Racists Love Republicans and Republicans Love Racists

And you can ask that asinine question with a straight face? Next?

It is hard to take you racist pricks seriously, but the Concentration Camps. Gulags, and Killing Fields prove that you clowns can be deadly if no one keeps you in check.

What you lack in brains, you make up for with hate.
You lied and that is what Republicans do. Tell me the names of the people in those robes and then show first if those CHRISTIANS are/were registered voters and then show their party affiliation.

BTW, you hero David Duke was kicked out of the Democratic party and was welcomed with open arm by the GOP.

Here is David Dukes poltitcal candidate history. He did quite well as a Republican. Your people, other racist Republicans funded, supported and elected David Duke. I bet that deep down inside you are welling with pride.

Son, you're stupid.

It's why you're a Communist.

{Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South.}

Ku Klux Klan - Facts Summary - HISTORY.com

I'd call you a stupid fucking democrat, but that's redundant.

So we'll just stick to "troll."

Actually the KKK was founded in 1865 (Christmas Day) by six bored young Confederate veterans as a lark (which is why it has all the K-alliterations and references to Greek mythology) and was soon commandeered by unorganized vigilantes seeking organizational network to basically continue fighting the Civil War.

And it was revived not by "Protestant nativist groups" but by a Georgia salesman named William Simmons (1915), acting out his fantasies that he saw in the film "Birth of a Nation". Simmons and his PR people certainly appealed to Protestant nativist groups, which is how they got to enroll some two-thirds of the white male population of Indiana, for one.

That incarnation also made inroads into the West, including Colorado, Oregon and ... the city council of Anaheim.

Fun facts.
Actually the KKK was founded in 1865 (Christmas Day) by six bored young Confederate veterans as a lark (which is why it has all the K-alliterations and references to Greek mythology) and was soon commandeered by unorganized vigilantes seeking organizational network to basically continue fighting the Civil War.

And it was revived not by "Protestant nativist groups" but by a Georgia salesman named William Simmons, acting out his fantasies that he saw in the film "Birth of a Nation". Simmons and his PR people certainly appealed to Protestant nativist groups, which is how they got to enroll some two-thirds of the white male population of Indiana, for one.

That incarnation also made inroads into the West, including Colorado, Oregon and ... the city council of Anaheim.

Fun facts.

An Anaheim city councilmen in the KKK would have been a lonely individual indeed.

This still doesn't alter the fact that the claim of some migration by segregationists is simply a lie floated by democrats seeking to revise history. It never happened - which you full well know.

Your post was accurate up to the last line, which you just HAD to toss in, because you're a hack above all...
And it's Democrats who are the racist and bigots.

so what the hell eh?

This is the response you get from them whenever you point out their behavior.

You show that the tea party accepts racism. Their response: The Dems are the REAL ones that accept racism

You show that republicans admit openly they give a shit about the poor. Their response: The Dems are the REAL ones that doesnt accept racism

Thats they're only play...I call it "Doing the Stephanie"
Just tired of your hypocrisy.
Actually the KKK was founded in 1865 (Christmas Day) by six bored young Confederate veterans as a lark (which is why it has all the K-alliterations and references to Greek mythology) and was soon commandeered by unorganized vigilantes seeking organizational network to basically continue fighting the Civil War.

And it was revived not by "Protestant nativist groups" but by a Georgia salesman named William Simmons, acting out his fantasies that he saw in the film "Birth of a Nation". Simmons and his PR people certainly appealed to Protestant nativist groups, which is how they got to enroll some two-thirds of the white male population of Indiana, for one.

That incarnation also made inroads into the West, including Colorado, Oregon and ... the city council of Anaheim.

Fun facts.

An Anaheim city councilmen in the KKK would have been a lonely individual indeed.

This still doesn't alter the fact that the claim of some migration by segregationists is simply a lie floated by democrats seeking to revise history. It never happened - which you full well know.

Your post was accurate up to the last line, which you just HAD to toss in, because you're a hack above all...

I tossed that in because it's your back yard, Pothead. And yes, it's accurate, and no, they weren't "lonely" -- they were the whole city council.

What "migration" are you talking about, Pot?
And we have another fact free statement from a member and support of the racist party of pedophiles.

Unlike you I post factual statement and links. When I said that the GOP is a party full of pedophiles I can prove it. PROOF the GOP aka the Republican party is infested with pedophiles. Click the link and see a list of convicted GOP pedophiles.

People who vote for and support the Republican Party are either knowingly or unknowingly supporting child molesters. Now that you know that the Republican Party is the party of pedophiles are you still going to be a Republican and vote for other Republican pedophiles and Republican pedophile enablers?

Are you going to continue to support pedophiles?

What you posted is demagoguery, hate founded libel that is the foundation of your filthy party. You are a scumbag - IOW a democrat. You pull out the long discredited memes from the Soros hate sites and expect others to be impressed at how clever you are in spewing mindless hate.

You are a demagogue of the lowest order, a man who acts the same as Pol Pot - demonizing enemies of your filthy party with the most vile slander Soros and his minions can fabricate.

Dude, you're a scumbag - you know this.

Truth is now demagoguery? To a supporter of racism and pedophilia I suppose it is.



Fact: Up until today the Confederate Swastika flew over the South Carolina state capital.

Fact: Dylann Roof was inspired by a racist who donated $65,000 to Republican candidates and those Republicans accepted his money/bribes.

Fact: Dylann Roof is a product of Red State ignorance lies and fascism. Had he been raised in a civilized culture he may have channeled his passion into something positive.
I tossed that in because it's your back yard, Pothead. And yes, it's accurate, and no, they weren't "lonely" -- they were the whole city council.

What "migration" are you talking about, Pot?

You spewed the big lie that "all the racist democrats became Republicans."

So name all of them...







You're just fucking lying - and everyone here knows it.
I tossed that in because it's your back yard, Pothead. And yes, it's accurate, and no, they weren't "lonely" -- they were the whole city council.

What "migration" are you talking about, Pot?

You spewed the big lie that "all the racist democrats became Republicans."

So name all of them...







You're just fucking lying - and everyone here knows it.

Uh, um, that's interesting "lying" then, since I didn't mention "Democrats" or "racists" at all. I didn't even mention "Republicans", even though I alluded to them in Anaheim. You posted a history of the KKK which was remarkably accurate for you, and I tweaked it into full accuracy. You're welcome and shit.

Some people. You give 'em a million bucks and they'll complain about the color of the money. :rolleyes:
Uh, um, that's interesting "lying" then, since I didn't mention "Democrats" or "racists" at all. I didn't even mention "Republicans", even though I alluded to them in Anaheim. You posted a history of the KKK which was remarkably accurate for you, and I tweaked it into full accuracy. You're welcome and shit.

Some people. You give 'em a million bucks and they'll complain about the color of the money. :rolleyes:

Of course you didn't - honest guy like you...

When Thurmond lost his crusade to stop the CRA in 1964, that was the impetus that caused him to bolt to the RP, as noted above, blazing the trail for countless others from Jesse Helms to David Duke. The South has always been conservative, and this led to a long history of disputes with the Democratic Party -- the only party it had -- in at least seven Presidential election seasons from 1972 all the way back to 1860.

As you note above, once Thurmond made his bold statement by party-switching in 1964, the rest of that contingent followed him there.

Yep, not one mention of democrats or Republicans....
Uh, um, that's interesting "lying" then, since I didn't mention "Democrats" or "racists" at all. I didn't even mention "Republicans", even though I alluded to them in Anaheim. You posted a history of the KKK which was remarkably accurate for you, and I tweaked it into full accuracy. You're welcome and shit.

Some people. You give 'em a million bucks and they'll complain about the color of the money. :rolleyes:

Of course you didn't - honest guy like you...

When Thurmond lost his crusade to stop the CRA in 1964, that was the impetus that caused him to bolt to the RP, as noted above, blazing the trail for countless others from Jesse Helms to David Duke. The South has always been conservative, and this led to a long history of disputes with the Democratic Party -- the only party it had -- in at least seven Presidential election seasons from 1972 all the way back to 1860.

As you note above, once Thurmond made his bold statement by party-switching in 1964, the rest of that contingent followed him there.

Yep, not one mention of democrats or Republicans....

That's a different post on a different topic, stupid.
And even then it doesn't say "all the racist democrats [sic] became Republicans."
The liars, Nazis, red state racists, Republican pedophile enablers and other lowlife individuals have attempted to derail this thread with their lies, insults, prevarications and distortions.

The KKK was started by Southerners who were pissed because they lost the war and had to give up their slaves and the lazy slacker lifestyle. Some of them were what is known as Blue Dog Democrats or conservative Democrats.

Lincoln was a Republican but he would not be a member of today's Republican party nor would William Howard Taft, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan and even Richard Nixon.

Democrats LBJ and JFK and RFK ended segregation. Many of the freedom riders were White Northern Liberals who gave their lives to end segregation and give Southern Blacks the right to vote. Blacks could vote in the liberal enlightened North.

In the 50 and 60's there was a paradigm shift. Pressure and reason were inflicted upon people like Robert Byrd and George Wallace by Northern Democrats and they repented and denounced their racist ways but most racists cannot change so they became Republicans. These Republican now are acting like the Blue dogs of yesteryear and they are working to suppress the vote of minorities same as their ancestor of yesteryear.

When trash comes to a thread like this and distorts history it only show dishonest and desperate they are.

FACT: Democrats are not trying to repress voting.

FACT: Liberals worked to help end segregation and discrimination and they along side Blacks took the fight to the filthy racists in the South who are now the Republicans.
Uh, um, that's interesting "lying" then, since I didn't mention "Democrats" or "racists" at all. I didn't even mention "Republicans", even though I alluded to them in Anaheim. You posted a history of the KKK which was remarkably accurate for you, and I tweaked it into full accuracy. You're welcome and shit.

Some people. You give 'em a million bucks and they'll complain about the color of the money. :rolleyes:

Of course you didn't - honest guy like you...

When Thurmond lost his crusade to stop the CRA in 1964, that was the impetus that caused him to bolt to the RP, as noted above, blazing the trail for countless others from Jesse Helms to David Duke. The South has always been conservative, and this led to a long history of disputes with the Democratic Party -- the only party it had -- in at least seven Presidential election seasons from 1972 all the way back to 1860.

As you note above, once Thurmond made his bold statement by party-switching in 1964, the rest of that contingent followed him there.

Yep, not one mention of democrats or Republicans....

That's a different post on a different topic, stupid.
And even then it doesn't say "all the racist democrats [sic] became Republicans."

Name a living Democrat who is a racist..
Uh, um, that's interesting "lying" then, since I didn't mention "Democrats" or "racists" at all. I didn't even mention "Republicans", even though I alluded to them in Anaheim. You posted a history of the KKK which was remarkably accurate for you, and I tweaked it into full accuracy. You're welcome and shit.

Some people. You give 'em a million bucks and they'll complain about the color of the money. :rolleyes:

Of course you didn't - honest guy like you...

When Thurmond lost his crusade to stop the CRA in 1964, that was the impetus that caused him to bolt to the RP, as noted above, blazing the trail for countless others from Jesse Helms to David Duke. The South has always been conservative, and this led to a long history of disputes with the Democratic Party -- the only party it had -- in at least seven Presidential election seasons from 1972 all the way back to 1860.

As you note above, once Thurmond made his bold statement by party-switching in 1964, the rest of that contingent followed him there.

Yep, not one mention of democrats or Republicans....

That's a different post on a different topic, stupid.
And even then it doesn't say "all the racist democrats [sic] became Republicans."

Name a living Democrat who is a racist..

Al Sharpton
Uh, um, that's interesting "lying" then, since I didn't mention "Democrats" or "racists" at all. I didn't even mention "Republicans", even though I alluded to them in Anaheim. You posted a history of the KKK which was remarkably accurate for you, and I tweaked it into full accuracy. You're welcome and shit.

Some people. You give 'em a million bucks and they'll complain about the color of the money. :rolleyes:

Of course you didn't - honest guy like you...

When Thurmond lost his crusade to stop the CRA in 1964, that was the impetus that caused him to bolt to the RP, as noted above, blazing the trail for countless others from Jesse Helms to David Duke. The South has always been conservative, and this led to a long history of disputes with the Democratic Party -- the only party it had -- in at least seven Presidential election seasons from 1972 all the way back to 1860.

As you note above, once Thurmond made his bold statement by party-switching in 1964, the rest of that contingent followed him there.

Yep, not one mention of democrats or Republicans....

That's a different post on a different topic, stupid.
And even then it doesn't say "all the racist democrats [sic] became Republicans."

Name a living Democrat who is a racist..
Bill Clinton.


Oh, might as well throw in Hillary too...

But why stop there.

Every liberal who thinks that the black man is so inferior as to need special help in education and job acquisition are also racists.

Somehow, I think your particular brand of bigotry is the worst of all. You have that 'zealot' flair. The rabid, foaming at the mouth, fascistic belief in your own righteousness; utterly blind to the blight and despair you cause.
FDR hired a former member of the KKK to the Supreme Court and joked about it. If you checked the wallets of KKK members during the 60's you would find that they were all registered democrats. Democrat congress people voted against the Civil Rights act. Were y'all left wing progs born yesterday?

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