Racists Love Republicans and Republicans Love Racists

How long will we let conservatives write off Republican racism as a coincidence?

Great question.

They are not ALL racists.

Let me repeat for my slow friends at USMB - you are not ALL racists.

Here's the problem. Ready? Here it comes---->

You refuse to outright disavow and publicly shame the 25-30% of Conservatives that hold some overt or veiled racists views.

That's it, right there. If you would only tell the racists to go get their own party, the GOP is closed to them--then you might someday be the GRAND OLD PARTY again, the party of Lincoln.

The New York Times reported this morning that Earl Holt—the leader of the white supremacist group, the Council of Conservative Citizens, that apparently had so much influence over Dylann Roof—donated thousands of dollars to various Republican politicians. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum all responded by trying to put some distance there, by either returning the money or giving it to charity.

That’s all a good first step, but it’s also frustrating and telling that this is only being done after nine people lost their lives to a racist ideologue with a gun. It’s not like no one knew before about the Council of Conservative Citizens and their deep and very often successful desire to get involved in Republican politics. Trent Lott, who also had to apologize in 2002 for basically suggesting that this country would have been better off if we’d kept segregation, addressed the group at their 1998 convention.

Trent Lott - okay you handled that one well. You should have kicked him out of the party, though.

Again....the real racism is to deny blacks the basic respect that they can obtain the American Dream and be successful.

Conservatives expect everyone to be successful.

Liberals state blacks cannot be successful____________(insert bullshit reason here).

Which is worse?

Looks like you just declared blacks can't think for themselves.

Nope. Read again. I am saying Liberals have told blacks for decades they are victims and cannot be successful in America.

Conservatives feel all Americans have the opportunity to be successful.

Now which message is more racist and destructive?

Liberals should be ashamed of the bullshit they have told minorities for decades, and continue to tell them. :(
Again....the real racism is to deny blacks the basic respect that they can obtain the American Dream and be successful.

Conservatives expect everyone to be successful.

Liberals state blacks cannot be successful____________(insert bullshit reason here).

Which is worse?

Looks like you just declared blacks can't think for themselves.

Nope. Read again. I am saying Liberals have told blacks for decades they are victims and cannot be successful in America.

Conservatives feel all Americans have the opportunity to be successful.

Now which message is more racist and destructive?

Liberals should be ashamed of the bullshit they have told minorities for decades, and continue to tell them. :(

They should be ashamed of a lot ofthe stuff they have lied about, made up, and fed to the people in this country. AND all of for their own stinking political agendas.

It's the worst I have ever seen it. Starting with the most nastiest campaign by a Democrat with Obama. our country has been in total CHOAS since he's been in office. and now LOOK at them today using these dead people to spread more hate. bringing up some dumb flag as if that made the kid a shooter. this nasty man Obama bring out the word Nxxxer to stir up the hate..... they are sick and they make me sick
I don't give a shit about the stupid flag. Get rid of it for all I care. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with those folks being murdered in Charleston. It is just more divisive bullshit and lies from the left.

What else is new?
Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.
And, what do Democrats love besides money, power, attention, themselves, fifteen minutes in front of the cameras, their contributors, their perks and benefits, and votes? Curious minds want to know.

It seems to me that their whole goal in life is to tell everyone else what to do or lecture people on what they are doing wrong.

This was 1992, I thought that the left told us the racists fled the democrat party. Just as we all thought, they were wrong once again. I wonder if Mrs. Clinton will use a similliar button.
When will the Democrats stop currying the favor of the racists in your party, like Sharpton, and Jackson?

Oh, wait, you never will, will you?

You need them for the votes they bring.
I tossed that in because it's your back yard, Pothead. And yes, it's accurate, and no, they weren't "lonely" -- they were the whole city council.

What "migration" are you talking about, Pot?

You spewed the big lie that "all the racist democrats became Republicans."

So name all of them...







You're just fucking lying - and everyone here knows it.
Truth is now demagoguery? To a supporter of racism and pedophilia I suppose it is.

You deal in slander and libel - if a troll post of yours ever contains any truth, it will be purely coincidental.

Typical response of a loser. You got totally butt hurt and now you are crying troll how typical of a loser and a liar.

You lie and whine a lot here do you do it where people can punk you and kick your ass. I doubt it because you are a wuss and a coward.

This was 1992, I thought that the left told us the racists fled the democrat party. Just as we all thought, they were wrong once again. I wonder if Mrs. Clinton will use a similliar button.

Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.
And, what do Democrats love besides money, power, attention, themselves, fifteen minutes in front of the cameras, their contributors, their perks and benefits, and votes? Curious minds want to know.

It seems to me that their whole goal in life is to tell everyone else what to do or lecture people on what they are doing wrong.
That's certainly possible, I wouldn't doubt it. Just typical politicians.
I tossed that in because it's your back yard, Pothead. And yes, it's accurate, and no, they weren't "lonely" -- they were the whole city council.

What "migration" are you talking about, Pot?

You spewed the big lie that "all the racist democrats became Republicans."

So name all of them...







You're just fucking lying - and everyone here knows it.
Truth is now demagoguery? To a supporter of racism and pedophilia I suppose it is.

You deal in slander and libel - if a troll post of yours ever contains any truth, it will be purely coincidental.

Typical response of a loser. You got totally butt hurt and now you are crying troll how typical of a loser and a liar.

You lie and whine a lot here do you do it where people can punk you and kick your ass. I doubt it because you are a wuss and a coward.
You should drop the Fat from your name and just go by what you are
ugly and nasty. Im dropping you out of sight. see ya
I think you got the details wrong.

{In 1989 it was discovered that Barney Frank's boyfriend, Stephen Gobie, whom Frank had once hired as a male prostitute, was running a male-brothel out of the Congressman's home. Frank claimed he did not know about the prostitution ring in his home, but he did use the power of his office to "fix" 33 tickets for Gobie. And he knowingly wrote a misleading letter to Gobie's probation officer in Virginia. Frank received a "reprimand" for fixing the tickets. Gobie maintained that Frank knew about the prostitution ring operation in his home.

Read more: The One Thing No One Is Mentioning In Their Barney Frank Tributes The Prostitutes - Business Insider}

It's only bad when Republicans do it.....
In 1985 Frank was still closeted. That year he hired Steve Gobie, a male prostitute, for sex, and they became "more friends than sexual partners."[27] Frank housed Gobie and hired him with personal funds as an aide, housekeeper and driver and paid for his attorney and court-ordered psychiatrist.[27] In 1987, Frank evicted Gobie after being advised by his landlord that Gobie kept escorting despite the support and was doing so in the residence.[27][28] Later that year, Gobie's friends persuaded him that he had a gay male version of Mayflower Madam, a TV movie about an escort service.[27] In 1989, Gobie tried to initiate a bidding war for the story between WUSA-TV (Channel 9), the Washington Times, and The Washington Post.[27] He then gave the story toThe Washington Times for nothing, in hopes of getting a book contract.[28] Amid calls for an investigation, Frank asked the House Ethics Committee to investigate his relationship "in order to ensure that the public record is clear."[29] The Committee found no evidence that Frank had known of or been involved in the alleged illegal activity and dismissed all Gobie's more scandalous claims; they recommended a reprimand for Frank using his congressional office to fix 33 of Gobie's parking tickets and for misstatements of fact in a memorandum relating to Gobie's criminal probation record.[30] The House voted 408–18 to reprimand Frank.[31][32] The attempts tocensure and expel Frank were led by Republican Larry Craig (whom Frank later criticized for hypocrisy[33] after Craig's own arrest in 2007 for "propositioning an undercover cop in a Minneapolis-St. Paul airport bathroom").[34][35][36] Despite the controversy, Frank won re-election in 1990 with 66 percent of the vote, and by larger margins until the 2010 Mid-term elections when his victory margin went down to eleven points.[37]

Barney Frank - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Neither your account nor mine says anything about "underage boys".

Talk about irony.....Larry "wide stance" Craig.
too funny.
How long will the PEOPLE keep PUTTING up people like Op ?

they just KICKED your party out of Congress for this very type of hate

so keep it up. 2016 RIGHT around the corner.
Again....the real racism is to deny blacks the basic respect that they can obtain the American Dream and be successful.

Conservatives expect everyone to be successful.

Liberals state blacks cannot be successful____________(insert bullshit reason here).

Which is worse?

Looks like you just declared blacks can't think for themselves.

Nope. Read again. I am saying Liberals have told blacks for decades they are victims and cannot be successful in America.

Conservatives feel all Americans have the opportunity to be successful.

Now which message is more racist and destructive?

Liberals should be ashamed of the bullshit they have told minorities for decades, and continue to tell them. :(

You are completely full of shit.

Who got all the civil rights legislation passed you filthy liar? It was the Kennedy's, Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon Johnson. Johnson risked his entire political career fighting for civil rights. All these men were liberal Democrats you filthy liar.

Kennedy and Johnson desegregated the Southern schools and not because it was the popular thing to do in the savage racist South they did it because it was the right thing to do. They went against their base in the South to do the right thing. The Blue dog left the party. Today the Blue Dog are gone from the Dems because they were the slime. Have someone read this to you you pathetic illiterate supporter of racism and pedophilia. Where have the Blue Dogs gone and what it means for the Democratic Party s future

The blue dogs are gone you moron and they have been gone for a long time. The shit bum who posted a picture of the confederate battle flag pin with Clinton Gore on it either photo shopped it or the were appealing to the few blue dogs who are left.
Let's recap.

Dylann Roof is a product of the racist South. He was strongly influence the by the rantings of a Republican campaign contributor. As a result Roof like his cowardly Republican heroes strolled into a church and gunned down 9 innocent people. This is what today's conservative Rethuglicans have come to be.

Today's Republicans are a cancer.
I tossed that in because it's your back yard, Pothead. And yes, it's accurate, and no, they weren't "lonely" -- they were the whole city council.

What "migration" are you talking about, Pot?

You spewed the big lie that "all the racist democrats became Republicans."

So name all of them...







You're just fucking lying - and everyone here knows it.
Truth is now demagoguery? To a supporter of racism and pedophilia I suppose it is.

You deal in slander and libel - if a troll post of yours ever contains any truth, it will be purely coincidental.

Typical response of a loser. You got totally butt hurt and now you are crying troll how typical of a loser and a liar.

You lie and whine a lot here do you do it where people can punk you and kick your ass. I doubt it because you are a wuss and a coward.
You should drop the Fat from your name and just go by what you are
ugly and nasty. Im dropping you out of sight. see ya

You should accept the fact Stephanie that you were dropped on your head a lot.

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