*Radar And Traffic Cameras.*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I got my gripes.
2. Both these realities have infringed upon me recently.
3. One before I went on vacation.
4. The other when I was on vacation.
5. These cops and cities are reaching out to my pocket, and taking a wad of cash.
6. Has this effected anyone here at USMB recently too?
7. I'm about to start ranting about this, and was wondering how others feel about it?:badgrin:

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I'm not saying that Red Light Cameras set up at intersections have shorter yellow lights just to nail you, because that would be a "conspiracy Theory".

And I would NEVER want anyone to think that Cities give kickbacks to Red Light Camera Companies who set them up like that because again, that would be "conspiracy theory" and none of you are dumb enough to believe that.

Sorry bout that,

I'm not saying that Red Light Cameras set up at intersections have shorter yellow lights just to nail you, because that would be a "conspiracy Theory".

And I would NEVER want anyone to think that Cities give kickbacks to Red Light Camera Companies who set them up like that because again, that would be "conspiracy theory" and none of you are dumb enough to believe that.


1. Nope, no one here is stupid enough to believe that for sure.:badgrin:

The state highway and traffic system can do whatever they want. We don't have a right to break their rules. My only beef is when they lie to me.

The lie is when they try to tell me how many lives the cameras will save.

there are two types of "Red Light Violators". 1. Those who enter the intersection when the light is yellow but it turns red on them. 2. those who don't see the red light at all for whatever reason, and go right through it when there are other cars crossing the intersection.

The drivers in type 1 don't kill or injure people. The drivers in type 2 are responsible for 99% of intersection traffic accidents and injuries.

The red lights will slow down the incidence of type 1 red light runners but will do NOTHING to prevent type 2.

The Red Light Cameras are there for the SOLE purpose of bringing money in to the state coffers. I hate it when they try to tell me otherwise.
Sorry bout that,

The state highway and traffic system can do whatever they want. We don't have a right to break their rules. My only beef is when they lie to me.

The lie is when they try to tell me how many lives the cameras will save.

there are two types of "Red Light Violators". 1. Those who enter the intersection when the light is yellow but it turns red on them. 2. those who don't see the red light at all for whatever reason, and go right through it when there are other cars crossing the intersection.

The drivers in type 1 don't kill or injure people. The drivers in type 2 are responsible for 99% of intersection traffic accidents and injuries.

The red lights will slow down the incidence of type 1 red light runners but will do NOTHING to prevent type 2.

The Red Light Cameras are there for the SOLE purpose of bringing money in to the state coffers. I hate it when they try to tell me otherwise.

1. I tend to agree, seems its a 24/7/365, cash register.
2. Its like a blessing sent down from heaven to those who control this.
3. A camera doesn't stop traffic accidents, if anything accidents increase from having cameras, because people end up thinking about the camera instead of paying attention to the traffic in front of them.
4. In a way its criminal, for its *Big Brother* with a spin, they see what you are doing 24/7/365, and then take your money for doing it.
5. Its a machine thats better than a one armed bandit, it never fails to win, all day and night it takes in the cash, and never mind they can control the yellow, they can automatically discern if you are approaching the light at too fast a speed to slow down and stop, so when their computer knows that, then it will quick change the yellow into red.
6. You are caught approaching the light in a red, as you cross the line before you enter the intersection, which is the common area out in the middle of both directions of traffic.
7. They do indeed control the lights.
8. And in so doing its criminal.:mad:

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I'm not saying that Red Light Cameras set up at intersections have shorter yellow lights just to nail you, because that would be a "conspiracy Theory".

And I would NEVER want anyone to think that Cities give kickbacks to Red Light Camera Companies who set them up like that because again, that would be "conspiracy theory" and none of you are dumb enough to believe that.


Actually, that is quite well known. Most states have two legal amount of time a yellow light might stay yellow, one for light traffic and/or slower speeds, and one for heavier traffic, and/or higher speeds. When negotiating the contract with the city the company generally stipulates that ALL cameras, regardless of amount of traffic or speed, will use the shorter time. If the city wants the cameras installed, they must agree with this.

Edit: It is also not a kickback, since generally the two are in a revenue sharing joint venture, so increased tickets, is increased revenues for both parties.
I don't speed or run red lights so neither affects me.

1. Those who enter the intersection when the light is yellow but it turns red on them.

Yellow means stop. Not let's get through before it turns red as many think it is.
Sorry bout that,

I don't speed or run red lights so neither affects me.

1. Those who enter the intersection when the light is yellow but it turns red on them.

Yellow means stop. Not let's get through before it turns red as many think it is.

1. Everyone speeds from time to time.
2. We all do it.
3. I seldom speed, just not important to get there a couple minutes early for me.
4. But traffic situations dictate I speed from time to time.
5. You don't have to speed in order to get a speeding ticket though.
6. False readings happen all the time.

I'm not saying that Red Light Cameras set up at intersections have shorter yellow lights just to nail you, because that would be a "conspiracy Theory".

And I would NEVER want anyone to think that Cities give kickbacks to Red Light Camera Companies who set them up like that because again, that would be "conspiracy theory" and none of you are dumb enough to believe that.


Actually, that is quite well known. Most states have two legal amount of time a yellow light might stay yellow, one for light traffic and/or slower speeds, and one for heavier traffic, and/or higher speeds. When negotiating the contract with the city the company generally stipulates that ALL cameras, regardless of amount of traffic or speed, will use the shorter time. If the city wants the cameras installed, they must agree with this.

Edit: It is also not a kickback, since generally the two are in a revenue sharing joint venture, so increased tickets, is increased revenues for both parties.
Conspiring to rip people off doesn't bother you? Well then you should enter Politics or go to work for a Bank.
Sorry bout that,

1. I got my gripes.
2. Both these realities have infringed upon me recently.
3. One before I went on vacation.
4. The other when I was on vacation.
5. These cops and cities are reaching out to my pocket, and taking a wad of cash.
6. Has this effected anyone here at USMB recently too?
7. I'm about to start ranting about this, and was wondering how others feel about it?:badgrin:


Yeah. We are loaded with Red Light Cameras, where I live, and intent to start with Speed Cameras too. It sucks. I know of one with about a 1 second Yellow light, in a 30mph zone, which nails cars every day and night. The City is desperate to get cash any way it can.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I got my gripes.
2. Both these realities have infringed upon me recently.
3. One before I went on vacation.
4. The other when I was on vacation.
5. These cops and cities are reaching out to my pocket, and taking a wad of cash.
6. Has this effected anyone here at USMB recently too?
7. I'm about to start ranting about this, and was wondering how others feel about it?:badgrin:


Yeah. We are loaded with Red Light Cameras, where I live, and intent to start with Speed Cameras too. It sucks. I know of one with about a 1 second Yellow light, in a 30mph zone, which nails cars every day and night. The City is desperate to get cash any way it can.

1. Why is this legal?

I'm not saying that Red Light Cameras set up at intersections have shorter yellow lights just to nail you, because that would be a "conspiracy Theory".

And I would NEVER want anyone to think that Cities give kickbacks to Red Light Camera Companies who set them up like that because again, that would be "conspiracy theory" and none of you are dumb enough to believe that.


Actually, that is quite well known. Most states have two legal amount of time a yellow light might stay yellow, one for light traffic and/or slower speeds, and one for heavier traffic, and/or higher speeds. When negotiating the contract with the city the company generally stipulates that ALL cameras, regardless of amount of traffic or speed, will use the shorter time. If the city wants the cameras installed, they must agree with this.

Edit: It is also not a kickback, since generally the two are in a revenue sharing joint venture, so increased tickets, is increased revenues for both parties.
Conspiring to rip people off doesn't bother you? Well then you should enter Politics or go to work for a Bank.

I never said it was right, I was just saying that you were using the wrong word. Kickback implies it is illegal. It is not illegal, maybe immoral.

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