Racist Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump A Racist

What unmitigated gall she has to call our beloved duly elected president a racist. He is not a racist. I find her racist criminal ass appalling.

Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump 'Ignorant', 'Racist' Over Reported 'S***hole' Immigration Comments
Absolutely! The election map proves it.
Imagine Steve McRacist calling ANYONE else a racist when he’s the most virulent racist on this forum and that’s really saying something.
As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative with impeccable moral values, I only post the truth. There's nothing wrong being proud of my superior White race. I feel so privileged.

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
Not only are brown and black countries shitholes, brown and black parts of cities in America are shitholes. Why is it "racist" to make that common sense observation?
What unmitigated gall she has to call our beloved duly elected president a racist. He is not a racist. I find her racist criminal ass appalling.

Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump 'Ignorant', 'Racist' Over Reported 'S***hole' Immigration Comments

She's right.

I originally said no....I didn't think he was racist...but his rhetoric ATTRACTED racists.

I no longer believe that to be the case.

When he point blank throws all of Africa and Haiti and it's people in the "shithole" category while extolling the virtues of Norway...he's lost.

He's a racist.
These countries are poor, uneducated, and would offer nothing to our society except more debt. Trump is looking out for the USA and it's taxpaying citizens. You cry racism, you are lost. Obama was more of a racist than Trump.
What unmitigated gall she has to call our beloved duly elected president a racist. He is not a racist. I find her racist criminal ass appalling.

Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump 'Ignorant', 'Racist' Over Reported 'S***hole' Immigration Comments

She's right.

I originally said no....I didn't think he was racist...but his rhetoric ATTRACTED racists.

I no longer believe that to be the case.

When he point blank throws all of Africa and Haiti and it's people in the "shithole" category while extolling the virtues of Norway...he's lost.

He's a racist.
These countries are poor, uneducated, and would offer nothing to our society except more debt. Trump is looking out for the USA and it's taxpaying citizens. You cry racism, you are lost. Obama was more of a racist than Trump.

Looking at this list of successful Haitian Americans...I have to ask...how are they adding to our debt?

List of Haitian Americans - Wikipedia
What unmitigated gall she has to call our beloved duly elected president a racist. He is not a racist. I find her racist criminal ass appalling.

Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump 'Ignorant', 'Racist' Over Reported 'S***hole' Immigration Comments

She's right.

I originally said no....I didn't think he was racist...but his rhetoric ATTRACTED racists.

I no longer believe that to be the case.

When he point blank throws all of Africa and Haiti and it's people in the "shithole" category while extolling the virtues of Norway...he's lost.

He's a racist.
These countries are poor, uneducated, and would offer nothing to our society except more debt. Trump is looking out for the USA and it's taxpaying citizens. You cry racism, you are lost. Obama was more of a racist than Trump.

Looking at this list of successful Haitian Americans...I have to ask...how are they adding to our debt?

List of Haitian Americans - Wikipedia

Maybe you should look at the list of unsuccessful Haitians to figure it out.

In their own county the average wage earner is earning 400 USD per year. A shithole, filled with shitheads.

Their worst decision - executing whites.

None of these people should be imported to America, ever. America is a first world civilization, even if guys like you try to dismantle it at every opportunity. Being at least somewhat civilized should be a requirement to get into the country.
What unmitigated gall she has to call our beloved duly elected president a racist. He is not a racist. I find her racist criminal ass appalling.

Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump 'Ignorant', 'Racist' Over Reported 'S***hole' Immigration Comments

She's right.

I originally said no....I didn't think he was racist...but his rhetoric ATTRACTED racists.

I no longer believe that to be the case.

When he point blank throws all of Africa and Haiti and it's people in the "shithole" category while extolling the virtues of Norway...he's lost.

He's a racist.
These countries are poor, uneducated, and would offer nothing to our society except more debt. Trump is looking out for the USA and it's taxpaying citizens. You cry racism, you are lost. Obama was more of a racist than Trump.

Looking at this list of successful Haitian Americans...I have to ask...how are they adding to our debt?

List of Haitian Americans - Wikipedia

Maybe you should look at the list of unsuccessful Haitians to figure it out.

In their own county the average wage earner is earning 400 USD per year. A shithole, filled with shitheads.

Their worst decision - executing whites.

None of these people should be imported to America, ever.

So...how are Haitian immigrants adding to our debt? Looks to me like many are succesful.

Note - all immigrant groups have successful and less succesful members.

Even Norway :)
What unmitigated gall she has to call our beloved duly elected president a racist. He is not a racist. I find her racist criminal ass appalling.

Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump 'Ignorant', 'Racist' Over Reported 'S***hole' Immigration Comments

She's right.

I originally said no....I didn't think he was racist...but his rhetoric ATTRACTED racists.

I no longer believe that to be the case.

When he point blank throws all of Africa and Haiti and it's people in the "shithole" category while extolling the virtues of Norway...he's lost.

He's a racist.
These countries are poor, uneducated, and would offer nothing to our society except more debt. Trump is looking out for the USA and it's taxpaying citizens. You cry racism, you are lost. Obama was more of a racist than Trump.

Looking at this list of successful Haitian Americans...I have to ask...how are they adding to our debt?

List of Haitian Americans - Wikipedia

Maybe you should look at the list of unsuccessful Haitians to figure it out.

In their own county the average wage earner is earning 400 USD per year. A shithole, filled with shitheads.

Their worst decision - executing whites.

None of these people should be imported to America, ever.

So...how are Haitian immigrants adding to our debt? Looks to me like many are succesful.

Note - all immigrant groups have successful and less succesful members.

Even Norway :)

I already answered the question, 99.9999% of them are too stupid to participate in the economy. They are welfare users and add to our debt.

They will have children whose IQ is south of 80, who will also become welfare abusers. They will vote democrat so that they can confiscate our wealth. Assuming you are more intelligent than that, this will not end well for you if not stopped.
There was a brown racist POS on fake news CNN about an hour or so ago saying Africa has lots of resources and the USA would not exist without Africa and other shitholes. It is true Africa has tremendous resources, which makes it so strange the inhabitants there rape, murder, steal, etc. instead of organization and managing the resources in an intelligent manner to increase the wealth of the country and elevate the quality of life. The desire to improve things is not in the DNA of every race. Basically Asians and Whites lead the way, followed by Jews and intelligent Blacks and Mexicans.
She's right.

I originally said no....I didn't think he was racist...but his rhetoric ATTRACTED racists.

I no longer believe that to be the case.

When he point blank throws all of Africa and Haiti and it's people in the "shithole" category while extolling the virtues of Norway...he's lost.

He's a racist.
These countries are poor, uneducated, and would offer nothing to our society except more debt. Trump is looking out for the USA and it's taxpaying citizens. You cry racism, you are lost. Obama was more of a racist than Trump.

Looking at this list of successful Haitian Americans...I have to ask...how are they adding to our debt?

List of Haitian Americans - Wikipedia

Maybe you should look at the list of unsuccessful Haitians to figure it out.

In their own county the average wage earner is earning 400 USD per year. A shithole, filled with shitheads.

Their worst decision - executing whites.

None of these people should be imported to America, ever.

So...how are Haitian immigrants adding to our debt? Looks to me like many are succesful.

Note - all immigrant groups have successful and less succesful members.

Even Norway :)

I already answered the question, 99.9999% of them are too stupid to participate in the economy. They are welfare users and add to our debt.

They will have children whose IQ is south of 80, which will also become welfare abusers. They will vote democrat so that they can confiscate our wealth. Assuming you are more intelligent than that, this will not end well for you if not stopped.

You have a source for that or are you pulling it out of your ass?
There was a brown racist POS on fake news CNN about an hour or so ago saying Africa has lots of resources and the USA would not exist without Africa and other shitholes. It is true Africa has tremendous resources, which makes it so strange the inhabitants there rape, murder, steal, etc. instead of organization and managing the resources in an intelligent manner to increase the wealth of the country and elevate the quality of life.

I bet he actually believes Africa is poor because the whites stole their resources.

Meanwhile, Japan was nuked, twice, and they recovered in a few short years. Germany was bombed to ground multiple times, and they recovered in a few years.

It's indeed like the old theory for diseases we used to have... when people get sick they should live with not sick people, because the reason they are sick is their environment.

When we bring these people over - they don't get better.... we get sick.
Hillary is not racist. She will steal and con anyone regardless of race.
Hillary is not racist. She will steal and con anyone regardless of race.

Y'all just can't let that woman "be!" It's pathetic, but you already know that! Ya got nothing, so you go to the golden oldies of b!tchin' about Hillary, Pelosi, Warren, and other strong women to make yourselves feel better! So very sad! :blahblah: :bang3:
No, what is sad is the downright nonstop constant bickering about Trump. Its disgusting.

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