Racists fired college professor she just won huge settlement!

I know what you are saying. Black people are morally superior to any other people on the earth. I don't know what explains the fact that most crime is committed by blacks in this country. It must be white people causing it. Anyways, it is impossible for black people to have any feelings of prejudice in them so this lawsuit is completely baseless.

Now I am going to worship my black jesus because we all know that man who is as moral as Jesus can't be white, jewish, or anything but black.
I know what you are saying. Black people are morally superior to any other people on the earth. I don't know what explains the fact that most crime is committed by blacks in this country. It must be white people causing it. Anyways, it is impossible for black people to have any feelings of prejudice in them so this lawsuit is completely baseless.

Now I am going to worship my black jesus because we all know that man who is as moral as Jesus can't be white, jewish, or anything but black.
law suits end with people hating each other. What did the prof. expect?
a "thank-you"?
She's a thought police herself. Why do you think she had help? If she was a white MAN or someone who was not known for being a thought police, this wouldn't have gone anywhere.

Still, it's a precedent and it shows how the thought police are not really interested in genocide but in passive gang warfare.
Progressives have made the word racist a meaningless word...

"racist" was a meaningless term from its inception. Race in HOMO SAPIEN
is meaningless--------we is all one race -----completely mixed up for more than a
million years. We is all mutt. I prefer "color bigot" white? who is
white------I am very white-----well, actually that turns out to be PINK. The darkest
color of a person I have ever seen--------was Dravidian indian-------and even
they are not BLACK. It's the law suits that promote hatreds
Progressives have made the word racist a meaningless word..

Thats just you, and no one is responsible for what you deem meaningless.

Also, the judge didnt think so.
I am a minority, and think the progressive media has made the word meaningless.
It is used as an deflection anymore, nothing more.

Thats better....you THINK the word is meaningless. But what you think has no bearing on reality and also no one else is to blame for it but yourself
See how the courts work. Isn't it amazing. So that lying kentucky zealot who refused to do her duty got what she deserved! Courts, just when you think you have them figured out.

Progressives have made the word racist a meaningless word...

"racist" was a meaningless term from its inception. Race in HOMO SAPIEN
is meaningless--------we is all one race -----completely mixed up for more than a
million years. We is all mutt. I prefer "color bigot" white? who is
white------I am very white-----well, actually that turns out to be PINK. The darkest
color of a person I have ever seen--------was Dravidian indian-------and even
they are not BLACK. It's the law suits that promote hatreds
The word racist was invented by one of your tribesman there woman.
The fact that there are "Black College's" is racist on it's own. The fact that there are grants for people that are black or female is bigoted and racist. We live in a ass backwards world where welfare and racism have destroyed this country.

So much for the well worn RW propaganda that such a thing can't happen in America.
Our propaganda????? More like blacks can't be racist propaganda took it on the nose....

Oh fuck off the RWnuts always cry about how discrimination only goes one way.
I know what you are saying. Black people are morally superior to any other people on the earth. I don't know what explains the fact that most crime is committed by blacks in this country. It must be white people causing it. Anyways, it is impossible for black people to have any feelings of prejudice in them so this lawsuit is completely baseless.

Now I am going to worship my black jesus because we all know that man who is as moral as Jesus can't be white, jewish, or anything but black.


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