you could remember the quote from Sigmund Freud, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
You almost gotta laugh. The same people who are outraged that religious business owners have the right to refuse service to persons who promote sodomy are fine with the concept that a Black person should be commended for assaulting a White person for wearing something that offends him. I bet the same lefties who use phrases like "racist crackers" used the "N" word to refer to uppity Blacks way back when segregation was trendy for democrats.
If you see them as phallic symbols, there is not much I can say to change your mind. But when I start by cutting or biting a piece off one end and lighting the other, it seems an odd thing to picture it as phallic.
So, does that excite you?

You mean beyond the enjoyment of the smoke? Not at all. But since you seem to be trying to make my cigar smoking freudian, perhaps you could remember the quote from Sigmund Freud, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
Yeah, I smoke 'em too, but I don't use them to project as in an avatar. There is something to that. Freud did talk about the subconscious after all.
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If you see them as phallic symbols, there is not much I can say to change your mind. But when I start by cutting or biting a piece off one end and lighting the other, it seems an odd thing to picture it as phallic.
So, does that excite you?

You mean beyond the enjoyment of the smoke? Not at all. But since you seem to be trying to make my cigar smoking freudian, perhaps you could remember the quote from Sigmund Freud, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
Yeah, I smoke 'em too, but I don't use them to project an as like an avatar. There is something to that. Freud did talk about the subconscious after all.

I posted a pic I happened to have on hand. Freud said something about that? A friend snapped that pic when we were fishing at Chester Frost Park in Chattanooga TN. Good times and a nice relaxing way to end the day.

If you see something sexual, that is your own issue. Not mine.
That cracker had it coming. Next time he'll think twice about having nothing to do with the Michael Brown shooting.
Lotsa hatred on the left. Lots of insanity. I bet Nazis had similar phrases to describe Jews when they encouraged assault and beatings by thugs who were fooled by left wing propagandists into thinking they were taking their country back.
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Once again....we have nutters twisting themselves into knots over a case of idiots acting like idiots. Here are a couple of facts that you dumb fucks should grasp.

One, when the fucking idiots who beat that man are caught, they will be charged, tried and likely jailed. As it should be.

Two, the response to this attack from the peaceful protesters in the St. Louis area is condemnation.

You assholes.....including the OP......want to pin responsibility of this act of violence on peaceful people who have voiced their opinion and concerns in the streets of Ferguson and elsewhere. Why so stupid?

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