Radical Liberalized Terrorists Shoots Republicans; Liberal Fake News Media Respond With NO CLASS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Liberal WaPo Analysis Writer, Budding Author Deletes Heinous Tweet About Shooting

Malcolm Harris, who tweets at the ominous addy @BigMeanInternet and wrote a recent analysis piece for The Washington Post, deleted what may be the most heinous reaction to the morning shootings at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Va.


W T F?!

Way to stay classy, Democrats / Libtards!

This guy should be SO fired!
So who exactly feeds you your bizarre talking points?
'Talking Points'? Dude, this is reported 'news'.

Put the paranoid political crack pipe down, take the liberal ear-piece out of your ear through which they are feeding you what to think / say - like they did with Hillary during debates, and think for yourself.

Take a look around for yourself and for once just take in the actual SHIT that is going on....crap like this ass-clown and what he had the nerve to tweet.



THAT is THINKING FOR YOURSELF, snowflake. Try it sometime.
Well, at least you didn't deny how you just recite every nonsense talking point that your masters feed you. That's for the best, as nobody would have believed it.

There's a reason your masters feed you such hysteria. It keeps you frightened and obedient.

Oh, if it had been a Republican saying such a type of meaningless thing, we would have ignored it. We're not like you. We don't get outraged on command about insignificant nonsense.
Has anybody else noticed that all the leftards today sound like they're wasted?
I'm thinking that some of them sound disappointed.
Freaking flacaltenn is wigging out about how our election was a failure and next election everybody is losing and I don't know what all...he seems to be unaware that most normal, every day Americans who work and don't live in the cities are thrilled with Trump and the last election results. He seems to think that it's the INDEPENDENTS who are responsible for his election, and forgets that half the INDEPENDENTS are actually conservatives.
We need to understand what radicalizes left wing lunatics and then stop whatever motivates them to act upon the violent rhetoric of their so called leaders.

Maybe the hate speech of the left should be stoppped.

Hate speech isn't protected by the first ammendment....isn't that the left wing line?
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It's all about the incitement. Democrats have set out on a mission to incite, unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been dangerously shameful. If they aren't reigned in soon, more Democrats are gonna act on their incitement. More folks are gonna die.
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GOP rep. received threatening email with subject line 'One down, 216 to go...' after lawmaker shooting

“This morning, our office received a disturbing message referencing the tragic shooting that wounded House Whip Rep. Steve Scalise, U.S. Capitol Police officers and a Congressional staff member," Andrews said in a statement Wednesday afternoon. "Although our office receives threats like these regularly, today’s message was particularly disheartening following this morning’s tragic events."

"The level of discourse in politics today is truly unfortunate. Our nation was founded on the principle of free speech, and it’s vitally important that we have a robust debate on the issues. However, protections under the first amendment do not extend to violence," Andrews added. "
All the hate these past years aimed at Obama and Hillary from the right and now the right wing haters have something to sing about, too funny. One bad apple and now we will hear about it forever, for so limited is the right wing mind they feed on wrongs.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
"The accused shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, 66, posted a link to a Change.org petition in late-March that included the notation that, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”

"Hodgkinson’s Facebook page includes numerous photos of Senator Bernie Sanders, whom Hodgkinson appears to have strongly supported during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary. In posts last August, Hodgkinson wrote, “I want Bernie to Win the White House” and “Bernie is a Progressive, while Hillary is Republican Lite.”

And he looks like a fag.


Reminds me of Taint, only more manly.

Congressional Shooter Recently Wrote, "It's Time To Destroy Trump & Co."
All the hate these past years aimed at Obama and Hillary from the right and now the right wing haters have something to sing about, too funny. One bad apple and now we will hear about it forever, for so limited is the right wing mind they feed on wrongs.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
We hated Obama because he caused, celebrated, glorified and justified violent attacks on Americans.
It's all about the incitement. Democrats have set out on a mission to incite, unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been dangerously shameful. If they aren't reigned in soon, more Democrats are gonna act on their incitement. More folks are gonna die.

We've seen it before, in 1920's Germany. What the democrats are doing is nothing new, but if we ALLOW them to get away with it, we are truly fools.
We need to understand what radicalizes left wing lunatics and then stop whatever motivates them to act upon the violent rhetoric of their so called leaders.

Maybe the hate speech of the left should be stoppped.

Hate speech isn't protected by the first ammendment....isn't that the left wing line?

I think we might have an idea of who radicalized the fascist democrats...

The asshole was a member of several Anti-GOP hate groups. No doubt he was inspired to kill Republicans by his Democrat heroes he saw on the Idiot Box.

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