Racist Democrats


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
February 21, 2013

(Before It's News)

Here’s what happens when you disarm the American people. Chicago, Illinois has one of the toughest gun control laws of any American city. In spite of this, 446 children were murdered in Chicago in 2012. Ninety-eight percent of them were black.

Let’s review: Since the 1930s, Democrats have enslaved blacks to government benefits, promising them a utopian life style at someone else's expense. "Trust us," proclaims the government, "we’ll take care of everything. We'll take away guns and you'll be safe." Progressives prefer that we ignore the fact that while black males comprise only 3% of New York City's population, 33% of male murder victims are black or that 36% of black unwed fathers have a prison record. Of course, the communists do appreciate the black vote.

Let us speak plainly: taking guns away from law abiding citizens increases murder statistics. If anyone is to blame for the wanton murder of 446 Chicago children, it is the un-American, unconstitutional behavior among the neo-communists. The fact that the liberal media ignores the massacre of 446 black children in Chicago while giving extensive coverage to the loss of twenty mostly white children at Sandy Hook demonstrates that Democrats and their media enablers are pure racist.


Source: Always On Watch: Semper Vigilans: Racist Democrats
February 21, 2013

(Before It's News)

Here’s what happens when you disarm the American people. Chicago, Illinois has one of the toughest gun control laws of any American city. In spite of this, 446 children were murdered in Chicago in 2012. Ninety-eight percent of them were black.

Let’s review: Since the 1930s, Democrats have enslaved blacks to government benefits, promising them a utopian life style at someone else's expense. "Trust us," proclaims the government, "we’ll take care of everything. We'll take away guns and you'll be safe." Progressives prefer that we ignore the fact that while black males comprise only 3% of New York City's population, 33% of male murder victims are black or that 36% of black unwed fathers have a prison record. Of course, the communists do appreciate the black vote.

Let us speak plainly: taking guns away from law abiding citizens increases murder statistics. If anyone is to blame for the wanton murder of 446 Chicago children, it is the un-American, unconstitutional behavior among the neo-communists. The fact that the liberal media ignores the massacre of 446 black children in Chicago while giving extensive coverage to the loss of twenty mostly white children at Sandy Hook demonstrates that Democrats and their media enablers are pure racist.


Source: Always On Watch: Semper Vigilans: Racist Democrats

"Racist Democrats"?

Why be redundant?
"It was the Republican Party that ushered in abolition, then emancipation and then voting rights. And blacks — virtually all blacks — became Republicans.

Democrats in Louisville, led by Courier-Journal editor Henry Watterson, were implacably opposed to blacks voting. Watterson wrote in the Courier-Journal that his opposition was "founded upon a conviction that their habits of life and general condition disqualify them for the judicious exercise of suffrage."

Rand Paul: GOP rooted in push for racial progress | Op-Ed | Kentucky.com


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