Racists in the WNBA don't like Caitlyn Clark


Looked to me like a white girl pushing another white girl.

People need to get over it. Stop trying to make a barbie doll out of Clark. She did not chose to be a chess player, ping-pong player, nor a gymnast. She chose a body contact sport. She is going to get hit, pushed, elbowed in the face, told off, fouled, etc..


Looked to me like a white girl pushing another white girl.

People need to get over it. Stop trying to make a barbie doll out of Clark. She did not chose to be a chess player, ping-pong player, nor a gymnast. She chose a body contact sport. She is going to get hit, pushed, elbowed in the face, told off, fouled, etc..
Looked to me like a white girl pushing another white girl.


process this!

if a black person knocks Clark down real hard so what... it's basketball. I can't wait for football season when you can crash into someone's back and throw them to the ground hard.

Clark looks like a dude and plays like a dude, she can handle herself. She does not need the white brotherhood always running to her rescue.
"White Brotherhood"?

My goodness, you dim witted racists sure say the stupidest things.

Looked to me like a white girl pushing another white girl.

People need to get over it. Stop trying to make a barbie doll out of Clark. She did not chose to be a chess player, ping-pong player, nor a gymnast. She chose a body contact sport. She is going to get hit, pushed, elbowed in the face, told off, fouled, etc..

You could read the above so that you and other Left wingers can no longer be willingly ignorant.
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I have no idea who that is nor any of the other players
It looks like someone who is bi-racial... with white in their family.
She looks black to me

Though I could not be sure from the video
process this!

if a black person knocks Clark down real hard so what... it's basketball. I can't wait for football season when you can crash into someone's back and throw them to the ground hard.

Clark looks like a dude and plays like a dude, she can handle herself. She does not need the white brotherhood always running to her rescue.
Cheap shots like that are cowardly and have no place in sports.
Check out this video. It's a blatant cheap shot on the new WNBA star, it's racially motivated, and it's really sad. These players should appreciate that Clark is bring unprecedented new interest in the WNBA - and that's going to be good for business! And good for their paychecks in the future. But for some reason, some of the other players simply can't see it.

And the cheap shot artist refused to answer questions about it, after the game.

Ya,ya,ya. What a travesty! Reminds me over those riots and protesting that happened over those basketball fouls a few years ago. Wait. Something is wrong here there never has been such a thing. I wonder why? Oh ya cuz that shit happens all the time. Typical right winger today trying to make a big deal where none exists.
If I were in charge of the girls' basketball, I'd put them in different uniforms, similar to those in the Legends Football League.

And I would be looking for talent in lingerie catalogs instead of college teams.

The WNBA has potential, but I think they are squandering it.
Lol, no one watches. No one is going to watch. It just is not marketable. Dress them scantily? You can see that and much more for free on the internet.
Check out this video. It's a blatant cheap shot on the new WNBA star, it's racially motivated, and it's really sad. These players should appreciate that Clark is bring unprecedented new interest in the WNBA - and that's going to be good for business! And good for their paychecks in the future. But for some reason, some of the other players simply can't see it.

And the cheap shot artist refused to answer questions about it, after the game.

So what’s the story here? Why do they not like her?

Looked to me like a white girl pushing another white girl.

People need to get over it. Stop trying to make a barbie doll out of Clark. She did not chose to be a chess player, ping-pong player, nor a gymnast. She chose a body contact sport. She is going to get hit, pushed, elbowed in the face, told off, fouled, etc..

If you don't think white people aren't racist towards other white people in the name of non whites then you haven't been paying attention. Hell that's pretty much all anifa is, it's white people harassing and attacking white people for being white. Have you seen how many white people are blm folks and assume to speak for blacks and call other whites racist?

Can't tell you how many white people I've seen shitting on others whites for being white.

And what about stuff like this?

A story about how Caitlyn Clark is erasing black women? And her popularity is due to her skin color and sexuality? False, dumb and assholeish attitude like that are helping to create general hate towards her.

She is popular because she is damned good at women's basketball. She has skill and talent. Those transcend skill and talent, but they make it about that anyway.
Educated white girl who hasn't been in jail, speaks English, absent a huge butt, no babies here and there, AND is top notch great basketball player
Why it’s an insult to all things Hoochie
Educated white girl who hasn't been in jail, speaks English, absent a huge butt, no babies here and there, AND is top notch great basketball player
Why it’s an insult to all things Hoochie
The ghetto rats hate her because they know she has what it takes to be successful outside basketball.

They know that they would just go back to being piss poor ghetto rats without it.
Part of my believes it may have all been staged. I mean it gets people talking about a sport Most don’t care about the WNBA. I would be interested to see what kind of ratings bump this gets.

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